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DataStax Cassandra 1.2 Documentation. Base de datos en la nube. Eventually Consistent - Revisited. I wrote a first version of this posting on consistency models about a year ago, but I was never happy with it as it was written in haste and the topic is important enough to receive a more thorough treatment.

Eventually Consistent - Revisited

ACM Queue asked me to revise it for use in their magazine and I took the opportunity to improve the article. This is that new version. Eventually Consistent - Building reliable distributed systems at a worldwide scale demands trade-offs between consistency and availability. At the foundation of Amazon's cloud computing are infrastructure services such as Amazon's S3 (Simple Storage Service), SimpleDB, and EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud) that provide the resources for constructing Internet-scale computing platforms and a great variety of applications. The Apache Cassandra Project. Microsoft PowerPoint - PODC-keynote. ArchitectureOverview. This is an overview of Cassandra architecture aimed at Cassandra users.


Developers should probably look at the Developers links on the wiki's front page Information is mainly based on J Ellis OSCON 09 presentation.