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13 Simple Steps To Get You Through A Rough Day. Neural network gets an idea of number without counting - tech - 20 January 2012. AN ARTIFICIAL brain has taught itself to estimate the number of objects in an image without actually counting them, emulating abilities displayed by some animals including lions and fish, as well as humans.

Neural network gets an idea of number without counting - tech - 20 January 2012

Because the model was not preprogrammed with numerical capabilities, the feat suggests that this skill emerges due to general learning processes rather than number-specific mechanisms. "It answers the question of how numerosity emerges without teaching anything about numbers in the first place," says Marco Zorzi at the University of Padua in Italy, who led the work. The finding may also help us to understand dyscalculia - where people find it nearly impossible to acquire basic number and arithmetic skills - and enhance robotics and computer vision. The skill in question is known as approximate number sense. A simple test of ANS involves looking at two groups of dots on a page and intuitively knowing which has more dots, even though you have not counted them. Lucid Dream Guru - Master the Art of Lucid Dreaming.

How to Plant Ideas in Someones Mind - StumbleUpon.