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New tool streamlines the creation of moving pictures. The tool is designed to animate similar elements within an image, such as balloons or raindrops, said Nora Willett, a graduate student in Princeton’s Department of Computer Science and the lead author of a paper presenting the research.

New tool streamlines the creation of moving pictures

To do so, the user manually selects a subset of the repeating objects, then draws motion lines and specifies the frequency and velocity at which the objects should move. The tool’s algorithm extracts similar objects in the image and separates them into their own layer for animation. “The main challenge in this system was to design an interface that allows the person and the computer to work together to create a plausible animation,” said co-author Adam Finkelstein, a Princeton professor of computer science.

“The person provides clues about what aspects of the scene they would like to animate, and the computer removes much of the difficulty and tedium that would be required to create the animation completely by hand.” IA : 8 créations artistiques de robots. Les chauffeurs de taxi et les médecins ne sont peut-être pas les seuls à être menacés par l'intelligence artificielle. Les musiciens, scénaristes ou écrivains peuvent aussi trembler devant les performances de ces robots. Ceci dit, il y a encore quand même une bonne marge avant que ces derniers n'atteignent la créativité humaine.

L'intelligence artificielle est capable de prouesses impressionnantes. How an algorithm may decide your career - Bartleby., Browsing Blabbers. Trolysis reveals a fuel made of aluminum with t... Free resources to learn English. 5 Great YouTube Channels for Learning English. JSTOR. How much is your personal data worth? Explore how valuable your data are with this interactive calculator.

How much is your personal data worth?

While the multibillion-dollar data broker industry profits from the trade of thousands of details about individuals, those bits of information are often sold for a fraction of a penny apiece, according to industry pricing data viewed by the Financial Times. The average person’s data often retails for less than a dollar. General information about a person, such as their age, gender and location is worth a mere $0.0005 per person, or $0.50 per 1,000 people. Translator. Disciplines Non Linguistiques. ETLV. Latest UK Technology News, Blogs, Reviews & Analysis. Robert Full: The secrets of nature's grossest creatures, channeled into robots. Three Minute Thesis - University of Queensland.

Sequence en LVT Morez. Sitotheque etlv. Robert Full: Robots inspired by cockroach ingenuity. Sources ETLV. Free ESL (English as a Second Language) Lesson Plans to Download. This page was originally designed to share my materials with other English teaching assistants in France, especially those who have no experience in teaching ESL yet.

Free ESL (English as a Second Language) Lesson Plans to Download

I've also included worksheets that I used for private English lessons in France as well as some of the materials I used in my ESL classes in the United States. Gas Sensor Arduino Hookup&code. Save MQ-XX series Gas sensors are common and easy to use Gas detection sensors, in previous article i have discussed about How to choose Gas Sensor?

Gas Sensor Arduino Hookup&code

Here we are going to know about how to interface Gas sensor with Arduino development board. Word Booster. Un générateur d’exercices en anglais – Les Outils Tice. Free Fiction & Nonfiction Literacy Resources, Curriculum, & Assessment Materials for Middle & High School English Language Arts. Classcraft. Wind Energy Is One of the Cheapest Sources of Electricity, and It's Getting Cheaper - Scientific American Blog Network. Earlier this month, the U.S.

Wind Energy Is One of the Cheapest Sources of Electricity, and It's Getting Cheaper - Scientific American Blog Network

Department of Energy (DOE) released the latest iteration of its annual Wind Technologies Market Report, which pulls together a wealth of data to track trends in the cost, performance, and growth of wind energy. The report found that U.S. wind energy will continue to be one of the lowest cost electricity generation technologies available, with the long-term wind electricity price available through a power purchase agreement coming in at about half the expected cost of just running a natural gas power plant. Furthermore, stiff competition from both natural gas and solar energy are poised to push the wind industry to achieve even lower prices and higher performance through the development of bigger turbines tailored to maximize their output even in regions with less than optimal wind speeds. This post will review a few of the major U.S. wind energy trends tracked in the DOE report. Wind Energy Is One of the Cheapest Sources of Electricity in the United States. Gatebox: Making a Reality Out of Living with Hatsune Miku.

The “Gatebox” Virtual Home Robot video has amassed a whopping 7 million+ views since we first posted it on Facebook!

Gatebox: Making a Reality Out of Living with Hatsune Miku

Do we rely too much on electricity? Last week the electricity in my flat went out.

Do we rely too much on electricity?

I had just got home from work and was happily making my tea, when all of a sudden I was surrounded by complete darkness. The lights had gone out, the oven had stopped working and my phone was no longer charging. Robots are Slowly Taking Over in the Recycling ... Amp Cortex Robotic Sorter.

Robots are Slowly Taking Over in the Recycling ...

(Image credit Amp Robotics) Let’s face it, we live in a world of ‘plastic Armageddon’ where an estimated 300-million tons of it are produced each year according to the World Watch Institute, and a lot of it is buried in landfills or finds its way to the oceans, culminating in giant floating islands. Surely recycling must be a surefire solution to help curb this environmental scourge but we’d be wrong, as a 2012 report from the EPA states that only about 14% out of those many tons are recycled globally, meaning we’ve dropped the ball in our efforts to go green at least on the plastic side of things. Michelin introduces Vision, the tire of the future. Michelin unveils Vision, a proof of concept tire that uses biodegradable materials and 3D printing to its advantage.

Michelin introduces Vision, the tire of the future

Thirstin's Water Cycle. Les drones peuvent voir à travers les murs grâce au Wifi - Voir à travers les murs et dresser une cartographie de la pièce qui se trouve derrière avec une précision décimétrique.

