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Learning Ruby: Expert Advice for Intermediate Developers. The Web Development Series is supported by Rackspace, the better way to do hosting. Learn more about Rackspace's hosting solutions here. If you've been hacking away in Ruby for a while and are looking to take your skills to the next level, our panel of seven Ruby experts has a few words of advice for you. Below are some helpful hints, personal growth-inducing exercises, and tools recommended by some of the best Ruby devs out there. And of course, we welcome any tips or advice you have to give in the comments. If you're looking for advanced-level code snippets, stay tuned for the next installment in this three-part series on Ruby. Jacques Crocker: Create a Library of Snippets Jacques Crocker is a Rails Jedi based out of Seattle who loves working on early-stage startup ideas and launching new products. His advice for intermediate Ruby devs is to "build an executable snippet library.

" "Use this as a replacement for IRB [the Interactive Ruby Shell]. Obie Fernandez: Go Easy on Metaprogramming. Learning Ruby: Expert Advice for Advanced Developers. The Web Development Series is supported by Rackspace, the better way to do hosting. Learn more about Rackspace's hosting solutions here. We've teased you in the past with promises of code snippets from bona fide Ruby experts — for all you advanced Rubyists, here's the code, ready for your dissection and possible implementation. We've also got some more general insights from our panel of seven Ruby experts on the strengths and limitations of the Ruby programming language and their favorite Ruby apps and tools. If you're just starting out as a new Ruby dev, check out our tips for Ruby novices, which includes introductory-level advice from the same group of experts.

And if you're an intermediate developer looking to improve your skills, also check out tools and advice for mid-level Ruby programmers. Jacques Crocker: Core Library Substitutes Jacques Crocker is a Rails Jedi based out of Seattle who loves working on early-stage startup ideas and launching new products. Here are Katz's examples: The Rubyist Historian: The Series | Jason Heppler. The Rubyist Historian: The Series Coming off my recent post on How I Learned Code, I’ve decided to write a series of blog posts that will introduce historians to the basics of Ruby that I will eventually publish as a free ebook. My hope is to write an accessible introduction to Ruby and demonstrate not only how to write small programs but also think about ways programming can help scholars in their everyday tasks.

Although I’m aiming this at historians, my hope is that anyone interested in humanist computing (or Ruby in general) will find this useful. Watch here, follow me on Twitter, or subscribe to catch updates as I produce them. You can find copies of code examples in the Rubyist Historian Github repository. Contents 1: Getting Started 2: Methods and Classes 3: Loops and Control Structures 4: Arrays and Hashes 5: Working with Advanced Data 6: Randomness 7: Our First Program Acknowledgements Many thanks to additional resources I consulted for example ideas and help with explanations. Sinatra: 29 Links and Resources For A Quicker, Easier Way to Build Webapps. Hackety Hack! Apprendre à programmer en Ruby. Ruby Object Oriented Programming.

From Techotopia Purchase and download the PDF and ePub versions of this Ruby eBook for only $8.99 Ruby is an object oriented environment and, as such, provides extensive support for developing object-oriented applications. The area of object oriented programming is, however, large. Entire books can, and indeed have, been dedicated to the subject. A detailed overview of object oriented software development is beyond the scope of Ruby Essentials. [edit] What is an Object? An object is a self-contained piece of functionality that can be easily used, and re-used as the building blocks for a software application. Objects consist of data variables and functions (called methods) that can be accessed and called on the object to perform tasks.

Just about everything in Ruby, from numbers and strings to arrays is an object. [edit] What is a Class? New classes can be created based on existing classes, a concept known as inheritance. [edit] Defining a Ruby Class [edit] Creating an Object from a Class. Ruby/Ruby on Rails programming tutorials2 - Meshplex. Ruby Essentials. Learn Ruby with the EdgeCase Ruby Koans.

Why?s (poignant) guide to ruby :: 1. About this Book. 0.??Getting Started. When you program a computer, you have to "speak" in a language your computer understands: a programming language. There are lots and lots of different languages out there, and many of them are excellent. In this tutorial I chose to use my favorite programming language, . Aside from being my favorite, Ruby is also the easiest programming language I have seen (and I've seen quite a few). In fact, that's the real reason I'm writing this tutorial: I didn't decide to write a tutorial, and then choose Ruby because it's my favorite; instead, I found Ruby to be so easy that I decided there really ought to be a good beginner's tutorial which uses it.

It's Ruby's simplicity which prompted this tutorial, not the fact that it's my favorite. (Writing a similar tutorial using another language, like C++ or Java, would have required hundreds and hundreds of pages.) But don't think that Ruby is a beginner's language just because it is easy! Code . Windows Installation Global Properties Ruby Properties. Learn Ruby on Rails: the Ultimate Beginner’s Tutorial.

Ruby on Rails is the web development framework of the moment, powering GitHub, Twitter, Hulu and many more successful apps and websites. The arrival of Rails 4 is the perfect time to learn it. SitePoint’s newest ebook, ‘Jump Start Rails’, from Andy Hawthorne, will get you up to speed with Ruby on Rails in just a weekend. Andy has also prepared the ‘Build your first Rails’ app online course to take you from creating a complete Ruby on Rails 4 app with a log in system all the way to deploying it to Heroku, a leading Rails application hosting environment, in a couple of hours. Also, our all time great, 10 part tutorial from Patrick Lenz can be found here: Learn Ruby on Rails: the Ultimate Beginner’s Tutorial.

If you are looking for more advanced topics such as this great Introduction to Sass in Rails, head over to RubySource for fresh tutorials and to discover new Ruby gems. Editor-in-chief, SitePoint & Learnable.