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Header - Ionic Components. Building out your app. Previous: Starting our app Now that we know everything there is to know about testing our Ionic apps, and we have a working app shell, let’s move on to actually making some bacon!

Building out your app

So, let’s take another look at our mockup: We can see that both the center content and side menus have lists. Lists in Ionic are very powerful, and come with a lot of different features commonly see in native apps. Luckily, adding them is really simple. Since we are using AngularJS, we are going to use the ng-repeat directive to create a new list item for every single task we have in a given project: Never fear!

One of the toughest parts about learning Angular is not knowing "the way" to do certain things. Js - All Documents. Manage Subscriptions /_layouts/images/ReportServer/Manage_Subscription.gif /CareersWithUs/GraduateCentre/_layouts/ReportServer/ManageSubscriptions.aspx?

js - All Documents

List={ListId}&ID={ItemId} 0x80. - Documentation - Embedding into HTML. For embedding the krpano viewer into a HTML page the embedpano.js script need to be used. - Documentation - Embedding into HTML

This script does many important detection and setup things automatically, e.g. a device/system feature detection (Flash or HTML5) and it also fixes automatically a lot of browser and system related issues and limitations (Mouse wheel usage). This makes the embedding of the krpano viewer easy and simple - one script include and one line embedding code is enough. Functions of the embedpano.js script Creating and embedding the krpano viewer into the HTML page. Automatically check for Flash or HTML5 support and automatically loading the appropriate krpano viewer. Peachananr/panorama_viewer. HTML5 WebGL 360 degrees panorama viewer with Three.js.

WebGL Specification. Version 1.0.3, 27 October 2014 This version: WebIDL: Latest version:

WebGL Specification

Afficher des panoramas sphériques avec jQuery - Le LAB : OpenStudio innove et partage ses développements libres. Une alternative JavaScript aux viewers habituels en Java ou QuickTime Basé sur les derniers travaux de Helmut Dersch sur les panoramas animés, cette solution uniquement en javascript ne nécessite pas d’installer QuickTime ou Java pour visualiser les panoramas sphériques.

Afficher des panoramas sphériques avec jQuery - Le LAB : OpenStudio innove et partage ses développements libres

The Command-Line Interface - Apache Cordova. This guide shows you how to create applications and deploy them to various native mobile platforms using the cordova command-line interface (CLI).

The Command-Line Interface - Apache Cordova

This tool allows you to create new projects, build them on different platforms, and run on real devices or within emulators. The CLI is the main tool to use for the cross-platform workflow described in the Overview. Otherwise you can also use the CLI to initialize project code, then switch to various platforms' SDKs and shell tools for continued development. Prerequisites. JcDenton86/cordova-plugin-panoramaviewer. Apache Cordova.   Google Developers. This document describes how to use the experimental Cardboard SDK for Android to create your own Virtual Reality (VR) experiences.

  Google Developers

Android demo app: Treasure Hunt The code examples in this tutorial are taken from the "Treasure Hunt" Android demo app. Cardboard is a simple device that unlocks the power of your smart phone as a VR platform. Cardboard can work with your phone to display 3D scenes with binocular rendering, track and react to head movements, and interact with apps through magnet input. The demo app "Treasure Hunt" illustrates these features. Game features The "Treasure Hunt" game starts with instructions rendered as 3D text. Documentation - Embedding into HTML. For embedding the krpano viewer into a HTML page the embedpano.js script need to be used.

Documentation - Embedding into HTML

This script does many important detection and setup things automatically, e.g. a device/system feature detection (Flash or HTML5) and it also fixes automatically a lot of browser and system related issues and limitations (Mouse wheel usage). This makes the embedding of the krpano viewer easy and simple - one script include and one line embedding code is enough. Functions of the embedpano.js script Creating and embedding the krpano viewer into the HTML page. Automatically check for Flash or HTML5 support and automatically loading the appropriate krpano viewer. Script Including. UserGuide - panoramagl-android - PanoramaGL library simple guideline. - Panorama viewer library for Android 2 or higher.

This guide is a simple guideline to use PanoramaGL 0.2 beta library, for more details please check HelloPanoramaGL example and read README.txt file. 1.

