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Videoaulas: roteiro prático para produzir um bom material - ARede educa. Por Carlos Sanches.

Videoaulas: roteiro prático para produzir um bom material - ARede educa

Tips to Craft Good Multiple-Choice Questions. Assessments are an essential part of instruction.

Tips to Craft Good Multiple-Choice Questions

They are used by the instructor to test student’s understanding of the subject matter, to prompt learners to think more about course content before moving forward, and to identify the learning curve of the students in order to direct them towards remedial information (if required), in an online training. When it comes to designing assessments for online courses, multiple-choice questions are widely used because of their efficiency and rapidness. A trainer can easily test different stages of learning outcomes (recall, comprehension, application, analysis and synthesis) with the help of well-crafted MCQ’s. The following five tips may be helpful as a guideline for writing better MCQ’s for your elearning courses: Write short and clear stem. Checklist for Online Courses. Have you been thinking about authoring an elearning course (Life as a 360 Author), but are having a hard time getting a sense of how much content to create to end up with about an hour of seat time?

Checklist for Online Courses

The following provides broad high-level guidance for authors, subject matter experts, and instructional designers when planning an online course. Note that these are guidelines only. 30 Innovative Ways to Use Twitter In the Classroom. Do you use Twitter in your classroom as part of your lesson plans?

30 Innovative Ways to Use Twitter In the Classroom

If not, don’t worry—you’re not alone. Although 80% of K-12 teachers do have social media accounts, such as Twitter for personal or professional use, most of them don’t integrate them into classroom lessons. With Twitter, for example, it might be difficult to understand why you would, especially when the platform is best known for getting updates on the oft mundane activities friends, family and celebrity crushes. But with 288 million active users worldwide, educational experts, like those at the National Education Association, say that Twitter can be a welcome tool for teachers who want to increase information, communication, and collaboration, both inside and outside the classroom.

Education vs Learning - What Exactly is the Dif... 11 Reasons why education can't wait for your at... How a Bigger Purpose Can Motivate Students to Learn. Jane Mount/MindShift A few years ago, psychologist David Yeager and his colleagues noticed something interesting while interviewing high school students in the San Francisco Bay Area about their hopes, dreams and life goals.

How a Bigger Purpose Can Motivate Students to Learn

It was no surprise that students often said that making money, attaining fame or pursuing a career that they enjoyed were important to them. But many of them also spoke of additionally wanting to make a positive impact on their community or society — such as by becoming a doctor to take care of people, or a pastor who “makes a difference.” What’s more, the teens with these “pro-social” types of goals tended to rate their schoolwork as more personally meaningful. Edmodo vs Blogging. When introducing transformative teaching practices involving technology, you have to be careful not to overload the senses of the tech novices on your staff.

Edmodo vs Blogging

What took über geeks like me a couple of hours to master can take a life time for others. This year at my school we’ve begun to dip our toes into the waters of online communication (some staff are already swimming while others are still sitting on the edge thinking they’ll drown without support). We’ve introduced both Edmodo and blogging to varying degrees this year. Grade 6 embraced Edmodo from the start and used it in many ways, following in the footsteps of a trial program I began with some of the current teachers last year. Best of Good Work 2012 - Getting Smart by Tom Vander Ark - good work, mission-driven.

9 Great Classroom Web Apps You May Have Missed. Information. Five Techniques for Improving Student Attendance. June 25, 2012 By: Rick Sheridan in Effective Teaching Strategies The general consensus among most faculty members is that regular class attendance helps students learn and retain the course content more effectively.

Five Techniques for Improving Student Attendance

27 Moodle Tutorials on Youtube  Welcome to A resource site for all Moodle-related news, tutorials, video, course content information and original resources.

27 Moodle Tutorials on Youtube 

If you're new here, you may want to subscribe: RSS feed| Weekly Email Newsletter | Moodle News Twitter Thanks for visiting! Here are 27 new Moodle tutorials created by EducationPublic on Youtube Each of the 27 tutorials covers a different aspect of Moodle editing or configuration from the teacher perspective. Learn to setup gradebooks, manage and create activities and resources and much more. Check out the whole channel at the link above or view the “Add Label Resource” video below.


Webconference. PLE - Ambientes Pessoais de Aprendizagem. 5 pasos para implementar un sistema de e-learning en las aulas. Aunque los alumnos tienen asumidas las nuevas tecnologías al cien por cien en su vida cotidiana, el e-learning es todavía algo a lo que no se le ha sacado el partido que merece.

5 pasos para implementar un sistema de e-learning en las aulas

Las nuevas tecnologías son muy atractivas para el aprendizaje, pero si no establecemos unos objetivos y una planificación a la hora de implementar un plan de e-learning no conseguiremos que nuestros alumnos aprovechen esta tecnología. Mientras el profesorado está cada vez más al día de las oportunidades que ofrece el e-learning, es necesario motivar a los alumnos y mostrarles todo lo que la formación online les puede ofrecer.

Educação a Distância e os Processos Cognitivos. Best Practice Models. Moving Images. We Make Online Training Easy. (11) Using e-Learning To Facilitate 21st Century Learning.