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40 Brilliant DIY Organization Hacks. How’s that spring cleaning going? Avoiding it in favor of two back-to-back brunches? Sounds familiar. But here’s the thing, you might already have the things you need to start getting organized. Here are 40 brilliant ways to repurpose, sort, store, and tidy, all in the name of organization. 1. Palette Jewelry Display: Paint palettes aren’t just for paint anymore.

(via Martha Stewart) 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. What’s the most clever organization hack you’ve ever seen? Lauren Weems is a stylist and floral designer for wedding, commercial, and editorial photo shoots. Inkodye Photo Fabric Dye Kit.

La print box - Whe. Sérigraphie de loisir. Salut ami(s) sérigraphe,je suis l'auteur de faire ces illustrations, tu auras besoin, d'un cadre tendu avec une maille assez fine ( certainement du 110 fils par cm), d'une photo-émulsion, d'encres, d'une râcle d'enduction et une autre râcle mais cette fois-ci d'impression. Procure toi aussi une charnière ou fabrique-la. Rajoute si tu veux réutiliser tes cadres un dégraveur.Pour l'insolation, inutile d'acheter du gros matériel. On peut utiliser un halogène de 500w (du type halogène de chantier à 15€ dans toute les surfaces de bricolage). J'ai aussi publié sur le forum, un plan d'une presse aspirante pour imprimer des affiches jusqu'au format A2. Au niveau de l'émulsion, il te faudra la choisir en fonction du type d'encre que tu voudras utiliser (encres acqueuse ou à base de solvant ).

J'ai aussi d'autres adresses aux US et en Suisse. N'hésite pas à poser tes questions, ici ou sur notre forum. Ah oui, j'oubliais. Shop Silkscreen Tools, T-shirts, Stickers, Prints and more. Momstory. My name is Filippa, I live in Denmark with my husband Claus and our three girls Natascha(11), Olivia (8) and Cleo(3) – we have three cats, 5 fish and five chicken that provide us eggs every day. I am a freelance interior stylist with a love for DIY, and ideas for kids, therefore 70 % of my work is all about kids. My blog is called Cirkus, it started as the place where I could show all the amazing things I find, in hope that someone would be interested and get inspired as I do. I also pin here when I see things I love or need to remember. And once I blogged for the kids magazine Vi forældre, where I had the luck to find a lot of great stuff for kids and Bloesem jewelry was one of them. At the moment I use most of my time at my new project – my webshop – Fabel A (decorations and ideas for birthdays and parties).

What kind of house do you live in - are you and the kids happy here or is there anything you find lacking or would like to change? What is it you like best about living there?