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7 tech predictions for the future from a Google Creative Director. At the Nordic Exceptional Trendshop (NEXT) conference in Aarhus, Denmark yesterday, we were treated to some thoughts about the future from Tom Uglow, a Creative Director based at Google’s Creative Lab in London. Here are seven ideas he has for future tech innovations. It’s worth noting that Google isn’t necessarily working on these, but it shows some of the ideas that float arounds in the heads of Googlers. 1) Eye-tracking to target ads: A device would track your eye movements on the screen as you used the Web, and serve up ads relevant to exactly what you were reading at that moment. 2) Ads as apps: HTML5-powered banners ads that are actually Web apps in themselves, performing functions that help a user in some way relevant to the advertiser. 3) Ad network loyalty programs: Ads will become even more personal and exclusive. 4) User-led ‘advertainment’: Online ads could become stories that would unfold at the users’ pace.

4 Hot Social Gaming Trends to Watch. Prita Uppal is the founder and CEO of YooMee Games, a social competition platform that brings tournaments and cash prizes to skill-based games across websites, social networks and mobile apps. More than 18,000 interactive gaming industry pros came to San Francisco for the Game Developers’ Conference this week, an annual event that draws programmers, artists, producers, game designers, audio professionals, business decision-makers and anyone else involved in the development of interactive games. At GDC in past years, hardcore gamers have been reluctant to accept social games into the fold, but this year there’s no denying it.

Social games are the fastest growing segment of the gaming market with revenues projected to exceed $1 billion in 2011, and they are here to stay. There’s more to social games than harvesting crops, and the future looks full of innovation and opportunity for developers and players alike. Here’s a look at four of the biggest social gaming trends discussed at GDC 2011. Razorfish5: Technologies That Will Change The Business of Brands. 2011: The Year the Check-in Died.

Early last year, "checking in" was the cool new craze. No visit to your favorite tech news site could be had without getting buried in an avalanche of articles about Foursquare, Gowalla, Loopt, BriteKite or a myriad other startups. The big guys quickly followed suit: Yelp introduced "Check-Ins" while Facebook launched "Places" and most recently, Google Latitude updated to incorporate check-ins and check-outs.

But here's the thing: the trends aren't actually that good. Let's look at Foursquare and Facebook. First, there's no doubt Foursquare is throwing off some impressive numbers (e.g. the company's recent announcement of 8.5 million users). Guest author Mark Watkins is the CEO and co-founder of Goby, an inspiration engine for finding fun things to do. In July 2010, Foursquare had 2 million users performing 1 million check-ins per day. The trend for Facebook Places is even worse. Why Check-ins Are Going to Falter Why do people check in? Photo by KecMec Socializing. SXSW '11 : les tendances marquantes. C'est fini. L'édition 2011 du festival interactif SXSW s'achève.

Cinq jours d'incroyables conférences, rencontres, échanges autour de ceux qui font les médias numériques de demain à Austin, au Texas. J'ai tenté de rendre compte au fil de l'eau des conférences auxquelles j'ai assisté ici. Voici, en guise de synthèse, les grandes idées et tendances à retenir de SXSW'11. Faites vos jeux. Après dix ans de social et de Web communautaire, nous entrons dans la décennie de la gamification, a affirmé Seth Priebatsch, fondateur de SCVNGR, lors de sa présentation samedi. Donner plus pour gagner plus. La Web-réalité. La donnée est le nouveau pétrodollar. Future of Innovation 2011 - Where technology is going. Blogging Innovation » Five Major Trends to Watch Now. I spend a lot of time looking at and writing about disruptive business models (many of them are discussed in my most recent book, Surviving a Business Earthquake, and lately I have been talking about a handful that I think are really meaningful that will continue to mature over time and work their way into lots of other industries. 1.

Friending No, it’s not new. At all. But the friend trend that I have noticed is that the practice has jumped the social networking fence and is becoming useful as a function in not-so-social industries. A company that I have blogged about before, doxo, is the one that really opened my eyes to this. 2. Farmville from Zynga is probably one of the more familiar examples of this, though Icelandic gaming company CCP is another great example. 3. This is a subject I have blogged about before as well, most notably with, the online merchant that sells goods at cost with free shipping. 4. 5.

Conclusion. 5 Digital Marketing Trends to Watch. The Digital Marketing Series is supported by HubSpot, which offers inbound marketing software that helps small and medium sized businesses get found on the Internet by the right prospects and converts more of them into leads and customers. Learn more. If this year’s SXSWi conference is any indication, the foremost digital marketing trends of 2011 will be central to one theme: user presence. Too often, businesses over-engineer their marketing efforts in an attempt to capture the attention of their audiences’ minds and wallets. But audiences are smart, and they're immune to these efforts.