UserGuide - panoramagl-android - PanoramaGL library simple guideline. - Panorama viewer library for Android 2 or higher

How to import PanoramaGL library? 1.1. Class: PhotoSphereViewer. New PhotoSphereViewer(args)

Class: PhotoSphereViewer

Photo Sphere Viewer. Installation The only dependency of PSV is Three.js. You just have to include PSV CSS and JS in your page and you are ready. String Resources. A string resource provides text strings for your application with optional text styling and formatting. There are three types of resources that can provide your application with strings: String. Android SQLite get a single row from table - The Master World. Actionbarsherlock - Android Viewpager as Image Slide Gallery. Android Layout Tricks #3: Optimize by merging. In the previous installment of Android Layout Tricks, I showed you how to use the <include /> tag in XML layout to reuse and share your layout code.

I also mentioned the <merge /> and it's now time to learn how to use it. The <merge /> was created for the purpose of optimizing Android layouts by reducing the number of levels in view trees. It's easier to understand the problem this tag solves by looking at an example. The following XML layout declares a layout that shows an image with its title on top of it. TP Git par la pratique — Site. Il peut arriver qu'une même ligne soit modifiée différemment par les 2 branches à fusionner. Dans ce cas, une intervention humaine est nécessaire. Android Working with XML Animations. ViewPager sous Android : Comment slider d'un fragment à un autre.

Nous revoici pour un nouveau tutoriel, le premier à aborder la notion de Fragment. Les Fragments ont été introduits dans la version Android 3.0 (également utilisable avec des versions antérieures) avec pour objectif de permettre une plus grande flexibilité pour les écrans larges tel que les tablettes tactiles (ce que nous verrons dans un prochain tutoriel). Notre objectif aujourd’hui est simplement de créer un joli effet “slide” entre des pages. Qu’est-ce qu’un Fragment ? Android - How to implement a ViewPager with different Fragments / Layouts.

Implementing Horizontal View Swiping Using ViewPager and FragmentPagerAdapter in Android. Horizontal view swiping is an important user interface feature which facilitates users to traverse from one view to another view by swiping the screen horizontally. This feature is very commonly found in news applications like BBC, CNN, FOX etc. In this article we will develop an application to demonstrate horizontal view swiping. We will make use the classes ViewPager and FragmentPagerAdapter for horizontal swiping feature. At the end of this article we will add an interactive and non-interactive pager title to the screen. Android Tutorial: Using the ViewPager. Currently, one of the most popular Widgets in the Android library is the ViewPager. It's implemented in several of the most-used Android apps, like the Google Play app and one of my own apps, RBRecorder: The ViewPager is the widget that allows the user to swipe left or right to see an entirely new screen.

In a sense, it's just a nicer way to show the user multiple tabs. It also has the ability to dynamically add and remove pages (or tabs) at anytime. Consider the idea of grouping search results by certain categories, and showing each category in a separate list. I've put together a quick tutorial that gets a ViewPager up and running (with the Support Library), in just a few steps. At the Application Level. Tutorial for Creating Android Swiping Application using Tabbed Activity on Android Studio. Creating Swipe Views with Tabs. Android Development Tutorial 7 - Android Swipe Views. Développer des applications pour Android - Le blog de Clever Age. Au travers d’une série de billet sur la mobilité, Clever Age aborde les différentes facettes du développement d’applications mobiles pour présenter les différentes pistes exploitables, et dans quel cas les suivre.

Deux grands choix s’opposent et ne répondent pas au même besoin : le développement d’applications mobiles Web, et le développement d’applications mobiles natives. Dans cet article, je vais vous présenter la plate-forme Android, et les pistes pour aborder le développement d’applications natives pour ce système. Android EditText text change listener example. Working with the Google Maps Android API in Android Studio. From Techotopia When Google decided to introduce a map service many years ago, it is hard to say whether or not they ever anticipated having a version available for integration into mobile applications. When the first web based version of what would eventually be called Google Maps was introduced in 2005, the iPhone had yet to ignite the smartphone revolution and the company that was developing the Android operating system would not be acquired by Google for another six months.

Whatever aspirations Google had for the future of Google Maps, it is remarkable to consider that all of the power of Google Maps can now be accessed directly via Android applications using the Google Maps Android API. Convert street address to coordinates android. Introduction to Android. Welcome to the Android developer guides. These documents teach you how to build Android apps using APIs in the Android framework and other libraries. Document. Class Overview The Document interface represents the entire HTML or XML document. Conceptually, it is the root of the document tree, and provides the primary access to the document's data. Since elements, text nodes, comments, processing instructions, etc. cannot exist outside the context of a Document, the Document interface also contains the factory methods needed to create these objects.

The Node objects created have a ownerDocument attribute which associates them with the Document within whose context they were created. See also the Document Object Model (DOM) Level 3 Core Specification. Sign In to your Wrike account.