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10 must-have Wordpress Plugins for your Blog. WordPress is currently the most popular weblog software in the world since millions of bloggers use it to power up either their blogs or their dynamic websites. One of the reasons why this platform became so successful is because blog owners are able to find a large variety of plugins to extend the functionalities of the core WordPress engine. In this article we review 10 WordPress plugins that are essential for every blogger. 1. All in One SEO Pack: The best solution for On-page Optimization Let’s start by recommending a great SEO plugin that should be installed in every blog.

You can download and learn more about this plugin on 2. As we discussed in the past, one of the most successful techniques to increase your email marketing lists is to offer free high quality content in the form of E-book. A great software that does this for you is the List Eruption plugin that was developed by Mark Thompson, author of the “10 week Internet Marketing Course” Ebook. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Free / gratuit | Thèmes WordPress pour les entreprises. Dans la catégorie "Free / gratuit" Contact M'écrire Twitter Facebook Flux RSS Mes autres sites Site Gd6d ! Formation conseil Mon blog PinMason Responsive Slider for WordPress MapSVG: Interactive Vector Maps Bonobo - Weather Widget 100% Custom Google Maps for Wordpress Une solution intéressante et gratuite pour un blog Des typos originales et des nombreux effets visuels Joli thème gratuit simple et responsive Caractéristiques Thème sympa adapté aux artistes Caractéristiques Simple et moderne !

Rare : un site minimaliste pour présenter sobrement des oeuvres Attention : ce thème utilise des tableaux pour la mise en page… Caractéristiques Un thème gratuit fluide en « responsive web design* ». Un outil marketing remarquable ! Profitez-en : Le 100ème « Wootheme » est un thème business classique premium ! Thème simple et élégant Caractéristiques Un thème UNIQUEMENT réservé à afficher les flux RSS d’autres sites. Thème gratuit construit à partir de TwentyTen. Encore un thème gratuit très réussi ! 41 sites pour trouver des Thèmes Wordpress Gratuits. Quand on crée un blog WordPress en ayant son propre hébergement de site, l’une des principales étapes est de trouver un thème WP qui nous convient. Si vous n’avez pas plusieurs centaines de dollars à dépenser dans un thème professionnel personnalisé, l’une des alternatives est de commencer en installant un thème wordpress gratuit.

Et internet en regorge. Mais où les trouver ? C’est certainement l’étape la plus longue, c’est pourquoi j’ai décidé de vous fournir la liste ultime de sites pour trouver des thèmes gratuits, sur une seule page. Toutes les ressources listées ci-dessous contiennent au moins une dizaine de templates wordpress gratuits et pour certains, plusieurs milliers. Les sites de la liste contiennent des thèmes souvent classés par catégories et centre d’intérêts (business, auto, musique,…) et par tags (1 colonne, 2 colonnes, de couleur verte, noir, rouge,…). En Bonus avant de commencer: un générateur gratuit de thème wordpress en ligne (on peut le tester à l’infini). Celadon Wordpress theme. Celadon WordPress theme Description Celadon is a free theme for WordPress that focuses on great looks and usability. Here are some of the main features: 6 color variations Celadon comes with 6 color variations out of the box so you can personalize your blog with your favorite color.

Custom settings panel Celadon features it’s own settings panel under the Appearance section allowing you to set things like your Feedburner URL and Google Analytics tracking code, as well as customize the navigation bar. Widgetized sidebar Celadon’s sidebar is widget ready. Gravatar enabled All of the comments will use Gravatar user pictures by default. WPscoop | Wordpress Social Community News and Bookmarking. 40 Free High-Quality WordPress Themes | Smashing Magazine. Advertisement High quality free WordPress Themes have become harder and harder to find in the past year, with the influx of premium themes, more and more designers and developers are selling themes (and rightly so, they do amazing work). However, the quality of freely available themes has improved as well; in fact, some themes are very advanced and professional and can serve as a solid foundation for your next designs.

There are a lot of choices out there for someone wanting to choose a WordPress theme for their blog. But, that aside, the quality is certainly there, and we are sure you will be impressed with this WordPress theme compilation. You may be interested in the following related posts: Free High-Quality WordPress Themes AppCloud Theme3 A nice e-commerce WordPress theme with a clean and professional look. Berita4 (via ThemeCloset5) Berita is a minimalist corporate theme created for companies to prominently display their logo, but the theme could be used for any type of website.


