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The Google Project. Canadian Paralympic Committee: Running (Unstoppable) Audio Sauna - Online Audio Workstation. CSS3 Experiment #1: 3D Stuff. I think I might've gotten a little carried away while learning CSS3 transforms... : webdev. Sassy Mother Effing Text Shadow. Texting trick that has never failed me : seduction. 10 things they SHOULD tell you at graduation, but you'll probably just get kind of moving speech about how anything is possible : humor. The 10 things they really don’t tell you at graduation - ComPost. Know Your Meme: Boxxy. LESS « The Dynamic Stylesheet language. Optimize browser rendering - Make the Web Faster. Once resources have been downloaded to the client, the browser still needs to load, interpret, and render HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code.

By simply formatting your code and pages in ways that exploit the characteristics of current browsers, you can enhance performance on the client side. Use efficient CSS selectors Overview Avoiding inefficient key selectors that match large numbers of elements can speed up page rendering. Details As the browser parses HTML, it constructs an internal document tree representing all the elements to be displayed. According to this system, the fewer rules the engine has to evaluate the better. The following categories of rules are considered to be inefficient: Rules with descendant selectors For example: Rules with the universal selector as the key body * {...}.hide-scrollbars * {...} Rules with a tag selector as the key ul li a {...}

Rules with child or adjacent selectors body > * {...}.hide-scrollbars > * {...} ul > li > a {...} Rules with overly qualified selectors. Grimes - Be a Body (侘寂) Home Of Happy Wheels - Happy Wheels Full Version. Hello pals. I'd like to continue hosting the flash version of Happy Wheels as long as possible.

With the loss of certain ad networks, I'm going to try out a few different ad formats on this site as I continue to attempt to regain some of the revenue that went missing. I'll be making a few minor changes here and there to see whatever works best. Nothing should be annoying. This heads up was the main reason for this news post. The discord server, which is now official at has been very helpful to me and the game. Though I would prefer to be silent, I feel obligated to say that I am still working full time on the sequel, and it's still reeeeeaally time consuming. Happiness Trailer. Caplin Rous in The Alien Capybara. Grimes - 10 Symphonia IX (My wait is u) Css2Less. Vote Datsyuk for cover of HNL13! : DetroitRedWings. Astronomers see ANOTHER star ripped apart by a black hole! Last year, astronomers saw the violent death throes of a star as it was literally torn apart by a black hole (see here, and links within). And now, they’ve seen it again: observations across the electromagnetic spectrum caught another star that wandered too close to a supermassive black hole, and suffered the ultimate fate.

These observations show the before-and-after (left versus right) of the event. The top two are from GALEX, a satellite that observes the skies in the ultraviolet, and the bottom using Pan-STARRS1, a powerful telescope (located on which mountain, you ask? Why, Haleakala in Hawaii, of course) that scans the entire night sky looking for transients, things that change brightness. The light from the star’s violent demise reached us in June of 2010. The event happened in the heart of a distant galaxy, 2.7 billion light years away.

The flare happened when the stellar material spiraled into the hole. [You can watch a high-def version of this on the Hubble site.] Hmph. Astronomers see ANOTHER star ripped apart by a black hole! : science. Reggie Watts Performing At Conan O'Brien´s Late Night Show. AirDroid v1.0.5 - Wirelessly manage your Android from your favorite browser. For those who don't remember, MTV actually aired this video. Several times. The Prodigy - Smack My Bitch Up (NSFW) : Music. Cyclists accuse Toronto mayor Ford of 'war on bikes' : bicycling. Cyclists accuse Toronto mayor Ford of 'war on bikes' 2 May 2012Last updated at 20:49 ET By Jason Margolis PRI's The World VIDEO: Cyclists in Toronto accuse the city's mayor of waging a 'war on bikes'. Toronto's tough-talking mayor has never hidden his disdain for cyclists.

Now they are accusing him of trumping up a war on two-wheeled commuters. Bike lanes have been removed but are the city's streets any more dangerous to ride? Rob Ford cruised to victory as city mayor a year-and-a-half ago pledging to end what he dubbed "the war on the car". "And what I compare bike lanes to is swimming with the sharks. "And every year we have dozens of people that get hit by cars or trucks. "My heart bleeds for them when I hear someone gets killed, but it's their own fault at the end of the day.

