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Game Developers Conference San Francisco 2010. Official_GDC (Official_GDC) Serious Games Conference. Al Lowe appelliert an den Humor in Serious Games: Don't make them boring Auch im siebten Jahr begeisterte die Serious Games Conference auf der CeBIT. nordmedia und der BIU - Bundesverband Interaktive Unterhaltungssoftware e.V. hatten dazu für den 11. März 2014 eingeladen. nordmedia Geschäftsführer Thomas Schäffer war von der regen Teilnahme begeistert. „Es ist toll, dass die Konferenz so stark angenommen wurde und die Referenten mit den Teilnehmern ins Gespräch gekommen sind.“ Dr. Maximilian Schenk vom BIU betonte in seiner Keynote die Bedeutung von Serious Games für die Silver Gamer.Games-Professorin Linda Breitlauch moderierte die Veranstaltung.

Ulrich Schulze Althoff | Kaasa Health GmbH Der renommierte Spieldesigner Al Lowe appellierte in seiner Keynote an den Spaßfaktor bei Serious Games. Dr. Simone Stoffers von der ARD.ZDF medienakademie referierte über einen weiteren Aspekt der Serious Games und gab Impulse für journalistische Anwendungen. Fotos: Ole Hoffmann Fotografie.

Facebook -serious games- ARGFest 2010. ARGFest (ARGFest) Festival of Games 28-29april2011. Festival of Games (NLGD) Gamification Summit 2011. About this conference The Gamification Summit (January 20, 2011 San Francisco) brings together top thought leaders in game mechanics and engagement science for the first time. Hear what works and what doesn't in this dynamic and fast-moving field through case studies, keynotes and panels delivered by experts such as Gabe Zichermann (author, Game-Based Marketing), Amy Jo Kim (gamification guru) and Jane McGonigal (TED fellow, author debuting her new book).

Watch the Gamification Summit 2011 and learn how game mechanics and the new science of engagement are rewriting the rules of brand marketing, product design and customer acquisition and get your business in the game. The live event is sold out - this is the only way to see the leaders of gamification come together for the first time. » Research, Play, Share.

FuturePlay Conference. E3 Expo: June 15-17 2010. e3expo. GameCity About. Gamecity. The 13th Annual Independent Games Festival. Art and games: three intriguing exhibitions you should try to see | Technology. Regular readers will know that Gamesblog occasionally covers digital and interactive art installations – just because we're the Guardian and can get away with that sort of thing. So here are three upcoming exhibitions and events that may be of interest to gamers. They include digital slingshots, hacked toys and thereaputic robots, so practically all interests are covered... Come on, you can't sit in front of Demon's Souls indefinitely. Switch it off for a day and come and see some art/robots! Robot TherapyScience Museum, London – August 25-27Okay, not strictly anything to do with games, but this exhibition does have a robot and that's the next best thing. But if that's not the droid you're looking for, the exhibition will also feature Phantom, a force feedback device that lets users to touch objects in the virtual world, and IROMEC, a robotic toy for children with disabilities.