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Api-javascript-client - Google APIs Client Library for JavaScript - Google Project Hosting - Vimperator. Unofficial Google Advanced Search - Vimperator. The main page > Unofficial Google Advanced Search Google Search Box Table of Contents Back to the table of contents 1. Introduction Disclamer: This site is not controlled or supported by Google in anyway. Welcome to the Unoffical Google Advanced Search page. This page is provided as a reference and a guide to using the advanced search operators that Google provides. With the announcement of SSL support on I changed all the search examples to use SSL as well. 2. Google is case insensitive, meanting that 'gOoGle' is the same as 'GOOGLE' and 'google' Search operators are case sensitive, meaning that 'OR' is not the same as 'or' Without using any operators, Google will show pages with all words first, trying to find the words in order Google excludes common words (known as stop words) like 'I', 'the', 'a' etc Pay attention to operators that must be used alone 3. 3.1. 3.2.

Google advanced search sends the following URI to the server. 3.3. 4. SPDY: What I Like About You. I've been working on implementing SPDY as an experiment in Firefox lately. We'll have to see how it plays out, but so far I really like it. Development and benchmarking is still a work in progress, though interop seems to be complete. There are several significant to-do items left that have the potential to improve things even further. The couple of anecdotal benchmarks I have collected are broadly similar to the page load time based reports Google has shared at the IETF and velocity conf over the last few months. tl;dr; Faster is all well and good (and I mean that!)

SPDY: What I Like About You #1: Infinite Parallelism with Shared Congestion Control. You probably know that SPDY allows multiplexing of multiple HTTP resources inside one TCP stream. Normal HTTP achieves transaction parallelism through parallel TCP connections. Parallelism is a must-have for performance. The architectural problem lies in HTTP's interaction with TCP congestion control. Packet Loss. Huzzah. #3:Header compression. Paul Irish - Google+ - Two great talks on web performance & mobile, covering…

I/O 2011. NaCl; Has Native Client been sweet of too salty? NaCl; Has Native Client been sweet of too salty? Posted by Dion Almaer about a year ago on c++ nacl plugins Native Client has always been an interesting project. Bring your C/C++ to the Web via special gcc sauce. Not very webby in the view-source tradition, but brings interesting features through to the browser. At Palm we had something similar to NaCl called the PDK, and a big goal was to mix and match low level native code and web native code. It was always my desire to see if we could align the PDK and the NaCl. Scott Ananian has written a short post on the state of NaCl that shares where we are at based on outside view that compares to the Android NDK: To begin, the Native Client (NaCl) plugin is fairly mature in a number of areas.

Tom Robinson (280North co-founder / Capp / Narwhal) is certainly bullish on the approach: Emscripten is neat, but Native Client and especially PNaCl (NaCl + LLVM) is what you should be watching over the next few years. The Go Programming Language. Traceur-compiler - Google's vehicle for Javascript Language Design Experimentation.
