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Five myths about germs on aircraft. It's hardly news that many travelers are concerned about germs and diseases when they fly these days.

Five myths about germs on aircraft

But in the airborne petri dish that contemporary aircraft have become, fliers may well be worrying about the wrong things. Here are five myths about germs in aircraft. 1. The most dangerous health hazard in the air is the cabin air itself. Caffeine Intolerance 101 + Symptoms. Caffeine is not a necessary ingredient in the everyday diet.

Caffeine Intolerance 101 + Symptoms

Caffeine Allergy - Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment. Caffeine Allergy: Top 20 Symptoms. This article has been compiled from anecdotal evidence.

Caffeine Allergy: Top 20 Symptoms

Some people do not metabolize caffeine as well as others. Others are also sensitive to adrenalin. 10 Things To Stop Doing Today to Be Happier, Backed by Science - 11.4K Flares 11.4K Flares × I’m fascinated by the link between the way we live our daily lives and the health and happiness we enjoy.

10 Things To Stop Doing Today to Be Happier, Backed by Science -

There are choices that you make every day, some of which seem completely unrelated to your health and happiness, that dramatically impact the way you feel mentally and physically. NHS told to target long operation waits. How Radiation Isn't Killing You. This just in: According to experts, we are being irradiated by our food, water, air, the sky and even by our computers and smartphones.

How Radiation Isn't Killing You

We are even being irradiated by certain elements stored in our own bones. Aaaagh! The enemy within! Pour leur santé, les hommes doivent-ils uriner debout ou assis ? Target practice and nudge theory. This is one of my other musings entries, and for the ladies out there, hopefully an intimate look into the male psyche (shouldn't take too long).

Target practice and nudge theory

If you are easily offended, please look away now; if not maybe have a giggle and think about the important message. What Turns Women On: Surprising Things Women Like. Here’s a hint: they're not in the bedroom.

What Turns Women On: Surprising Things Women Like

(continued) Why do I need to register or sign in for WebMD to save? We will provide you with a dropdown of all your saved articles when you are registered and signed in. Chikungunya virus in the United States: CDC and other experts worried about mosquito-borne disease. Photo by James Gathany/CDC If your wife is a researcher in medical entomology, you’ll often hear odd tidbits related to mosquito-borne diseases.

Chikungunya virus in the United States: CDC and other experts worried about mosquito-borne disease.

For instance, did you know how cute malaria parasites can look under a microscope? I didn’t either, until I met Cassandra Urquhart. (Some other things I’ve heard described as “cute” since then include, but are not limited to: cockroaches, nematodes, spiders, earwigs, and male mosquitoes.) How Doctors Die. Years ago, Charlie, a highly respected orthopedist and a mentor of mine, found a lump in his stomach.

How Doctors Die

He had a surgeon explore the area, and the diagnosis was pancreatic cancer. GBOMBS! Dr. Joel Fuhrman on What Would Julieanna Do? Dr.

GBOMBS! Dr. Joel Fuhrman on What Would Julieanna Do?

Joel Fuhrman, internationally-renowned physician and nutrition expert, and author of several best-selling books, including Eat to Live, was another one of my favorite guests on What Would Julieanna Do? On Veria Living. In this segment, he shares his important information on GBOMBS: Here is more information about GBOMBS and Dr. Le top ten des allergènes. Fast Track Liver Detox. Care2. 7 Essential Oils For Survival. Essential oils have been used for centuries to enhance physical, emotional, spiritual and mental wellness.

In fact, during the plagues of the Middle Ages, perfumers and tanners were noted to be less susceptible to the disease. This was due to their use of essential oils in their work. As more microorganisms become antibiotic resistant, it is important to learn as much as possible about essential oils. Essential oils are complex compounds to which germs are unable to become resistant. In fact, some drug manufacturers are adding essential oils to pharmaceuticals to prevent the development of drug resistant organisms.

What do essential oils do? Essential oils offer a broad array of health-enhancing benefits. Essential oils may be used to promote the health of the entire body. A classic culinary herb, strongly aromatic. Specific essential oils and their benefits. Tech Tackles Wine Allergies. Some people are allergic to certain wines — that nice Loire Valley red gives them a rash or headache, or that California Chardonnay makes them sneeze. The University of British Columbia's Wine Research Center might have found a way to solve this problem. The team at UBC has modified two genes of a strain of yeast called Saccharomyces cerevisiae, which has been used in winemaking for decades (if not centuries).

The yeast was modified to eliminate the need for a species of bacteria needed for the winemaking process. That bacteria produces chemicals that cause allergic reactions. About 30 percent of the population has some allergy to wine. Cancer du sein: une nouvelle étude relance la polémique sur les mammographies. Mercredi 12 février 2014, 14h40La pratique de mammographies annuelles ne permet pas de réduire la mortalité par cancer du sein, selon une étude canadienne qui relance la polémique autour de l'intérêt des campagnes de dépistage organisé. Réalisée sur près de 90.000 femmes âgées de 40 à 59 ans, suivies pendant 25 ans, l'étude a montré que les femmes qui avaient subi des mammographies annuelles pendant cinq ans n'avaient pas moins de risque de mourir d'un cancer du sein que celles ayant seulement bénéficié d'un examen physique.

Au bout de 25 ans, 500 décès par cancer du sein étaient survenus chez les 44.925 femmes suivies par mammographies contre 505 décès chez les 44.910 femmes du groupe témoin. Les femmes avaient été assignées dans les deux groupes par tirage au sort. Les tumeurs du sein détectées étaient en revanche plus nombreuses dans le 1er groupe, soit 3.250 au total contre 3.133 dans le second à la fin de l'étude. La gale, maladie très contagieuse, est en recrudescence.

Alerte des autorités sanitaires de Midi-Pyrénées vendredi, épidémie dans les crèches ardennaises en octobre, traitement préventif de 300 patients de l'hôpital de Montbéliard en août dernier: la gale, maladie que l'on croyait presque disparue, fait son grand retour. La recrudescence de cette maladie de peau, certes bénigne, mais très contagieuse, inquiète les dermatologues qui réclament la création d'une cellule de crise. Comment faire un déodorant naturel. Vous souffrez d’aisselles irritées ? Vous n’aimez pas les arômes des déodorants vendus en magasin ? Ou bien vous voulez laisser de côté les produits chimiques pour votre beauté ? Bonne nouvelle : vous pouvez apprendre les meilleures recettes pour faire un déodorant naturel vous-même à la maison. Anti-transpirant, fait maison, naturel et surtout très économique ! Best Anti-Inflammatory Herbs & Spices of Ayurveda.

Best Anti-Inflammatory Herbs & Spices of Ayurveda Today, there are varieties of anti-inflammatory drugs available in the market. They promise to ease our pain and calm angry allergic reactions. 11 Health Habits That Will Help You Live to 100. Ditch the Toxic Sunscreen; Use Coconut Oil Instead. By: Paul FassaNatural Society Summer time is beach time, or at least poolside time. But if you want some protection form the sun’s UV rays, don’t always reach for toxic sunscreens. Instead, pack some extra virgin coconut oil along with your beach towel and umbrella. 8 Natural Mosquito Repellents.

Health Uses for Apple Cider Vinegar. You know that apple cider vinegar is a green cleaning dynamo, but what about the health uses for apple cider vinegar? Apple cider vinegar – ACV for short – is some versatile stuff! Why Don't You Try This?: Chinese Plant Compound Wipes out Cancer in 40 Days, Says New Research. Think exercise is all about toned abs and weight loss? It also makes you happier and smarter.: 7 Mind-Blowing Benefits of Exercise - US News & World Report.