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Web Development Toolbox: 120+ New Tools for Web Development. Last year we did a post on Web development tools.

Web Development Toolbox: 120+ New Tools for Web Development

A lot has changed in the past year, and there are tons of new tools available to developers. Options include drag-and-drop application builders, code repositories, project management and testing apps, and frameworks for working with a variety of coding languages, from Ajax to Ruby to Python. Which do you use? Tell us more about your experiences in the comments. Application Builders DreamFace - Framework for creating personalized Web apps. Organic Incentive - Tools for creating viral widgets with a drag-and-drop interface. dbFLEX - On-demand business application development platform. app2you - Online tool for creating custom Web applications.

Qrimp - An affordable database platform that builds applications around your data (which you can upload in an Excel spreadsheet). Lightspoke - Application builder with drag-and-drop application design, dynamic filtering and sorting, and a true relational database backend. Web Design Toolbox: 130+ New Tools to Make You a Better and Fast.

Last year we did a post on 50+ tools for Web design.

Web Design Toolbox: 130+ New Tools to Make You a Better and Fast

A lot has changed in the past year, and there are tons of new tools available to designers. Whether you're just starting out and need a drag-and-drop builder or you've been coding for years and need tools to help you be more efficient, there's something on this list for you. Here are over 130 tools to make you a better and faster designer. Feel free to add more in the comments. Beginner Resources YAML Builder - Easy to use YAML (Yet Another Multicolumn Layout) XHTML/CSS site layout builder.

Sky CSS Tool - JavaScript CSS authoring app. The Box Office - CSS formatting tool for wrapping text around images. CSSTXT - Online CSS text style generator. - Free CSS menu builder. pForm - HTML form builder. Roxer - Drag and drop website creator. Wirenode - Create your own mobile websites. dotemplate - Template site that allows you to customize templates before downloading them. templatr - Online tool for creating website templates. SeeYouThen! 100 Great Resources for Design Inspiration.

Finding inspiration is not always as simple as it sounds, whether you've been designing for years or only weeks.

100 Great Resources for Design Inspiration

Below is a collection of 100 great web resources to find inspiration and direction on your next project, whether it be online or in print. These range from galleries of graphic and web design to online magazines and a few unconventional sources of inspiration. Keep reading to see our recommendations and then share your favorite sources of inspiration in the comments. Online Galleries Veer: Ideas - A huge idea gallery from stock photography company Veer formatted as a blog and including news and updates from the company itself. Delicious CSS - A CSS web design gallery that was founded because of the lack of features for tracking design ideas on traditional social bookmarking sites. Raster - A regularly-updated gallery of photography and art with collections broken into “chapters.”

CSS Uber Clean - A gallery of exceptional CSS-based designs. Blogs Online Magazines. 85+ Tools & Resources for Freelancers and Web Workers. Deciding to become a freelance worker can be a scary proposition.

85+ Tools & Resources for Freelancers and Web Workers

Sure there is an allure to picking what projects you work on, but it can also be stressful not knowing where your next paycheck will come from. Luckily there are numerous resources out there that not only help you find more work, but also loads of tools to help you do your job more efficiently with a professional edge. We've gathered over 85 tools and job sites for a variety of freelancers and web workers. While a lot of these items are focused on web design elements such as photography, programming and writing, we made sure to include something for everyone. Have more resources to recommend? Work Tools It's important for freelance workers to be as organized as possible. Adobe AIR Apps AgileTracker - Allows you to keep track of time spent on projects by client, and if you are using AgileAgenda, you can sync them with each other. Klok - Klok allows you to easily keep track of your time spent on multiple projects.