Les drones peuvent voir à travers les murs grâce au Wifi -

C'est ce qu'est parvenu à faire un duo de chercheurs de l'université de Santa Barbara en Californie, en utilisant deux drones. En théorie, le système est assez simple. AlphaGo remporte la première manche contre le n°1 mondial du jeu de go. En poursuivant votre navigation sur ce site, vous acceptez nos CGU et l'utilisation de cookies afin de réaliser des statistiques d'audiences et vous proposer une navigation optimale, la possibilité de partager des contenus sur des réseaux sociaux ainsi que des services et offres adaptés à vos centres d'intérêts.

Pour en savoir plus et paramétrer les cookies... Artificial Intelligence has to deal with its transparency problems. Sans titre. PE comprises a linear backbone of carbon atoms (Figure S1x Download (.52 MB ) When a PE film was left in direct contact with wax worms, holes started to appear after 40 minutes, with an estimated 2.2±1.2 holes per worm per hour (Table S1x Document S1. Experimental procedures, one figure and one tableTable S1A). 20 Great STEAM Websites for Young Learners. February 3, 2017 Over the last few days we spent sometime going through the piles of tools saved in our archive and managed to select the ones that fit perfectly for STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering ,Art, and Math) programs. Under each category we featured four representative tools that will help students cultivate the skills involved in that category. The overall aim is to provide teachers with a handy resource to use with their students to help them develop critical thinking skills and adopt 'an engineering or design approach towards real-world problems while building on their mathematics and science base'.

Deux IA ont communiqué dans une langue indéchiffrable par l'homme. Google Brain, le programme de recherche en intelligence artificielle du géant Google, vient de franchir un palier étonnant et quelque peu inquiétant. En effet, deux ordinateurs sont parvenus à communiquer entre eux dans une langue qu’ils avaient eux-mêmes créée, une langue indéchiffrable par l’homme. Institut des sciences de l’information et de leurs interactions - CNRS - Adrien Bartoli : « Augmenter les images endoscopiques pour accompagner le chirurgien »

Vos travaux portent sur la vision 3D par ordinateur, notamment dans le domaine médical. La justice prédictive, nouveau bras armé de la justice ? ROBOCOP. This robot can automatically sew you a t-shirt. Sewbo uses stiffening solution to sew a t-shirt automatically. Sewbo stiffens the fabric with polyvinyl alcohol plastic stiffener to cut the garment (Via Sewbo) Happy National Manufacturing Day, everyone!

Écoutez le plus vieux morceau de musique jamais créé par un ordinateur. Reconsidering the Legacy of French Automatons. What if our computers and robots originated in 18th century France and a little-known technological revolution that involved trying to create mechanical reproductions of the living? The Canadian philosopher Jean-Claude Simard revisits this part of history, often overshadowed by Britain's Industrial Revolution. My purpose here is to highlight France’s historic role in a specific kind of technology: mechanization.1 This role has been largely disregarded, overshadowed by the Industrial Revolution in a history of the Machine Age documented primarily by British and American authors, who often overlook mechanization modeled on life.

During the 18th century, France undergoes its technological revolution, which will differ from England's. According to this widely accepted point of view, the British initiated the Industrial Revolution in the second half of the 18th century, thus becoming the world’s leading economic power and setting the standard for other countries. Ni polluant ni électrique, Alstom dévoile le train du futur. Un train non polluant et non électrique : c’est la nouveauté que le groupe français Alstom vient de dévoiler au salon InnoTrans à Berlin. Spencer, le robot qui vous guide dans la foule. Accompagner un groupe au milieu d’une foule ? Cette mission, facile pour un humain mais jusqu’ici quasi insurmontable pour une machine, le robot Spencer vient de la réussir au beau milieu de l’aéroport d’Amsterdam. En retard pour votre correspondance au milieu d’un aéroport bondé, vous scrutez les destinations qui défilent interminablement sur l’écran à la recherche de votre porte d’embarquement.

C’est alors qu’un robot avec une tête de « ET » vous aborde et vous invite à lui passer votre carte d’embarquement sur le torse pour la scanner. Robot called Amelia to do the job of human council workers for the first time  WaveNet: A Generative Model for Raw Audio. Talking Machines. Augmented and Virtual Reality Hub · Research · Tourism, Events and Hospitality Management · Manchester Metropolitan University. The Augmented and Virtual Reality Hub investigates new and innovative ways to implement augmented reality in the tourism, museum, art gallery and creative industry context. By collaborating with academic and industry partners, the hub aims to provide a platform for resources as well as seminars in the area of augmented reality and virtual reality. The hub is built on prior expertise gained in the area of e-Tourism. Currently the main focus is on mobile and wearable augmented reality having conducted a number of projects in the museum and art gallery context in Dublin, Cornwall and Manchester.

Vitae 3MT UK semi-finalists 2015. Michael Hall, Life and Health Sciences, Aston University. Information Services and Technology - Lexique & définitions. Podcast. Chaines de vidéos scientifiques. Vidéos pour l'oral. How to Videos, Articles & More - Discover the expert in you. [LV-STI2D] Activités STI2D en anglais. Anglais Technique STI2D - Lycée Jules FERRY.

La recharge des véhicules électriques en Europe - éduscol STI. Enseignement technologique en langue vivante étrangère : véhicules écologiques - éduscol STI. Technologie, Sciences de l'Ingénieur et des Techniques Industrielles - Un projet original en Anglais en 1STI2D. Mise en oeuvre du co-enseignement LV1/technologie en STI2D, STL, STD2A - éduscol STI. Ressources en langue étrangère - ETLV - éduscol STI.