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Guide-Bibliotheque_233196. 20 mesmerising modern libraries from around the world. Libraries are doing well in digital times. Here are most awesome examples. Many people, when asked about libraries, imagine old buildings with dimmed light and endless rows of heavy wooden bookshelves. Libraries are our heritage. They contain all knowledge human kind has acquired. They have to be like that… or maybe not. Libraries are the avant-garde of civilization. Modern libraries (and the futuristic building is not a must to make a library modern) are shaping the way we learn things and enjoy books in the digital age. The purpose of this post is to encourage you to visit the library near you. Some of the libraries on the list are obvious, naming only Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library or Yale University Beinecke Rare Book Library. As you will see, libraries around the world are heading into the future, creating for their patrons a more dynamic, multi-level environment for learning and pleasure. 25 modern libraries from around the world 1. 2.

. ⇢ More info / Photos by Jean-Michel André 3. 4. 10 libraries to visit with Google Street View. Westerville Library is one of the libraries that offer Google Street View interior tours In this post I’d like to introduce you to great libraries, which are most probably not in your neighborhood, but you can visit them in seconds without leaving your chair. It’s the power of the virtual world delivered by Google Street View. No geographical restrictions apply in this case. Note: the page may load longer than usual, as all ten Street View Indoor Tours are embedded in the post.

Although at the very early stage, Google Street View is being used not only outside but also inside buildings. From several institutions and businesses that can benefit from using this advanced tool, bookstores and libraries are the ones that stand out – they offer the magic of being among the best of all friends: books. Being in such a place makes you want read something now. Before the list, let me share a quick hint on how to find libraries that offer Google Street View tours. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

5 villes, 5 projets phares de bibliothèques. Les projets de nouvelles bibliothèques se multiplient un peu partout à travers le monde, malgré certaines prédictions pessimistes voulant que les bibliothèques disparaissent avec l’arrivée du livre numérique et la dématérialisation des supports et de l’information. Ces projets sont de plus en plus ambitieux, parfois intégrés dans de vastes projets « mutualisés » de centres culturels ou de loisirs. Ils sont orientés vers le futur, non seulement en termes de technologies, de services et d’aménagement des espaces mais aussi en termes de méthodes et d’approches adoptées : ils font appel au design participatif, au design intégré et respectent les principes du développement durable.

Ils sont souvent menés par des pionniers de l’architecture et des cabinets de renom : Rem Koolhaas (OMA), Norman Foster, Zaha Hadid, Santiago Calatrava, Schmidt hammer lassen,… et font l’objet de concours internationaux d’architecture. 1. Aarhus Urban Mediaspace (Aarhus, Danemark) 2. 3. 4. Une place pour chacun 5. Bibliothèques du 21e siècle : 5 projets emblématiques.