" Toronto mayor Rob Ford, right, prides himself on his straight-talking approach - much like Donald Trump. Since Ford came into office, Toronto hasn't just stopped putting in bike lanes; it has started removing some of them. Continue reading the main story. If I was in charge of schools... : mbti. To Predict Dating Success, The Secret's In The Pronouns : Shots - Health Blog. Hide captionPeople who are interested in and paying close attention to each other begin to speak more alike, a psychologist says. People who are interested in and paying close attention to each other begin to speak more alike, a psychologist says. On a recent Friday night, 30 men and 30 women gathered at a hotel restaurant in Washington, D.C. Their goal was love, or maybe sex, or maybe some combination of the two. They were there for speed dating. The women sat at separate numbered tables while the men moved down the line, and for two solid hours they did a rotation, making small talk with people they did not know, one after another, in three-minute increments.

I had gone to record the night, which was put on by a company called Professionals in the City, and what struck me was the noise in the room. What were these people saying? And what can we learn from what they are saying? That is why I called James Pennebaker, a psychologist interested in the secret life of pronouns. Benny Benassi & Public Enemy - Bring The Noise (Pump-kin Remix) Lincoln High School in Walla Walla, WA, tries new approach to school discipline — suspensions drop 85% « ACEs Too High. Jim Sporleder, principal of Lincoln High School THE FIRST TIME THAT principal Jim Sporleder tried the New Approach to Student Discipline at Lincoln High School in Walla Walla, WA, he was blown away. Because it worked. In fact, it worked so well that he never went back to the Old Approach to Student Discipline. This is how it went down: A student blows up at a teacher, drops the F-bomb.

The usual approach at Lincoln – and, safe to say, at most high schools in this country – is automatic suspension. “Wow. The kid was ready. Defenses melt like ice under a blowtorch and the words pour out: “My dad’s an alcoholic. Whoa. And then he goes back to the teacher and apologizes. “The kid still got a consequence,” explains Sporleder – but he wasn’t sent home, a place where there wasn’t anyone who cares much about what he does or doesn’t do. Before the words “namby-pamby”, “weenie”, or “not the way they did things in my day” start flowing across your lips, take a look at these numbers: First. Second. ELI5: Kirchoff's current law : explainlikeimfive. Russia warns on missile defence deal with Nato and US. 3 May 2012Last updated at 12:22 GMT Russia says it will put more powerful warheads on its own ballistic missiles if the US defence system goes ahead Russia says it is prepared to use "destructive force pre-emptively" if the US goes ahead with controversial plans for a missile defence system based in Central Europe.

The warning came after the Russian defence minister said talks on missile defence were nearing a dead end. Moscow fears that missile interceptors would be a threat to Russia's security. But the US and Nato say they are intended to protect against attacks from Iran or North Korea. "A decision to use destructive force pre-emptively will be taken if the situation worsens," chief of the Russian defence staff Gen Nikolai Makarov said. 'Flawed assumptions' Two days of talks opened on Thursday in Moscow between Russia, the US and Nato. Russian Defence Minister Anatoly Serdyukov said the talks were "close to a dead end", but Nato said it remained hopeful of reaching a deal.

Russian Military threatens to make pre-emptive strike on US missile shield facilities : worldnews. Prodigy - Smack my bitch up. Ask This Question At the Beginning of Your Next Job Interview. Being aggressive like this will give you an ace in the hole IF it's a place you really want to work at. You will stand out drastically compared to all the other candidates that are taught to be; " please sir, let me have a job, I'll be quiet and take all the abuse you can dish out... " IF a company is hiring for a superstar, they want a "Why should I work for you, what are you going to do to make me want to work here" aggressive person. And do not be afraid of stopping the interview and saying, "I dont think your company/this position is a good fit for me, thank you very much for your time.

I hope you find the perfect candidate soon. " Many times it will throw them off and they will ask, "why? " The company you do NOT want to work for, the interviewer or manager will be upset at you not begging for the job, or you dare to be aggressive. See what it's like to go Google. Joseph Beels plays Czerny, Opus 599 Number 87. Joseph Beels plays Czerny, Opus 599, Number 85. East-West Transit Corridor: Bus only lanes or bust! : chicago. September-28-2011-19-36-56-funnyFencingfightingwithfences.jpg (540×324) ELI5: The game of Cricket : explainlikeimfive. Black Keys STONED in interview! The Black Keys stoned as hell during an interview. Hilarity ensures. : Music. Angry at client. What do I do? : web_design. 2011/03 Mike Monteiro | F*ck You. Pay Me. What the recession looks like in Spain. (24.4% unemployment in pictures.) : worldnews. What the Recession Looks Like in Spain - Jobs & Economy. Spain is officially in recession again.

