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How to Become a Motivational Speaker | The Marketing Model to Become Famous. Dan Thurmon was the first professional speaker to take me under his wing and start training me in the speaking business. Though Dan had already established a successful speaking company speaking several times per week all across the nation, since our introduction a couple of years ago Motivation Works, Inc has succeeded into a Internationally recognized brand. Dan has been in the speaking business for over 16 years and is the author of “Off Balance on Purpose Launching Successfully as a Motivational Speaker Q. When you got started in the world of motivational speaking you actually worked for a renaissance festivals juggling.

But, you decided to make the career change into professional speaking. Dan: As an entertainer in the renaissance festivals I had to learn how to captivate and hold an audience. However, when I was driving around in my car from gig to gig or around town I would listen to Tony Robbins, Zig Ziglar, Napoleon Hill and many others to stay motivated. Off Balance On Purpose. Don’t Dream of a Better Life . . . Live It! | SUCCESS Videos. What are you really good at? | SUCCESS Videos. Coaching: The Power of Questions. How to become a business motivational speaker. NextSteps. Gary V: Word Gets Around Fast on Social Media | SUCCESS Videos. How Your Body Language Affects What You Say | SUCCESS Videos. Life Coaching and Personal Coaching Solutions from Motivational Speakers: The Two Basic Types.

The self-motivator speaker will have a greater effect on individuals who do not typically operate as part of a team, as the focus of the presentation will centre on individual goals and achievements. These people may be the individuals within an organisation, eg. Sales people, who are driven to push themselves hard to achieve results on a regular basis. 2: Leadership motivator The second type of motivational speaker has a background in business, the military, or in sports as a coach / manager and not just a player. Usually they are experienced professional business speakers as well. The leadership motivator has been responsible for managing companies and/or teams.

The leadership motivator typically concentrates on painting scenarios that affect companies and business teams as well as individuals in business. The leadership motivator will appeal more to senior people in business, eg. Conclusion Return to main motivational speakers article.