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Social activisim

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Turkey protests: how activists stay one step ahead with social media. She will receive links to maps only visible to fellow activists that show the location of makeshift clinics in houses and even in restaurants' basements, and can watch live streams of protests on the Ustream service if she is at home.

Turkey protests: how activists stay one step ahead with social media

She told the Telegraph: "It has had a massive impact, and if it wasn't for social media we wouldn't have the right information on anything. It's been our saviour. " Damla said the use of private group messaging meant activists could "react quickly to check whether we're all safe", and added that if access to Facebook and Twitter was temporarily disrupted, as it has been on each day of the protests, they would merely start communicating through the blogging site Tumblr instead.

Best Activism in Social Media. Social Media Activism. Social Activisim. SOCIAL MEDIA: Online Activism. Environment. Activism. Is 'clicktivism' destroying meaningful social activism? KONY 2012. Activism Center - es. Firmas Online. Social Media Revolution. Social Activism. Careers in Social Activism--An Introduction Social activism is an intentional action with the goal of bringing about social change.

Social Activism

If you feel strongly about a cause and are working towards a change, you could be considered an activist. What is an activist? Activists are people who seek to create positive change.

What is an activist?

But not all people who work for change define themselves as activists. A person who speaks out at their workplace about unsafe practices, or somebody who refuses to buy a tram ticket as a personal protest against privatisation, may not see themselves as activists, yet these actions could be seen as political 'activism'.