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Log In - GrammarFlip. Grave. 1grave verb \ˈgrāv\ gravedgrav·en \ˈgrā-vən\ or gravedgrav·ing transitive verb a : to carve or shape with a chisel : sculpture b : to carve or cut (as letters or figures) into a hard surface : engrave : to impress or fix (as a thought) deeply.


Children's, Intermediate Dictionary. La Grammaire Anglaise Educastream. cours d'anglais, exercices, tests, ressources, grammaire. Welcome to NoRedInk! GrammarBytes's channel. The difference between may be and maybe. There is often confusion over maybe and may be.

The difference between may be and maybe

Maybe Maybe (one word) can be substituted with perhaps or possibly. Your Road to Better Grammar. Oxford Practice Grammar. English Grammar Reference and Exercises. Britannia. Centro de idiomas, academia de inglés, francés, alemán y chino en Zaragoza. English4u.