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REST with Java (JAX-RS) using Jersey. REST with Java (JAX-RS) using Jersey - Tutorial Copyright © 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 Lars Vogel.

REST with Java (JAX-RS) using Jersey

Partitioning - How do i relocate on my ubuntu moveable directories /var and /usr. Автоматическое монтирование дисков и разделов в Linux или что такое fstab? В результате обычного монтирования командой mount параметры будут сохранены до первой перезагрузки ОС.

Автоматическое монтирование дисков и разделов в Linux или что такое fstab?

Подробнее о использовании команды mount можно прочитать статью "Команда mount в Linux или все о монтировании разделов, дисков, образов ISO и SMB ресурсов". A set of: DROPS scarf with flounces, beret and mittens in ”Alpaca” and ”Vivaldi. DROPS ALPACA UNI COLOUR (50g) 2.90 GBP DROPS ALPACA MIX (50g) 2.90 GBP DROPS VIVALDI UNI COLOUR (50g) 3.90 GBP DROPS ALPACA UNI COLOUR (50g) 3.30 EUR DROPS ALPACA MIX (50g) 3.30 EUR DROPS VIVALDI UNI COLOUR (50g) 4.45 EUR DROPS 152-155 are now available in the stores for 1£ per catalogue – no yarn purchase required!

A set of: DROPS scarf with flounces, beret and mittens in ”Alpaca” and ”Vivaldi

The catalogues are printed in a limited edition, so visit your local DROPS store today! Find the DROPS Spring & Summer 2014 Collection here! Annotations to the Girl Genius Comic. [Home] [Other] This page is in tribute to one of the most entertaining webcomics currently available.

Annotations to the Girl Genius Comic

The story is set in an alternate history in which mad scientists not only are real, but the foremost of them are the rulers of the cities and countries of the world. The action largely takes place in a portion of Europe corresponding geographically and in terms of architecture and fashion to the former Austro-Hungarian Empire. A young woman named Agatha, who discovers herself to be a Spark, that is, an individual gifted with the mental abilities that allow one to become a mad scientist, is the central character of the story. Gimp: How To Write a Script-Fu Macro. So now we have a function to manipulate a photo file, but how do we use it to manipulate lots of files all at once?

Gimp: How To Write a Script-Fu Macro

The quickest way (if not the most elegant way) to do this is just to paste the function into Gimp for each file in a directory. i.e. list the files in the directory, dump the file-names to a file and build a script, then paste it into the Gimp command-line. e.g. from a Terminal window in the appropriate directory > ls > simple-script then edit the file simple-script to define the function photo-script function then call the photo-shrink function for each jpeg file then start gimp and paste the file:

Translations - Perevodis. XUL Tutorial. Introduction. Welcome to the XUL School Tutorial!


This tutorial is meant to be the stepping stone that will turn you into a professional Firefox extension developer in no time. We have poured years of XUL experience into it, providing many solutions for problems extension developers commonly run into. Chrome registration. What is chrome?

Chrome registration

Edit Chrome is the set of user interface elements of the application window that are outside the window's content area. Toolbars, menu bars, progress bars, and window title bars are all examples of elements that are typically part of the chrome. Mozilla locates and reads the root chrome.manifest file for extensions and themes. Note: With Gecko 1.9.2 and older, Mozilla reads chrome/*.manifest files from applications. Chrome providersEdit. File I/O. This article describes local file input/output in chrome JavaScript.

File I/O

You access the file system using Mozilla XPCOM components. Available libraries There are a few JavaScript wrappers for I/O XPCOM components. See JSLib. How to load file from inside Firefox plugin. Tabbed browser. Here you should find a set of useful code snippets to help you work with Firefox's tabbed browser.

Tabbed browser

The comments normally mark where you should be inserting your own code. Each snippet normally includes some code to run at initialization, these are best run using a load listener. These snippets assume they are run in the context of a browser window. Getting started with extension development. From MozillaZine Knowledge Base Two major extension developers' features introduced in Firefox 1.5 were the greatly simplified chrome registration scheme and the reworked Extension Manager.

Getting started with extension development

Developing Firefox Extensions with GNU/Linux. Introduction. Setting up an extension development environment. This article gives suggestions on how to set up your Mozilla application for extension development. Unless otherwise specified, these suggestions apply to both Firefox and Thunderbird as well as SeaMonkey version 2.0 and above.

Overview. Extension development. From MozillaZine Knowledge Base Introduction Extensions allow programmers to add new features to Mozilla applications or allow existing features to be modified. Typically, extensions modify the “chrome” of their target application—the user interface and the scripts that add functionalty to that interface. However, it is also possible for extensions to include compiled code in the form of XPCOM components. Tutorials. Beginner GIMP Quickies Use GIMP for simple graphics needs without having to learn advanced image manipulation methods. Simple Floating Logo This tutorial walks through some basic image and layer manipulation techniques.

Building an extension. Introduction This tutorial will take you through the steps required to build a very basic extension - one which adds a status bar panel to the Firefox browser containing the text "Hello, World! ". Note: The extension created by this tutorial won't work in Firefox versions that don't have a static status bar (that is, Firefox 4 and up). How to develop a Firefox extension. There are more recent development guides in the add-ons section of the Mozilla Developer Network. Please use those instead. Reposted with permission from Robert Nyman: Admit that you have always wanted to know how to develop a Firefox extension but never had the time to learn. Here I will walk you through and at the end of the article we will have created a fully functional Firefox extension!

Girl Genius (Studio Foglio) Annotations by David Salley.


Tools. Manuals. Choosing the right Linux File System Layout using a Top-Bottom Process. July 31, 2009 By Pierre Vignéras More stories by this author: As you may probably know, Linux supports various filesystems such as ext2, ext3, ext4, xfs, reiserfs, jfs among others. Programming. Voters. How to Create a RESTful Web Service - Dustin R. Callaway. REST is an architectural style for implementing web services over standard HTTP.

You can learn more about REST from the following resources: Building Web Services the REST Way.