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Panda Bread recipe @Not Quite Nigella. Have I ever told you what wonderful people my readers are?

Panda Bread recipe @Not Quite Nigella

I'm sure I have on many occasions. The best thing about having wonderful readers is when they tell me about very cool things to make. Case in point is reader Carol who left me this comment stating simply: "Oh go on … make us Panda Bread! " and linked me to a blog who had indeed made a gorgeous Panda bread based on a Japanese blogger's brilliant idea. My heart skipped a beat with excitement when I saw it and I knew I had to make it. Luckily things such as fate intervened and I hadn't yet packed some of the final boxes. When we had finally settled in, I unloaded the Kitchenaid onto the counter at my parent's house which is where we are staying while renovating our kitchen and bathroom.

As for my styling, I admit I'm the least clucky person I know except for perhaps my friend Gina. So tell me Dear Readers, what is your imaginary child like? Ingredients: Makes approximately 600g/21ozs loaf (206mm x 108mm x100mm high) Method: Panda Bread. This could possibly be the most difficult bread I’ve ever had to make.

Panda Bread

But it’s also the most rewarding! You see, making Panda Bread isn’t easy, especially when you’re trying to make a face inside a bread (not something I do every day!). However, the hard work is so worth it when you slice open the sandwich loaf, peek inside and see a fun panda staring back at you. Who doesn’t love that? To start off right with this bread, I suggest using unbleached all-purpose flour, as opposed to bread flour, because you’ll be working the bread a lot and don’t want the gluten to toughen.

Admittedly, I ran into some roadblocks while making this bread. Another roadblock was, of course, making the panda face. Don’t get me wrong – despite the challenges, this was an incredibly fun, unique bread to make. This recipe would be the perfect thing to make with kids or for a zoo-themed party, or even for fun sandwiches. Stephanie (aka Girl versus Dough) joined Tablespoon to share her adventures in the kitchen. Pizza base recipe & pizza topping ideas. Food - Recipes : Focaccia. Jo's blue AGA.

I know bread takes a bit of time to make, and to be honest I never use to like making it,well thats not strictly true, i'd just never really got into it, but I love it now, I mainly knead all my doughs by hand, there is something deeply satisfying about kneading yourself, you can just get lost in the momentum of it.

Jo's blue AGA

With bread making I think you can't rush it , just enjoy the fact it needs time taken over it and something lovely will come out in the end. Its like the saying goes everything comes to she who waits :) Stromboli Dough 20g of fresh yeast 7floz lukewarm water 1 teaspoon of sugar 340g strong white flour 1 teaspoon of salt 2 tablespoons of olive oil infused with basil leaves for at least an hour Filling 150g mozzarella (not buffalo) 150g parma ham picante peppers or sun dried tomatoes basil leaves Topping 1 tablespoon of olive oil 4 sprigs of rosemary stir in the sugar leave to stand for 5 mins, sift flour into a large bowl 500g strong bread flour 10g salt 15g dried yeast 100g butter.

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