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Organize Address and Phone Numbers. I am so excited to kick off our new Idea Room Organizational Tips series with Clean Mama! I always feel the need to clean, organize and de-junk my home during the month of January and Clean Mama is just the person to with the skills and know how to get me headed in the right direction. If you don’t follow her blog get on over there…you don’t know what you are missing. And lucky for you…she is going to be posting here every other Thursday for several weeks helping us get our homes and clutter in tip top shape. But enough from me…here’s Becky aka Clean mama! Hello Idea Room Readers – I’m Becky from the Clean Mama blog and I’m so excited to be here today! For the first installment of “Organizing Tips”, I’m going to show you how I made my own address and telephone number box – to replace my beloved Rolodex.

Say goodbye to this little guy choose your paints – I mixed these three colors to get just the right color to accent my kitchen paint entire box (inside, outside, bottom) folders ★Amy. Birthday Calendar Rolodex. **Updated Oct 2013** Each Birthday Calendar includes the front cover, twelve month dividers, blank name/address cards and the Rolodex tray for $30 plus Priority Shipping in the United States. Please send me an e-mail for custom color requests, for combined shipping on orders of two or more, and for international shipping quotes.

Click the Rolodex Tag to see samples of other color combinations and themes. I would pack as many as will fit into the larger Priority Shipping containers to save on shipping of more than one Calendar. With the purchases of 5 or more at one time, the Calendars are only $25 each.Send me an e-mail {mjrindal at yahoo dot com} or click on the E-mail Me button on the right if you'd like to order one or more Birthday Calendars and I will send you PayPal invoice **I am more than happy to stamp to order. Most items on my blog may be purchased I attended the Stampin' Up! I made 13 of the Birthday Rolodex Calendars for my swap. Happy Stampin' Recipe Organization. About a year ago I bought a cute new recipe binder for really cheap. The problem is that the sections in this book did NOT work for me. All the tabs were pre-printed, and there weren't any extra ones for me to add my own sections.

I knew I was going to have to come up with a better system... so I just started stuffing recipes into the book. Stuffing. Awful, ain't it? This week, Toni @ A bowl full of lemons is challenging people to get their recipes in order. The first step was to identify what sections I needed. The sections that work for you could be very different from what works for me, but here are the sections I decided on: AppetizersSoup & Salad Main DishesbeefpoultryveggiespastaSide dishes BreadsBreakfast (with a sub section for muffins)Dessert (with sub sections for cookies and cakes)Misc.I made the tab dividers and pages out of scrapbooking paper and cardstock.

I was inspired by the recipe clippings books of old. Now finding the recipe I need is easy. Recipe Binder. A Nurse's First Aid Kit. In my efforts to squeeze every last drop out of summer I’m prepping for a little roadtrip! And given my aforementioned affinity for injuring myself and my background as a Registered Nurse, I have always carried a first aid kit in my car. The problem is that most pre-made kits don’t have all the things I {as a nurse} like to have available when I fall flat on my face tripping over that invisible rock that just appeared. Not to toot my own horn, I’m a rockstar at first aid. {Ok… my horn might toot a little} Maybe it was all that time I had working with trauma patients and patients who could win an Olympic metal in falling down. Half of the supplies fall in the wound care arena. 3×4 inch Gauze – these are nice and big for the “bleeders”Elastic Wrap – good for holding gauze to a wound or to stabilize a sprainGauze Roll – more gauze!

Cold Compress – for wounds that include swelling… you know, to help keep that downBaby Wipes – for dirt and blood covering the surrounding areas.