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Videotutorial de Corubrics (español) RubiStar Home. Creating Rubrics: Tools You Can Use. "But I worked all night on that report! How could you give me a D? " Rubrics provide teachers with an objective method for evaluating skills that don't lend themselves to objective assessment methods and they help answer the age-old question, "What did I do to deserve this grade? " Learn how rubrics can guide your students and support your assessments. Included: Three online tools for creating rubrics. "But I worked all night on that report! Enter the rubric! According to the latest edition of Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, a rubric is "an authoritative rule, the title of a statute, a category, a commentary, or an editorial interpolation.

" There are thousands of Web sites that provide teachers with pre-made rubrics in any number of subject areas. Although constructing your own rubrics can be tedious and time-consuming, a number of tools are available to help make the job easier and more reliable. For more involved multimedia projects, more advanced tools are required. Project Based Learning Checklists.

LOTE Rubric Maker.