We no longer seek out information — we expect information to be seamlessly integrated into our everyday lives. Picking up on that trend, small businesses plan to increase spending on inbound marketing in 2011, according to recent reports. 1. Group messaging has undoubtedly become this year’s location-based service. 2. 3.

Ok, so QR codes really aren’t new. 4. Users are hungry to be early adopters. 5. 5 Fresh Digital Media Trends to Watch. Digital media, as many a Mashable reader is aware, is evolving at a rapid pace. It's three months in to 2011, and already we're witnessing the realization of many of our predictions for news media, digital advertising and startups this year. Social tools, such as Facebook and Tumblr, are coming to play a new role in news reporting and distribution, while brands are taking on the role of the media by creating and publishing content themselves.

Meanwhile, consumers are beginning to access digital content across more devices, often simultaneously, and content creators are responding by creating content for multiple platforms and selling access to them in new subscription offerings. Those are just a few of the trends we're observing across digital media, which we explore in greater depth below. 1. Twitter, YouTube and RSS, among other platforms, have long been lauded for their roles in news reporting and distribution in the age of real-time and social media. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Additional Trends. 7 Digital Trends Worth Your Attention. Etudes - Quelles tendances digitales pour 2011 ? Isobar a présenté jeudi dernier, sa Digital Road Map conçue comme une cartographie dynamique des tendances digitales qui, comme le précise Florence Trouche, Présidente d'Isobar "s'inscrit dans le prolongement des cahiers de tendances générales d'Aegis". L 'objectif de cette cartographie est de partager le point de vue de l'agence sur les évolutions majeures qui se déssinent aujourd'hui, Internet entrant dans une nouvelle phase d'évolution... L'explosion des réseaux sociaux, la démocratisation vidéo, l'explosion des usagers smartphones d'ici 2014 ; les tablettes, la progression des utilisateurs avec notamment ces deux dernières années la progression des + de 60 ans passant de 37% à 68% (source Credoc) sur leur accès Internet.

Les standards comme les écrans tactiles, les applications, les navigateurs de réalité augmentée vont évoluer avec les nouveaux terminaux. Caroline HUGONENC, Directrice des études et de la Prospective Digitale à présenté les 5 tendances de ce nouveau contexte digital.


7 Top Online Marketing Trends for 2011 [Data Included] Heidi Cohen | January 10, 2011 | 23 Comments inShare319 Social media's influence expands. Shovel and Twitter in hand during the post-Christmas Snowpocalypse, Newark Mayor Cory Booker showed that 2011 will be about being connected, showing up, and responding to customers' needs. Like Mayor Booker, online marketers will require more than social media marketing. Further, as Mayor Booker demonstrated, an integrated approach is essential for achieving your goals. Seven Top Online Marketing Trends for 2011 Here are the seven top online marketing trends. Social media marketing goes mainstream. As you plan for 2011, use these seven online marketing trends to guide your marketing initiatives. Do you have any other trends that you think will drive online marketing in 2011?

Happy marketing, Heidi Cohen. 10 technologies that will define 2011. 10 Digital (and Nondigital) Resolutions to Make '11 a Win - Advertising Age - CMO Strategy. La vidéo en ligne en 2011 : télés connectées, recommandations sociales et guerre des standards. 17 digital marketing trends for 2011, by Econsultancy CEO Ashley Friedlein. Following are my personal views on what will be interesting and important in the world of digital marketing and e-commerce for 2011.

I haven’t given extensive justification for any of these. It’s just what I feel to be likely from my many conversations with industry influencers. I’d be very interested to hear your thoughts, or feel free to post a link to your own predictions. 1. The Year of Pragmatism – just do it My overall feeling for 2011 is that there isn’t anything ‘brand new’ on the immediate horizon that is going to create a fundamental shift, like search once did, or Web 2.0, or social media etc. 2011 will be somewhat less about talk and more about action. 2. We ran our first JUMP event in 2010 and will do so again at JUMP 2011. So this trend isn’t going away anytime soon and will continue to be an important focus for all marketers in 2011 and beyond. 3. I believe the spend will come under headings such as ‘engagement’, ‘experiential marketing’, even ‘customer service’. 4. 5. 6. 7. 95+ Predictions for the Web in 2011. 2010 was a busy year for social media and the web.

It began (more or less) with the launch of the Apple's genre-defining iPad tablet and culminated with the ascent of Facebook as the web's most visited site. In between we had the fall of Palm, the rise of Android, the surprise of Groupon and the success of the Facebook movie. There was more, too, from fun new gadgets to embarrassing downtime (at a startup not called Twitter). If all that was packed into the final year of the last decade, what's coming our way as the calendar flips to the next? For the past two weeks, editors and contributing writers at Mashable have been gazing into our crystal balls to try to discern what's coming in the next year. Below is a roundup of all of our predictions posts for 2011, covering over 90 topical predictions for what's in store for the web and social media in the coming year.

