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Trash To Couture. DIY. Runway _ De manuales DIY_ imágenes tutoriales de foto de azúcar en reactores. 情人节献上“恶作剧之吻”,手工贺卡教程 七夕情人节将至,是否在为送什么礼物而发愁,不妨亲手做一张贺卡,给他献上一个浪漫甜蜜的 恶作剧之吻 ,让他一 吻 难忘......

_ De manuales DIY_ imágenes tutoriales de foto de azúcar en reactores

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Quiet Lion Creations

Time for summer hair. What says summer more than the sunny beach? The look of effortless waves is the envy of many city dwellers, but it's totally easy to achieve sans-beach! Fashion . beauty . craft . lifestyle. Papernstitch. Made in Pretoria. Make it & fake it. The Alison Show. Oh the lovely things. Craftgawker. P.S.- I made this... Thanks, I Made It. Honestly WTF. Dismount Creative. A pair and a spare.