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Week of April 18 2011

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A Great Stagnation or a New Golden Age of Innovation? Here is the way things are supposed to work.

A Great Stagnation or a New Golden Age of Innovation?

Every 50 years or so, the world goes through a major technology-based economic revolution, - also known as Kondratiev Waves. A new disruptive technology emerges out of the lab into the marketplace, becomes increasingly successful, gets embraced by entrepreneurs who start new businesses based on these new technologies, and begins to gain market share at the expense of the previous, slow moving market leaders. These new ventures continue to attract more and more financial capital from investors, which in turn helps improve the quality and lowers the cost of the new disruptive technology and leads to many new innovative applications. The New York Times’ R&D Lab has built a tool that explores the life stories take in the social space. Sites Retool for Google Effect. Why Quantum Physics Ends the Free Will Debate. Apple sues Samsung: a complete lawsuit analysis. Apple sued Samsung yesterday, the latest in a long line of IP lawsuits against Android device manufacturers.

Apple sues Samsung: a complete lawsuit analysis

(See: Apple v. HTC, Apple v. Motorola, Microsoft v. Motorola, Microsoft v. Barnes & Noble.) The immediate takeaway is simple: Apple isn't afraid to sue anyone when it comes to protecting its IP. Background The background section of Apple's complaint has a couple interesting nuggets in it: Apple's sold "over 60 million" iPod touches as of March 2011, which is the first time a specific number has ever been broken out for that device, and we're also told that 108m iPhones and 19m iPads have been sold.

It's in this section that Apple also lays out what it considers to be its protectable intellectual property: seven utility patents, three design patents, trademarks on several iOS system app icons, and a host of trade dress registrations on the iPhone, iPod touch, iPad, and the packaging that each comes in. The claims First claim: Trade dress infringement under 15 U.S.C. § 1125 U.S. Gut Bacteria Divide People Into 3 Types, Scientists Report. Blood type, meet bug type.

Gut Bacteria Divide People Into 3 Types, Scientists Report

“It’s an important advance,” said Rob Knight, a biologist at the , who was not involved in the research. “It’s the first indication that human gut ecosystems may fall into distinct types.” The researchers, led by Peer Bork of the European Molecular Biology Laboratory in Heidelberg, Germany, found no link between what they called enterotypes and the ethnic background of the European, American and Japanese subjects they studied.

Nor could they find a connection to sex, weight, health or age. They are now exploring other explanations. The microbes alter the gut so that only certain species can follow them. Whatever the cause of the different enterotypes, they may end up having discrete effects on people’s health. Dr. The discovery of the blood types A, B, AB and O had a major effect on how doctors practice medicine. “Some things are pretty obvious already,” Dr. Dr. Why our small-town daily is adding a full-time curator. We’re adding a full-time curator position at The Register Citizen.

Why our small-town daily is adding a full-time curator

Jenny Golfin, whose duties have included morning shift web updating, social media management and reporting, will be devoted full-time to this new role. Her mission will be to provide our audience with links to breaking and comprehensive news and information relevant to their community and interests. Putting the reader first, she’ll link out to blogs, Twitter feeds, YouTube videos and even the work of our longest-standing “traditional” competitors, not just to content produced by our staff writers at The Register Citizen, or by sister Journal Register Company publications in Connecticut. Why does a local paper our size need, and how does it justify, having a full-time curator on staff? Well, 10 years ago, it was us, a competing daily newspaper a few towns to our south, a local radio station with a morning news report and the TV stations from Hartford and New Haven.

Royal Pingdom » USA vs. China on the Internet. Arguably, there are currently only two superpowers on the planet: the United States and China.

Royal Pingdom » USA vs. China on the Internet

Now that the world is growing increasingly dependent on the Internet, how do these two giants stack up online? We’ve taken a number of Internet-related metrics to compare the two countries, things like the number of Internet users, Internet penetration, the speed of Internet connections, the number of domain names, favorite websites, web browsers, operating systems and more. Let’s get started! Internet users Ten years ago, the United States was by far the largest country on the Internet. Together these two countries now make up over 33% of the Internet. Internet penetration The United States has a huge lead over China when it comes to the actual Internet penetration, i.e. the share of its population that has access to the Internet.

An interesting note here is that China has a ton of room to grow, while the United States doesn’t. Internet growth In this context, a look back in time is relevant. Is Sitting a Lethal Activity? Is All That Sitting Really Killing Us. Stand Up While You Read This! What Defines a Meme? When Did Girls Start Wearing Pink?