Ben Parr on predictions for... Image courtesy of iStockphoto, sparkia. 11 Digital Predictions for 2011 / By Duncan Southgate.

Medias sociaux

Introduction à la note de tendances 2011 par Vanksen. Après le succès de la note de tendance 2010 nous vous proposons la vision de l'agence de 2011 Bien que Wired ait annoncé la mort du web en 2010 (en fait une formulation choc, pour marquer l’explosion du contenu hors navigateurs (applications, skype,…)), aussitôt remise en cause par Cisco, l’utilisation des « nouveaux » media est plus que jamais en plein boom et en train de transformer notre monde avec l’explosion du mobile, de la géolocalisaton, des « social games » et évidemment le succès jusqu’ici irrésistible de Facebook.

Cette énumération technologique ne doit pas nous faire perdre de vue que la révolution vient non de l’innovation technologique mais des changements de comportements qui en découlent comme le rappelle Clay Shirky. Cette révolution sociétale ne vient cependant pas sans tensions, risques ou défis pour les institutions et les entreprises qu’elles soient établies ou nouvelles. Recevez la note de tendances dans son intégralité. Tendance # 1: Le digital, les media sociaux et le mobile continuent de progresser et deviennent incontournables.

Un écosystème aux mutations exponentielles vecteur de nombreux challenges (partie 1/2) 2011, année de la normalisation du web ? 2010 restera probablement comme l’une des dernières années de “spécialiste” du web, notamment marquée par l’expérimentation soutenue des media sociaux (principalement Twitter et Facebook) de la part des grands annonceurs occidentaux. 2011, qui s’ouvre sur la digitalisation forcée des agences de communication marque l’entrée dans une ère normalisée qui voit tous les annonceurs se rendre à l’évidence : il n’y a pas de consommateurs online et d’autres offline, mais bien un seul et même consommateur et plusieurs opportunités d’entrer en contact avec lui. L’institut Pew Research Center fait même état d’un recoupement à quasiment 80% entre population hors ligne et en ligne, jusqu’à l’âge de 65 ans. C’en est donc fini du cliché de la dualité entre un monde digital (réputé complexe et parfois inquiétant) et un monde réel (à l’apparence plus concrète et familière).

Tendance #4 : #SOCIAL MEDIA FATIGUE. « Social media fatigue » : On commence à constater un épuisement face à la démultiplication des contenus et des sollicitations du web social et notre incapacité à les filtrer » D’après Eric Schmidt, le PDG de Google, « le monde créé désormais autant d’information en 2 jours que celle qui a été créée entre sa création et l’année 2003, entre autre grâce ou à cause du contenu UGC » (créé par les consommateurs). Devant cette explosion de contenus, mais aussi de messages emails, d’invitations aux réseaux sociaux, de SMS, appels téléphoniques,… l’humain lui, ne connait pas la loi de Moore. Son cerveau ne double pas de capacité tous les 18 mois comme les puces informatiques. Comme le rappelle Steve Rubel, «Je suis toujours aussi fasciné de ce qu’un simple GSM renferme. La solution ? Se préserver via des plages de « déconnection » pour faire le vide, passer en mode « slow reading » ou une meilleure discipline personnelle pour certains.

Tendance #8: #VIR2RL. Les limbes VIR2RL L’anticipation, très nineties, d’une immersion virtuelle totale était donc un leurre. En 2011 n’en déplaise aux fans de Minecraft, nous ne vivrons pas –plus qu’en 2010- gantés, sanglés et casqués d’outils nous permettant d’appréhender une réalité alternative construite en 3D. Bien au contraire, la tendance est au croisement des deux univers, virtuel et réel alors qu’applications mobiles, réalité augmentée, nouveaux écrans et objets intelligents concourent à graduellement brouiller les différences entre les deux. Bienvenue dans la virtu-realité ! Deux visions de la même technologie 3D à vingt ans d’intervalles : confinement du masque sur la Virtual Boy vs. Fantômes & réalité augmentée Application de Tagging communautaire, Stickybits propose d’adosser à n’importe quel code barre du contenu utilisateur (texte, photo, vidéo) L’internet des objets Arduino, un passe temps de geek ou une nouvelle manière de concevoir un produit ?

Recevez la note de tendances dans son intégralité. Tendance #7 : #GAMIFICATION. Tendance # 2 : #REALTIME. Tendance #11 : #brandcontent. Tendance #12 : #PRISE DE RECUL. Tendance #10: #Géolocalisation. Tendance #6 : #E-REPUTATION partie 2. Tendance #5 : #BACKCLASH. Tendance # 1 Le digital, les media sociaux et le mobile continuent de progresser et deviennent incontournables. Tendance # 3 : #SPLINTERNET. Tendance #9 : #SOCIAL COMMERCE. Eleven Digital Trends to Watch in 2011. Armano & Rubel: 11 Trends To Watch For 2011.