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100 Great Resources for Design Inspiration

100 Great Resources for Design Inspiration
Finding inspiration is not always as simple as it sounds, whether you've been designing for years or only weeks. Below is a collection of 100 great web resources to find inspiration and direction on your next project, whether it be online or in print. These range from galleries of graphic and web design to online magazines and a few unconventional sources of inspiration. Keep reading to see our recommendations and then share your favorite sources of inspiration in the comments. Online Galleries Veer: Ideas - A huge idea gallery from stock photography company Veer formatted as a blog and including news and updates from the company itself. Delicious CSS - A CSS web design gallery that was founded because of the lack of features for tracking design ideas on traditional social bookmarking sites. Raster - A regularly-updated gallery of photography and art with collections broken into “chapters.” CSS Uber Clean - A gallery of exceptional CSS-based designs. Blogs Online Magazines

10 Web Design Elements that You Shouldn’t Overlook When it comes to designing and building websites, it never seems to happen fast enough. Given this fast pace, many small details that are eventually required to build the website are often left out of the design process. While these details might be minor, they are what take a website from nice to truly awesome. Poetas políticos y ejecutivos bohemios Luis García Montero [En José M. Mariscal & Carlos Prado (eds.), Hace falta estar ciego (Poéticas del compromiso para el siglo XXI), Madrid, Visor, 2003, pp. 11-23.] Una vez más un libro sobre literatura y compromiso. 10 Super Useful Tools for Choosing the Right Color Palette Whether you are designing a clean corporate website or a grunge portfolio site, color is going to play a major role in how the design is perceived by the audience. That’s why it’s important to get the colors right upfront. There are plenty of tools out there made especially for this, but like anything else some are better than others.

Template Wordpress et Thèmes inspirants La console de gestion de Wordpress est extrêmement versatile et flexible. Vous pouvez l'utiliser accompagnée d'un template Wordpress graphique pour vous créer un commerce en ligne, un site web corporatif pour votre entreprise, un blog (blogue), un portfolio en ligne, un template de magazine, un site web de musique, etc. Tout est possible! Education for a green society There is a strong connection between the business world and the modern institution of schooling. Historians of education have explained how schools as we know them were profoundly shaped by the influence of business leaders and by educators who adopted theories and techniques from the economic realm of society. Many major turning points, new initiatives, and efforts to reform public education have come in response to demands for better trained workers or more efficient management of human resources.

40 Best Creative Illustration Designs of July Month Creating Illustration requires creativity, good knowledge in software like Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator. Artists spend hours for creating Illustration Design artworks. A great Illustration artwork usually depends on abstract lines and color combinations. It allows the artists to improve their creative skill and techniques. Here in today’s post we have showcased 40 Best Creative Illustration Designs.

TIC & Web Concevoir un site Web de qualité ne s’improvise pas. Pour qu’un site Web soit utile et utilisable, en plus d’un contenu pertinent, il doit répondre à trois règles de base : l’ergonomie, l’intéropérabilité et l’accessibilité. Ergonomie Ergonomie = efficacité et praticité L’ergonomie d’un site web se définie par sa capacité à être utilisable par le plus grand nombre de personnes avec un maximum de confort de navigation. Pour travailler efficacement sur l’ergonomie d’un site, il est important de considérer les différents profils des internautes.

"10 años de vivencias en educación virtual" - Net-Learning - Libro de descarga gratuita Libro de descarga gratuita: “10 años de vivencias en educación virtual” – Net-Learning 10 años de vivencias en educación virtual / Susana Trabaldo … []. – 1a ed. – Buenos Aires : Net-Learning, 2012. Descarga gratis “10 años de vivencias en educación virtual” – Net-Learning aquí Net-Learning festeja su 10mo aniversario de trabajo en Educación a distancia y lo hace entregando este libro a todos los que estén interesados en conocer más de esta metodología educativa. Algunos artículos incluidos en el libro:

Determining semantic similarity among entity classes from different ontologies Semantic similarity measures play an important role in information retrieval and information integration. Traditional approaches to modeling semantic similarity compute the semantic distance between definitions within a single ontology. This single ontology is either a domain-independent ontology or the result of the integration of existing ontologies. La española Bubok lanza un editor gratuito de libros electrónicos Con la llegada de los libros electrónicos se hace cada vez más sencillo editar y publicar tu propio libro, así que si es una meta que tienes en la vida, vale que sepas que hay en la Red herramientas que pueden facilitarte el alcanzarla. Una de ellas es BubokWriter, una herramienta gratuita que permite crear de una manera sencilla libros electrónicos en formato ePub, es decir, el formato estándar que se adapta a los diferentes tamaños de las pantallas de los múltiples lectores de libros electrónicos del mercado como el iPad, iPhone, Kindle o el Papyre. BubokWriter te permite escribir el libro directamente en su plataforma en la Web, que funcionado de forma similar a un editor de texto cualquiera, y que permite agregar imágenes o bien importar textos desde un archivo Word. Luego que el libro está finalizado, la plataforma le da la opción al autor para publicarlos en la Red y venderlos a través de Bubok. Link: Bubok Writer

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