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New era dawns for display advertising. Coca-Cola Marketing Shifts from Impressions to Expressions - Joe Tripodi - The Conversation. By Joe Tripodi | 9:05 AM April 27, 2011 This post is part of Creating a Customer-Centered Organization. A lot of us remember when the role of the CMO was much simpler. Information flowed in one direction: from companies to consumers.

When we drew up our plans and budgets, the key metric was consumer impressions: how many people would see, hear or read our ad? Today the only place that approach still works is on Mad Men. In the near term, “consumer impressions” will remain the backbone of our measurement because it is the metric universally used to compare audiences across nearly all types of media. So, in addition to “consumer impressions,” we are increasingly tracking “consumer expressions.” So what are the keys to winning in this new era of empowered, engaged and networked consumers?

Accept that consumers can generate more messages than you ever could. Develop content that is “Liquid and Linked.” Accept that you don’t own your brands; your consumers do.


MOBILE. Trends: Digital Advertising. A vast array of technologies and trends are transforming online marketing. Because it’s hard to wade through the changes, we’ve whittled them down to six that are significant. The death of the click through—maybe for real this time. Advertisers and publishers have been predicting—and hoping for—the death of the click-through rate for years, complaining it’s a highly inefficient way to measure an ad’s success, especially for brand advertising.

Click throughs aren’t dead yet, but efforts like startup Moat’s “Kill the Click” campaign, which focuses on time spent mousing over an ad rather than clicking, should help dig its grave. The merging of mobile and desktop. The persistence of supercookies. The beginnings of ad-tech consolidation. The rise of HTML5. The value of specialized content.

Location's Next Act Takes Shape. Qu’Attendent Les Marques De Leurs Fans Sur Les Médias Sociaux. Combien vaut le fan d’une marque? C’est une question sur laquelle se penchent depuis un moment certains professionnels des médias sociaux. Des études suggèrent que nombre d’entre eux s’éloignent de la recherche d’un chiffre. Selon une enquête de juillet 2010 réalisée par Millward Brown et Dynamic Logic auprès de professionnels des médias sociaux, les aspects les plus importants des fans d’une marque sur les médias sociaux dépassent la valeur monétaire immédiate. En effet, les augmentations des dépenses sur la marque à court terme et à long terme figurent parmi les derniers résultats. Au sommet de la liste, la valeur d’un fan correspond à une source potentielle d’informations ainsi qu’à une augmentation de la fidélisation en général.

La recommandation et l’engagement sont aussi importants pour au moins 3/4 des interrogés. Pourtant, ces éléments souples de mesure peuvent laisser ces professionnels dans le doute quant au ROI des médias sociaux. Traduction : Emarketer Catégorie: Social Media. Facebook Studio, La Nouvelle Plateforme De Facebook Destinée Aux Professionnels Du Marketing. Facebook to Ad Agencies: Let's Be 'in a Relationship' | Digital.

Homepage. The Future Of Display Advertising (It's Bigger Than You Think) Banner advertising (or display advertising) has a bad rap with consumers, but it's a driving force in the advertising community. For every person that claims to hate display advertising and for the millions of ad-blocking software downloads that happen annually, there's still a major and brisk business being done in the selling and placement of banner ads. Online advertising networks continue to grow, and many of the more premium sites (be they brand name portals or highly trafficked niche sites) command decent CPMs that are making brands happy and publishers wealthy. Will we move away from display advertising to another/better form of online advertising?

It's not only the golden question when it comes to advertising, but something that both brands and publishers continue to grapple with. Leave it to Google to provide one of the more provocative statements about the potential future of online advertising. With the opportunity comes the hurdles. Better technology. By Mitch Joel. Check-in - Check-IN Audace - Yahoo va enflammer un quartier. Yahoo va enflammer un quartier Publié le 08 janvier 2011 Qui aura le privilège d’organiser sa «bloc party» dans son quartier?

Pour le savoir, certains habitants s’affrontent au travers… d’abribus. Les joutes ont déjà commencé, verdict le 28 janvier… Imaginez 20 abribus interactifs dans Paris offrant différents types de jeu dans lesquels on doit cumuler des points pour au final faire gagner à son quartier une énorme fiesta. Une fête organisée par Yahoo qui récompense l’équipe qui aura accumulé, via les jeux mobile Yahoo, le plus grand nombre de points! Bon, pour l’instant on se contente d’imaginer cette idée à Paris car cette campagne interactive se déroule actuellement à San Francisco. L’opération commencée le 20 novembre se terminera le 28 janvier.

Pour Yahoo, cette opération va plus loin que le simple jeu concours. On imagine aisément ce type de concept à Paris, ça ferait un peu oublier la grisaille ambiante… Gaël Clouzard. The Future Of Online Ads? - The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan. 6 Predictions for Digital Advertising in 2011. Jesse Thomas is the CEO and Founder of JESS3, a Creative Interactive Agency. JESS3 designs products and experiences for brands like Google, Nike, Facebook, MySpace, C-SPAN, Microsoft and NASA. "Likes," views and followers were all the rage in 2010. Despite the social media community emphasizing engagement instead of reach, media agencies quickly learned that engagement doesn’t scale easily, making it difficult to sell. Enter Facebook, YouTube and Twitter. As consumer use of social media spiked, the leading social networks retooled their advertising products to satisfy the newfound demand from brands. Instead of fizzling out like the popular online communities of yesteryear, they are driving toward profitability after several years of trying to figure out what they wanted to be when they grew up.

Below are six predictions for digital advertising in 2011. 1. Location-based advertising will continue to grow in 2011 as Facebook expands the technology with its location platform, Places. 2. 3. Display in 2011: The Future Belongs to Google. InShare31 Google is poised to extend its newfound dominance in display. Whatever direction online display media takes in 2011 and beyond, Google will be alright.

After three years of intense R&D -- and even more intense M&A -- the company now owns large swaths of display media's plumbing. It's on pace to capture $2.5 billion in display ad revenue in 2010, making short work of CEO Eric Schmidt's 2009 pledge to turn display into Google's "next billion-dollar business. " But that's just the tip of the iceberg. Agency groups ZenithOptimedia and GroupM both predict online ad spending will grow significantly next year, and researcher eMarketer projects display spending will expand from $8.9 billion this year to $15.9 billion in 2014 (though it will still trail search spending).

Google Is the Platform "Google has rebuilt the infrastructure of a huge part of online advertising," said Adam Cahill, SVP and director of digital media at Hill Holiday. Big Brands Love Google's Reach Not the Only Company.