Shun the Plugin: 100 WordPress Code Snippets from Across the Net. A few weeks back it was thank a plugin developer day. I love those guys. They make me happy. But I love them so much that I end up filling my website with plugins to achieve things that I could achieve with code. Nowadays I love code snippets. They’re handy, like a million times handy. They’re useful for developers and for people who want to customize their themes. Want to do something with WordPress and don’t know how? But what if you had 100 useful WordPress code snippets in one place?

Yes, it did take forever. ALWAYS back up your site before making any changes to the code. Basics 1. If you’ve got a lot of plugins or a lot of traffic you may need to increase your memory limit. Define('WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '96M'); Source: WP Snippets 2. Does what it says – set the number of days and reduce the size of your database. define('EMPTY_TRASH_DAYS', 5 ); Source: Tutzone 3.

Filter which posts you want to show. Source: WP Snippets 4. Or… add a loop within the loop, but loop the loop sounds much cooler. 5. 23 plugins indispensables pour votre blog Wordpress | Geekly News. Top Quality Wordpres Themes for FREE. Those themes and plugins that transform WordPress | Wordpress Themes Collection. WordPress is a great content management system but some projects require special functionalities that Wp can’t handle out of the box.

The way plugins and themes work make it possible for a programmer to add pretty much anything to WordPress and there are some interesting example out there that are pushing Wp far beyond what it is designed for originally. We are concentrating here on two aspects that seem to be the most important in the current trend but feel free to share anything else in the comments. Social Sites P2 Theme The P2 theme is the updated version of one called Prologue. WordPress Mu WordPress Mu is not actually a plugin or a theme but a set of modified core files that allow you to set up your own like site. BuddyPress BuddyPress is a Wp Mu plugin that will transform you mu install into a fully featured social platform very similar to Facebook. Wootube Wootube is a premium WordPress theme from WooThemes that will help you create you own Youtube like site. eGoods. 101 Techniques for a Powerful CMS using WordPress.

May 05 2009 This is the first article in the three-part series, “The Comprehensive Guide for a Powerful CMS using WordPress”. Throughout this article, we’ll be focus on many WordPress Theme hacks, ideas, tips and useful tutorials you need to have ready in hand when developing WordPress websites. The Comprehensive Guide for a Powerful CMS using WordPress – Part 2 The Comprehensive Guide for a Powerful CMS using WordPress – Part 3 There are some technical stuff we have to get out of the way first. Let’s take a look at useful, yet rather unknown techniques for a powerful CMS using WordPress. Each section of the article presents a suggestion and provides you with an explanation of the solution for each suggestion. WordPress CMS Hacks and Tricks 1. By default, a WordPress home page shows chronological blog post entries — with the most recent post at the top.

How To » In your admin area, just go to Setting » Reading. Points to take care » 2. <ul id="pagenav"><li class="<? <ul id="nav"><? 3. <? 4. <? <? Tout pour transformer Wordpress en CMS | Carnet web de Gilles Gissinger. Publié le 25 juin 2009 par leGizz dans Wordpress Vous connaissez tous WordPress, le célèbre CMS (Content Management System) dédié au bloggin’. Sachez qu’en le modifiant légèrement il est possible de transformer WordPress en véritable CMS (en Français SGC – Système de Gestion de Contenu). L’excellent Noupe, propose une série de plusieurs articles dédiés aux modifications de WordPress pour en faire un CMS.

Les meilleurs plugins pour utiliser WordPress en tant que CMS Dans cet article l’auteur nous propose une liste de plugins vraiment intéressants pour vous aider à transformer votre plate forme de blog préférée en véritable CMS. Le plus intéressant dans la liste proposée est Flutter, un plugin qui vous permet de créer très facilement des champs personnalisés dans WordPress sans aucune connaissance en programmation. On y retrouve également des plugins pour : Voici l’article complet dont je vous conseille la lecture : 40 Exceptional “CMS Enabling” WordPress Plugins Sympa, non ?