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Les brindherbes 100 racines :: Le forum est orienté sur l'échange, le don et la culture de graines anciennes. Accueil. Plan du site. Arbres fruitiers Abricotier Agrume (citronnier, oranger, cedratier, clementinier, etc..) - Citron Poire - Clementine Caffin - Clementinier Loretine - Orange panachée - Pamplemousse - Pamplemousse de Cayenne - Pamplemousse sunshine Amandier - Amandier Aberrane d'Aureille - Amandier A la dame, - Amandier Bartre - Amandier Belle d'aurons, - Amandier Beraude - Amandier Flots - Amandier Fourcouronne - Amandier Texas Cerisier Chataignier Chene truffier Cognassier - Coing bourgeaut - Coing du portugal Néflier Noisetier Noyer , - Pacanier (Noix de pécan), - Anacardier (Noix de cajour) Olivier Pêcher / Peche plate ou pentoo Poirier - Jus de poire - Poire Catillac - Poire Martin-sec - Poire President Héron - Poire Clapp's favourite - Poire Comtesse de paris - Poire Louise bonne - Poire Royale d'hiver - Poire Saint-jean - Poire Triomphe de Vienne Pommier / pommier à cidre / classement pomme par arome / Pommiers à fleurs - Reine des Reinettes - Reinette marbrée - Transparente de Croncels Jardinerie.

Savourez la Bretagne - Payzons Ferme. A Handful of Seeds | Occidental Arts and Ecology Center. Native Grasses. Stipa Links Home :: Native Grasses :: Links Links to the following native grass resources will open in a new window. Native grass resources Our Valuable Native Grasslands, Better Pastures Naturally - Proceedings of the Second National Conference of the Stipa Native Grasses Association (2001) Native Seeds Pty Ltd - commercial native grass seed supplier but also a source of information on native grasses Grassed up - guidelines for revegetating with Australian native grasses Overcoming the seed production barriers with native grasses - a paper from the Proceedings of the Australian Agronomy Conference 2001 Flora Victoria - Specialists in revegetation using native grasses Conservation Agriculture & No-Till Farming Association Inc. Catchment Management Authorities NSW [Back to top]

Le retour à la terre » Ferme de la Bergerie. Olivier Ranke est ingénieur agronome ; il a choisi de s’installer à la Ferme de la Bergerie (Yvelines) où soutenu par la fondation Charles Léopold Mayer, il peut lancer des expérimentations agronomiques à côté de sa production traditionnelle En effet l’EARL du Chemin Neuf qu’il dirige gère 200 ha de grandes cultures : céréales à paille (blé, triticale, seigle, orge, épeautre, avoine), tournesol, féveroles, lentilles, sarrasin, engrain et 200 ha de prairies temporaires, permanentes, luzerne. Il fait ensuite réaliser sa farine ; il pratique également l’élevage de bovins à viande (race Salers) et d’ovins (Mérinos de l’Est, de Suflolk, d’Ile de France et Bérichon du Cher). Si sa production a le label AB (Agriculture Biologique), il a choisi de respecter les cahiers des charges de Nature et Progrès, qui sont encore plus rigoureux, tant pour ses productions végétales qu’animales.

On le reconnait de loin à son bonnet de couleur. BASE : Biodiversité Agriculture Sol & Environnement. Green Manure Seeds - The Finest Seeds & Advice. UC SAREP Cover Crop Resource Page. Heritage & Heirloom Grain Database. Ordering Seeds from Prairie Garden Seeds. Request Germplasm - National Plant Germplasm System, GRIN. Seed Savers Exchange.

Association Kokopelli. The Kusa Seed Society (mainly grains) The purpose of The Kusa Seed Research Foundation and The Kusa Seed Society (established 1980) is: to be a voice for the precious edible seeds of the earth. The Kusa Seed Research Foundation is a not-for-profit scientific and educational organization chartered under United States tax laws as a 501(c)(3) public charity. The Kusa Seed Society, managed and operated by the Foundation, is the interactive, public face of the seedwork.

The task of The Kusa Seed Society is to make available for immediate distribution, benefits having to do with humanity’s ancient relationship with the seeds. The task of The Kusa Seed Research Foundation is to carry-out the managerial and administrative aspects of the seedwork, and to be a “think tank,” developing educational services in the topical area of human nutrition and grains. About The Word “Kusa” The word “kusa” is a word from the ancient Sanskrit language. The cereal grains are humanity’s most important, renewable, human food resource.