The country's economy shrunk for two consecutive quarters and now has 5,639,500 citizens without work and an unemployment rate of 24.4 percent - the highest in Europe. This comes at the heels of S&P lowering Spain's credit rating two notches. Protests, rallies, anti-commerce graffiti, incomplete developments, and lines for social services tell us a story of a nation struggling to get its economy back in order. Courtesy of Reuters, images below: Protestors attend a May Day demonstration on Labor Day in central Madrid. Thousands of workers across southern Europe rallied against spending cuts on Tuesday. Demonstrators fill up Madrid's Puerta del Sol on May 21, 2011. People wait in line to enter a government job centre in Malaga, southern Spain April 29, 2011.

A woman looks into a vacated furniture shop that went out of business, next to banners with phone numbers for purchase or rental inquiries, in Madrid April 30, 2012. How to put liquor in sealed water bottles for cruises and sporting events. The results are in on the "Lakeview" commercial.. also, they don't want your feedback.. : chicago. Central Lakeview Merchants Association. _lzdbdaZjSp1qcfe6go1_500.jpg (500×560) The Incredible Em & Elastic Layouts with CSS. Almost a year ago, Ty Gossman over at Stylegala asked me to write an article about elastic layouts. The best I could do was a quick email between work. I always meant to come good on that. Thanks for asking; sorry it took so long.

This article will walk you through creating a basic elastic layout; what exactly an “em” is and how to calculate them, how to use ems to create an elastic layer for content with scalable text and images, including basic vertical rhythm. What is an Elastic Layout? An elastic layout scales with users’ text size. More accurately, an elastic interface scales with browser text size—commonly a default of 16px—which users can change if they wish. Elastic design uses em values for all elements. They are calculated based on the font size of the parent element. See the elastic layout example. For other live elastic examples, visit Dan Cederholm’s beautiful and elastic SimpleBits, or resize text on this site. Introducing Em, the Elastigirl of CSS Getting Started N.B. Shadow (psychology) In Jungian psychology, the shadow or "shadow aspect" may refer to (1) an unconscious aspect of the personality which the conscious ego does not identify in itself.

Because one tends to reject or remain ignorant of the least desirable aspects of one's personality, the shadow is largely negative, or (2) the entirety of the unconscious, i.e., everything of which a person is not fully conscious. There are, however, positive aspects which may also remain hidden in one's shadow (especially in people with low self-esteem).[1] Contrary to a Freudian definition of shadow, therefore, the Jungian shadow can include everything outside the light of consciousness, and may be positive or negative. "Everyone carries a shadow," Jung wrote, "and the less it is embodied in the individual's conscious life, the blacker and denser it is.

Jung also made the suggestion of there being more than one layer making up the shadow. Individuation inevitably raises that very possibility. How to properly lock a bike : bicycling. Em for Font Size - Using Ems to Change Font Sizes - How Big is an Em. When you're building a Web page, most professionals recommend that you size fonts (and in fact, everything) with a relative measure such as ems, exs, percentages, or pixels. This is because you really don't know all the different ways that someone might view your content. And if you use an absolute measure (inches, centimeters, millimeters, points, or picas) it might affect the display or readability of the page in different devices.

And the W3C recommends that you use ems for sizes. But How Big is an Em? According to the W3C an em: "is equal to the computed value of the 'font-size' property of the element on which it is used. In other words, ems don't have an absolute size. But how tall is the default size? Think in Pixels, Use Ems for the Measure Once you know that the default font size is 16px, you can then use ems to allow your clients to resize the page easily but think in pixels for your font sizes. Don't Forget Inheritance! But that's not all there is to ems. ELI5 how private prisons generate revenue. : explainlikeimfive. Grandmas watch Kardashian sex tape. M A N D Y - Oh Superman (Electro) I need some clarification on Drive, Picasa, and photos : google.

