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Xenoglossy. Xenoglossy (/ˈziːnɵɡlɒsi/ or /ˈzɛnɵɡlɒsi/), also written xenoglossia (/ziːnɵˈɡlɒsiə/ or /zɛnɵˈɡlɒsiə/), is the putative paranormal phenomenon in which a person is able to speak or write a language he or she could not have acquired by natural means. For example, a person who speaks Swedish fluently, but who is not a native Swedish speaker, has never studied Swedish, never been to a Swedish-speaking country, and never associated with Swedish speakers or had any other source of exposure to the Swedish language, would be said to exhibit xenoglossy. The existence of xenoglossy is not generally accepted by skeptic linguists such as Samarin (1976) and Thomason (1984, 1987, 1996). However, psychiatrist and paranormal researcher Ian Stevenson documented several cases that he considered authentic (Stevenson, 2001).

The words derive from Greek ξένος (xenos), "foreigner"[1] and γλῶσσα (glōssa), "tongue" or "language".[2] In Christianity[edit] Cases subjected to scientific investigation[edit] Sharada. Epigenetics. One example of an epigenetic change in eukaryotic biology is the process of cellular differentiation. During morphogenesis, totipotent stem cells become the various pluripotent cell lines of the embryo, which in turn become fully differentiated cells.

In other words, as a single fertilized egg cell – the zygote – continues to divide, the resulting daughter cells change into all the different cell types in an organism, including neurons, muscle cells, epithelium, endothelium of blood vessels, etc., by activating some genes while inhibiting the expression of others.[5] Historical usage of "epigenetics"[edit] The term "epigenetics" has also been used in developmental psychology to describe psychological development as the result of an ongoing, bi-directional interchange between heredity and the environment.[13] Interactivist ideas of development have been discussed in various forms and under various names throughout the 19th and 20th centuries. Contemporary usage of "epigenetics"[edit] Épigénétique. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. L'épigénétique est l'ensemble des mécanismes moléculaires concernant le génome ainsi que l'expression des gènes, qui peuvent être influencés par l'environnement et l'histoire individuelle.

Ces mécanismes peuvent être potentiellement transmissibles d'une génération à l'autre, sans altération des séquences nucléotidiques (ADN), et avec un caractère réversible. L'existence de phénomènes agissant sur l'expression des gènes se résume dans l'interrogation de Thomas Morgan « Si les caractères de l'individu sont déterminés par les gènes, pourquoi toutes les cellules d'un organisme ne sont-elles pas identiques ? ». Les différences qui existent entre chaque cellule d'un même organisme ayant le même patrimoine génétique - mis à part quelques rares mutations somatiques - montrent une expression différentielle des gènes. Des phénomènes épigénétiques ont été mis en évidence chez des eucaryotes et des procaryotes.

Épigénome[modifier | modifier le code] Langage Non Verbal - Les Signes Qui Trahissent. SCIENCE - NOUVELLES CONNAISSANCES - ADN - Phénomène épigénétique(2-5).avi. SCIENCE - NOUVELLES CONNAISSANCES - ADN - Phénomène épigénétique(1-5).avi.


Institution. News. Singularity. Personality. Physics.