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3 Words to Leave Off Your Resume. With the New Year comes a number of people who make it their goal to find a better job; this means there will be a lot of resume updating.

3 Words to Leave Off Your Resume

Before you start the search for a new job and a new you in the New Year, understand that what’s on your resume might not be as impressive as you think. In fact, some of the words you’re using to describe yourself or your experience might actually be turning off your potential employers. Here are three words to remove from your resume right now. 7 Things to Remove From Your Resume ASAP. We all talk a fair game about what needs to be on your resume, but there’s also plenty of stuff that should be removed.

7 Things to Remove From Your Resume ASAP

The fluff. The blabber. The full-on oddities. How To Keep Your Resume Out Of The Scrap Pile. You may have read that the resume is dead, or that "Google is the new resume.

How To Keep Your Resume Out Of The Scrap Pile

" Despite the death knell, in fact, the resume is very much alive, no matter what form it takes. Perhaps a more accurate moniker to use for the information job seekers use to apply for positions is "job search marketing materials," which encompasses the traditional resume and all of the online content associated with the job seeker. The reality is, if you don't start with a strong, accomplishment-oriented resume, you will not be able to create effective marketing materials, including a strong LinkedIn profile or social resume (professional website). Le CV en graphiques : Les 16 CV les plus créatifs jamais vus.

Motivation en entreprise: neuf astuces pour manager sans moyens. Pour booster l'implication de chacun, au quotidien le manager peut intervenir par petites touches grâce à des actions simples et efficaces.

Motivation en entreprise: neuf astuces pour manager sans moyens

Et, dans une période de vaches maigres, rendre la carotte financière " accessoire " au regard du respect accordé à autrui et de la qualité de vie au travail. Deux leviers puissants de motivation qui ne doivent pas pour autant être un substitut à de réelles perspectives de carrières. Voici neuf idées pour pimenter l'ordinaire. 1. Enjoliver le décor Engagez vos troupes à créer un environnement convivial. 2. The 25 most difficult questions. If you are one of those executive types unhappy at your present post and embarking on a New Year's resolution to find a new one, here's a helping hand.

The 25 most difficult questions

The job interview is considered to be the most critical aspect of every expedition that brings you face-to- face with the future boss. One must prepare for it with the same tenacity and quickness as one does for a fencing tournament or a chess match. This article has been excerpted from "PARTING COMPANY: How to Survive the Loss of a Job and Find Another Successfully" by William J. La prise de décision, tout un art ! En 2013, certains dirigeants n'osent plus prendre de décisions, comme tétanisés par le contexte économique difficile alors même que parfois leur société se porte bien.

La prise de décision, tout un art !

Ils ne manquent pourtant ni de compétences techniques, ni de capacités financières pour développer leur activité, mais " simplement " de force pour prendre un risque. Or, les managers ne se projetant plus dans l'avenir atermoient, semant ainsi la confusion dans les équipes. Cinq conseils clés pour éviter de s'enliser. 1. Se libérer de sa peur. Vous êtes face à une décision importante. 2.Mesurer les risques Si vous restez dans l'incertitude, vous allez affronter deux types de dangers. 1/La tergiversation. 2/ Ceux liés à un choix. 3. Ten Tips for the Shy Job Seeker. In my previous post , I discussed the challenges for shy (or introverted ) people in the job market.

Ten Tips for the Shy Job Seeker

I offered some general advice, but in this post I'd like to highlight ten things you can do (or think about) that might give you the edge in the very situations you prefer to avoid. 1. First, stop apologizing for being who you are. The Interview Question That's Always Asked (and How to Nail It) Productivity: 8 Things You Should Not Do Every Day. If you get decent value from making to-do lists, you'll get huge returns--in productivity, in improved relationships, and in your personal well-being--from adding these items to your not to-do list: Every day, make the commitment not to: 1.

Productivity: 8 Things You Should Not Do Every Day

Check my phone while I'm talking to someone. The 10 Best Interview Questions to Ask. When your interviewer wraps up your job interview by asking if you have any questions, you might think that he or she is finished assessing you, but that's not quite the case.

The 10 Best Interview Questions to Ask

Interviewers draw conclusions about you based on the questions you ask—or don't ask. You don't want to give the impression that you're not very interested in the job, or that you're only concerned about the compensation. Entretien d'évaluation : 30 ans de pratique, 30 ans d'inefficacité? L'entretien individuel "a perdu de son sens, créé des tensions, de l'anxiété et du mal-être", avance Arabelle Laurans de Faÿ, directrice du Learn Lab, laboratoire d'innovation managériale filiale du cabinet conseil HR Valley, qui présentait, le mardi 26 mars, les résultats de son enquête qualitative réalisée auprès d'une dizaine de sociétés.

Entretien d'évaluation : 30 ans de pratique, 30 ans d'inefficacité?

Des oublis patents Aux yeux des salariés et aussi des DRH, les critiques de cet outil sont, en effet, légion.