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List of Free Programming Books. 7 linguagens de programação para estudar em 2018 – Página: 51901 – Código Fonte. Aprender a programar pode assustar muita gente, mas existem diversas técnicas, meios e ferramentas, atualmente, que ajudam a reduzir um pouco quaisquer hipotéticos traumas.

7 linguagens de programação para estudar em 2018 – Página: 51901 – Código Fonte

Aqui mesmo no código fonte já listamos uma série dicas para você que deseja aprender alguma linguagem. Facebook. Microsoft e vão usar Minecraft para ensinar programação a crianças. ¡A programar! Hace ya dos años publiqué en este blog Universo Scratch, una entrada en la que recogía una muestra significativa de lo que en su momento podíamos encontrar alrededor de este conocido lenguaje de programación.

¡A programar!

En estos dos años el universo no ha dejado de crecer, llegando a los más de 8 millones de proyectos compartidos; tal éxito es debido en buena parte a la socialización y al hecho de que con la actual versión 2.0 todo proyecto puede ser compartido (cuarto estadio de la espiral del pensamiento creativo propuesta por Mitchel Resnick) y rediseñado por algun otro miembro de la comunidad que tiene los mismos intereses y ganas de aprender.

Asimismo, han surgido bastantes iniciativas para fomentar el aprendizaje de la programación en edades tempranas. Las principales son las que recogió Pau Córdoba en este mismo blog: La hora del código y Europe Code Week. Si queréis saber más sobre Scratch recomiendo especialmente la publicación de Mertxe J. Programar en dispositivos móviles. Which Programming Language Should I Learn First? Durante uma semana, o mundo pode aprender programação informática. Coding: something for everyone (and here's the proof!) - Chris Betcher - ABC Splash - As you explore different programming tools you realise that the ideas behind coding are not all that difficult.

Coding: something for everyone (and here's the proof!) - Chris Betcher - ABC Splash -

Sequencing, branching and looping form the basis of many problems that can be broken into algorithms. Of course, it can get far more complex but it's surprising what can be achieved with just a few simple ideas and a bit of maths and logic. Once students start to develop more understanding they might like to play Code Monkey, a fun online game that requires code to be entered to help a hungry monkey find bananas.

For young students this is a great next step after Scratch. Coding in the classroom. It’s almost here… The Hour of Code.

coding in the classroom

Last year, 20 million people participated in the Hour of Code. My hope is that you will too. (Resources can be found here, here, here, and here.) Quaker Valley aims to inspire computational thinking. Quaker Valley students are joining others from around the world this week participating in “Hour of Code.”

Quaker Valley aims to inspire computational thinking

The initiative is designed to encourage students to learn about computer coding. “Logic, abstraction, algorithmic thinking, and problem decomposition are some of the concepts that programming activities reinforce,” said Quaker Valley High School computer science teacher Darren Mariano. 10 Reasons Why America Needs 10,000 More Girls in Computer Science. Credit: © Kurhan – As temperatures rose in the Southeast earlier this month, another tragic story about a child forgotten in a hot car made its way around the news cycle.

10 Reasons Why America Needs 10,000 More Girls in Computer Science

In response, 17-year-old Courtney opened her laptop and built Guardian Angel, a mobile app that reminds parents to check the car seat before exiting the vehicle. Courtney is smart and excited about technology – and best of all, she’s not alone. Over the past five years, I’ve been leading the NCWIT Aspirations in Computing program, a tech pipeline for young women that has introduced me to scores of similarly talented girls who are breaking stereotypes, building code, and solving problems with technology. With the help of the Clinton Global Initiative America, NCWIT is working to add 10,000 more girls to the nation’s technology talent pool.

Kodu. Intermediate school students take computer coding to heart. MASON CITY | Lincoln Intermediate recently joined more than 10,000 Iowa students engaging in a computer science challenge.

Intermediate school students take computer coding to heart

Hour of Code is's effort to introduce 100 million students globally to at least one hour of computer coding. Participants use coding languages like HTML or Java to design websites, create games and build apps. Local fifth- and sixth-graders took the challenge further. New Minecraft modding software revolutionizes the way we teach kids coding. A new e-learning software, developed by San Diego education start-up ThoughtSTEM, teaches K-12 students how to code by allowing them to write mods ("modifications") to the popular video game, Minecraft.

New Minecraft modding software revolutionizes the way we teach kids coding

The software, called LearnToMod, was recently tested by over 1,000 Beta users and 100 teachers, and the final release of LearnToMod is slated for Jan. 15, 2015. ThoughtSTEM was co-founded by computer science Ph.D. students Stephen Foster and Sarah Esper. LearnToMod, a software that allows users to learn programming inside of the popular computer game Minecraft, is now available to preorder for $30/year at The software will be delivered Jan. 15. Teaching Kids to Code: An Economic & Social Justice Issue. Hadi Partovi wants more kids to learn to code.

Teaching Kids to Code: An Economic & Social Justice Issue

Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerber, Sheryl Sandberg, and many others agree. Partovi wants all high schools to offer computer science classes because it represents a growing cluster of job skills but one that few schools teach — particularly schools attended by low income and minority students. To fix the problem Hadi launched in 2013. The initial strategy of inspiration and advocacy has brought a greater awareness to coding and expanded opportunities for learning and teaching. List of Free Programming Books. List of Free Programming Books. List of Free Programming Books. HTML5 Tutorial - Online HTML5 for Beginners. HTML5 Tutorial - Online HTML5 for Beginners.