Euthyphro dilemma. The dilemma has had a major effect on the philosophical theism of the monotheistic religions, but in a modified form: "Is what is morally good commanded by God because it is morally good, or is it morally good because it is commanded by God? " Ever since Plato's original discussion, this question has presented a problem for some theists, though others have thought it a false dilemma, and it continues to be an object of theological and philosophical discussion today. The dilemma[edit] Socrates and Euthyphro discuss the nature of piety in Plato's Euthyphro.

Euthyphro proposes (6e) that the pious (τὸ ὅσιον) is the same thing as that which is loved by the gods (τὸ θεοφιλές), but Socrates finds a problem with this proposal: the gods may disagree among themselves (7e). Euthyphro then revises his definition, so that piety is only that which is loved by all of the gods unanimously (9e). At this point the dilemma surfaces. In philosophical theism[edit] Explanation of the dilemma[edit] Problems[edit] Billy crashes his road bike. In response to the guy from last week asking about how far you can lean into a turn. : bicycling. Growing up with Technolog : gaming. _m2p3olviWt1qegob8o1_r4_1280.jpg (656×1015)

O Superman - Laurie Anderson - as displayed in the MOMA, New York. 5000 Tumblr posts... Cube. Chicago gets 5 new farmers markets. Five Chicago neighborhoods will get new farmers markets starting this summer. (Flickr/Tony Bailey) Produce at the farmers market in Lincoln Square. The city will get five new markets this summer, all on the West Side.

Mayor Rahm Emanuel announced the neighborhoods Thursday. They will be located in areas that have limited grocery options, known as food deserts. The sites are near public transportation and will accept LINK cards. Each market will have an on-site nutritionist, cooking demonstrations, gardening instructions, music and other community programs. Local partners have stepped in to help with each new market. The city operates more than 20 farmers markets. According to the mayor's office, the new farmers markets will be located as follows: Healing Temple Church4941 W. Columbus ParkHarrison and CentralTuesdays, 1 p.m. – 7 p.m.Programs, 2 p.m.- 6 p.m.June 26-October 30 La Follette ParkHirsch and LaramieWednesdays, 1 p.m. – 7 p.m.Programs, 2 p.m. – 6 p.m.June 20-October 24. The sad, sad truth : gaming. ZBuyQ.png (548×1874) James Cameron is Awesome : funny. B6MKZ.jpg (700×3787) ELI5: What exactly are the Freemasons? : explainlikeimfive. DMT PLAYGROUND.

Whenever I Smoke DMT I Make This Sound With My Voice : Psychonaut. Shift Happens - Thomas Kuhn had a magnificent insight into how knowledge accumulates. Popular culture has made muck of his big idea. What’s left of Kuhn’s paradigm? : Foodforthought. Shift Happens. By David Weinberger If you've seen that bumper sticker, you've seen what our culture has made of one of the central ideas in Thomas Kuhn's The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, published 50 years and 1.4 million copies ago. For the marketers and boosters of personal transformation who casually talk about paradigm shifts, the phrase designates not just a gestalt switch that casts things in a new light, but a world so insubstantial that it can be thoroughly transformed by a single idea.

Tomorrow there may be another paradigm shift, and another after that. There is thus no real progress, just a new bubble as good as the old bubble. This is of course not what Kuhn intended us to learn. But Kuhn is not blameless for how we appropriated his thought. Kuhn's idea was slow to gestate. Then it became clear to Kuhn all at once. From this, Kuhn learned several important lessons that surfaced in SSR 15 years later. Kuhn undid Popper even more fundamentally than Popper had undone the positivists. On optional closing tags : html5. Learning about javascript and canvas and created this : javascript.

Edit this Fiddle. Sections and Outlines of an HTML5 Document. How Browsers Work: Behind the scenes of modern web browsers. Randomly found Jon Stewart's first show after 9/11. Incredibly moving and beautiful over 11 years later. : videos. Jon Stewart 9 11. Tomorrow is my last day in medical school. This is a collection of shit my patients said over the years. (x-post from truereddit) : self. Modern Web Development. Sven Väth vs Roman Flügel - Trashbindance (Original Mix) Every day I come across a new MTB video but it's a rarity to find road cycling videos like this - great job Andre! : bicycling. Sella. My 7 year old suspened for "sexual harassment" : AskReddit. 7bjRG.jpg (960×640) Peter Griffin Photo-bomb : funny.

CrtCF.jpg (960×720) Using christmas lights as an extension : funny. I am Molly Ringwald. AMA : IAmA. Hr-Katzen. Go Google: Google Drive.