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Composer. Toran Proxy is a commercial alternative to Satis offering professional support as well as a web UI to manage everything and a better integration with Composer.


Toran's revenue is also used to pay for Composer and Packagist development and hosting so using it is a good way to support open source financially. You can find more information about how to set it up and use it on the Toran Proxy website. Satis on the other hand is open source but only a static composer repository generator. It is a bit like an ultra-lightweight, static file-based version of packagist and can be used to host the metadata of your company's private packages, or your own.

You can get it from GitHub or install via CLI: php composer.phar create-project composer/satis --stability=dev --keep-vcs. Setup# For example let's assume you have a few packages you want to reuse across your company but don't really want to open-source. The default file Satis looks for is satis.json in the root of the repository. Usage# Security# Speed up PHPUnit and functional tests with Symfony and fastest. Once in a while a 35 minutes test suite reached 7 minutes thanks to a magician called fastest … today we decided to release fastest as open-source library.

Speed up PHPUnit and functional tests with Symfony and fastest

Just Testing Have you ever seen how your computer’s multi-core works when you execute PHPUnit? Ehm technically only one core is fatigued, because the tests are serially launched. Parallel testing Existing tool Maybe we can do better, we can use all cores, we have begun to experiment paratest, and subsequently Parallel. Parallel is the one that gave us more satisfaction, but it was not enough, Parallel does not help the functional tests. Reprenez le contrôle sur vos dépendances. SOAP_Tips.pdf. 3v4l - EvAluate your code in our online PHP shell (100+ PHP versions) - online PHP codepad for 80+ PHP versions. Execution Operators. __construct() and \LogicException. Config.php - google-api-php-client - Google APIs Client Library for PHP.

Older revisions r474 by chir...

config.php - google-api-php-client - Google APIs Client Library for PHP on Aug 2, 2012 Diff Namespace the Google APIs PHP Client - Rename apiClient to Google_Client. - Prefix all class names with "Google_*" instead of "api*". ... r297 by chir... on Jan 3, 2012 Diff Include the oauth2 service scopes (userinfo.profile, r287 by chir... Y'en a d'autres comme ça ? #php6 (cc @mageekguy) #L. PHP coding tips for Performance Improvement. This post covers most performance improvement tips related to PHP coding.

PHP coding tips for Performance Improvement

While working with small website or project it’s ok to ignore these tips, but when you are dealing with large website or project which is going to maintained for long term and which have large number of user base. Developer must have to consider the below tips from the starting of the project. It will surely make drastic change in your website performance. In PHP there are so many ways to perform the same task. Normally developers are using the way which is most comfortable for them or which they are more aware of. echo is more faster than print. I have not covered all the things here but there are lots of more optimizations tips are available, will see that in next post. Share This Article. Carnet de notes - Lien symbolique dans le repertoire du ftp - mkdir /home/ftp/lien_vers_programmes mount --bind /usr/programmes /home/ftp/lien_vers_programmes YQL YQL Yahoo Pipes Like (On récupère les 10 derniers articles provenant de différents flux, articles triés par date de publication) SELECT FROM yql.query.multi WHERE queries="select channel.item from xml where url in(' ' | sort(field='channel.item.pubDate',descending='true');" limit 10 offset 0 (voir aussi la note "Créer un agrégateur de RSS en utilisant Yahoo Pipes" : Conditional Compilation of JScript/ JavaScript in.

Carnet de notes -


Tutorial: Intégrer PayPal à son site web en PHP - Partie 1. Nouveau tutorial qui vous permettra d'intégrer le service de paiement en ligne PayPal à votre site web PHP.

Tutorial: Intégrer PayPal à son site web en PHP - Partie 1

Objectif du tutorial: Le but de ce tutorial est de vous guider pas à pas dans l'intégration du service de paiement en ligne paypal et de vous expliquer comment fonctionne le processus de paiement ... Ce tutorial s'applique uniquement aux sites développés en PHP. Plan du tutorial: Principe de fonctionnement de PayPal Pour commencer, voyons comment fonctionne le processus de paiement en ligne avec PayPal. Voici le schéma d'une transaction typique: Pour les non anglophones: Étape 1: L'acheteur se trouve sur votre page web où votre produit ou service peut être acheté.Étape 2: L'acheteur est redirigé sur le site PayPal après avoir cliqué sur le bouton "Acheter". Une fois que le paiement est validé (Etape 4), Paypal lance une requête IPN sur votre site pour que vous puissiez traiter le paiement. En ce qui concerne notre site, nous aurons besoin de créer 4 pages web: