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Bureau, bureau design pour votre intérieur - BoConcept - La qualité par Boconcept. Maison du – Multimedia, Domotique & Home-Cinema. Synology DS212, un NAS polyvalent [Test] Ce n’est pas le nombre de NAS (“network attached storage”) qui manque sur le marché, mais j’ai tout de même tenté de dénicher un appareil qui peut être versatile et aussi vous offrir une tonne de fonctionnalités!

Synology DS212, un NAS polyvalent [Test]

Et par là je ne veux pas dire que des modes RAID… Voici donc mon test du Synology DS212, un NAS de deux disques 2.5″ ou 3.5″ qui embarque entre autre un serveur web, un serveur de fichiers multimedia DLNA, un paquet d’application iOS, des ports USB et un port gigabit. Design Somme tout assez sobre, le DS212 est un petit appareil à peine plus grand que les deux disques qu’il contient.


Location Villa ILE D'OLERON - La Brée les Bains avec Acces Internet - location maison ILE D'OLERON - La Brée les Bains avec Acces Internet. Déposez une annonce Déposez une annonce Let's StayTogether Abritel est membre de la Famille HomeAway, numéro un mondial des locations de vacances.

Location Villa ILE D'OLERON - La Brée les Bains avec Acces Internet - location maison ILE D'OLERON - La Brée les Bains avec Acces Internet

Pistes cyclables d'Oléron. Lorsque le soleil est de retour, les pistes cyclables d’Oléron prennent toutes leur grandeur!

Pistes cyclables d'Oléron

Lorsqu’on aime la nature, qu’on aime prendre le temps de vivre avec le paysage, à Oléron et bien on opte pour le vélo! Depuis quelques années, les communes d’Oléron ont su miser sur le cyclotourisme à Oléron et par conséquent et les pistes cyclables. C’est à la suite des réflexions menées par le Conseil Général de Charente-Maritime, et à l’instar de ce qui avait débuté sur l’île de ré, c’est en 1995 que les premiers travaux d’aménagement débutent. Untitled. Etabli bois, etabli structure métal Alpa 40 avec étagère inférieure 2 mètres. Syntaxes (Main.XWikiSyntax) - XWiki. Starting with XWiki Enterprise version 1.7 we've introduced a new wiki syntax.

Syntaxes (Main.XWikiSyntax) - XWiki

We've named the old syntax the XWiki Syntax 1.0 and the new syntax was logically called the XWiki Syntax 2.0. The main reasons for introducing the new syntax were: Fix the limitations and ambiguities of the XWiki Syntax 1.0 (which was inspired by both Radeox - the underlying rendering engine - and TWiki).Not optimal symbols. For example the symbol for bold was single stars. This was causing trouble when users were entering text containing stars since that text was mistakenly considered to be bold when it wasn't. Since the introduction of XWiki Syntax 2.0 a few shortcomings of this syntax have been found. Homogenize the link and image syntax for better clarity, consistency and extensibility.Added ability to display icons, to link to files using the UNC notation and to link to relative URLs.

Documenting XWiki Velocity Macros (Drafts.Documenting XWiki Velocity Macros) - XWiki. Version 0.3 now supports displaying the velocity macro usages, allowing to find out where a macro is used.

Documenting XWiki Velocity Macros (Drafts.Documenting XWiki Velocity Macros) - XWiki

Version 0.3 is supported from XWiki 1.5 to at least XWiki 2.1 A new tool is available to document XWiki velocity macros. The tools is a modified version of velocidoc. This tool can run from the command-line and analyse file-system templates, an export of a Wiki or a Wiki using an XML-RPC remote connection. It can also analyse a Wiki from within itself. The source code is available at. JSONWebServiceKickStart (Objet application/pdf) Developer's Guide (DevGuide.WebHome) - XWiki. XWiki is a second generation wiki that provides all the basic content management and administration features of common wikis, but with much more.

Developer's Guide (DevGuide.WebHome) - XWiki

XWiki takes the wiki approach to a whole new level by providing enhanced features and capabilities. With XWiki, you can build simple applications, extend the platform with custom plugins, or even build complex Web applications. XWiki Syntaxes (XWiki.XWikiSyntax) - INRA. Velocity - Developer's Guide. Introduction Velocity is a Java-based template engine, a simple and powerful development tool that allows you to easily create and render documents that format and present your data.

Velocity - Developer's Guide

In this guide, we hope to give an overview of the basics of development using Velocity. Building Web Applications with Velocity Velocity is often used for building web applications In order to use Velocity in a web app you'll need a servlet or servlet-based framework. The easiest way to get started is with VelocityViewServlet in the Velocity Tools subproject. We suggest you read this article on getting started with web applications for more detail on the various options. JavaScript API (DevGuide.JavaScriptAPI) - XWiki. If your script is loaded deferred, all these events may be triggered before your script is executed and therefore before it has the ablity to observe these events.

JavaScript API (DevGuide.JavaScriptAPI) - XWiki

Since 3.1.1, to prevent your handler to never being called, never use dom:loaded anymore, and check XWiki.isInitialized before waiting for xwiki:dom:loading, and XWiki.domIsLoaded before waiting for xwiki:dom:loaded. If the flag is true, you should proceed immediately with your handler. Here is a simple construct to properly handle this: Front-end Resources (DevGuide.FrontendResources) - XWiki. This section is a work in progress.

Front-end Resources (DevGuide.FrontendResources) - XWiki

This section aims to document all the front-end resources available in XWiki for application developers and for developers of the XWiki products. Front-end resources are of two main types: External LibrariesInternal components (based or not on some of the external libraries) Front-end resources are mainly composed of JavaScript libraries, CSS stylesheets and their corresponding HTML reusable snippets (or velocity macro to output this snippet) and velocity macros. Some of the resources presented in here are not included by default with all HTML-rendered wiki pages (it would be too much to send to the client!). Special CSS Classes (DevGuide.SpecialCSSClasses) - XWiki. Quick guide to somewhat advanced JavaScript. Last update: February 21st 2006 Hey, I didn't know you could do that If you are a web developer and come from the same place I do, you have probably used quite a bit of Javascript in your web pages, mostly as UI glue.

Quick guide to somewhat advanced JavaScript

Until recently, I knew that Javascript had more OO capabilities than I was employing, but I did not feel like I needed to use it. As the browsers started to support a more standardized featureset of Javascript and the DOM, it became viable to write more complex and functional code to run on the client. That helped giving birth to the AJAX phenomena. As we all start to learn what it takes to write our cool, AJAXy applications, we begin to notice that the Javascript we used to know was really just the tip of the iceberg. In many ways we can say that suddenly the bar was put much higher than before. The purpose of this article is precisely explaining the types of constructs that many of us are not familiar with yet.

Related article. Propriété : Array.length - Référence Tout JavaScript. Node.hasAttributes - Dom CORE - Javascript Objet. Prototype childElements() Method. Freeplane - free mind mapping and knowledge management software. Ressources Photo. Macrophotographie ou photographie rapprochée - Ressources photo. Aube Nature, le blog photo nature.


Photographie. Telephone au volant : je me suis fait verbaliser pour avoir téléphoné au volant ... Bonjour, Vous ne pouvez normalement pas contester la contravention car c'est la notion de circulation qui joue. La jurisprudence retient comme critère de la contravention que le véhicule doit être en circulation. On peut donc interpréter ce critère comme on veut, cela peut vouloir dire en mouvement, ou sur la route. Il est souvent admis que dans l'intérêt de tous,il faut considérer cette notion de circulation comme remplie dès lors que le moteur est allumé et qu’il n’est pas régulièrement stationné dans un endroit prévu à cet effet, les deux conditions étant cumulatives.

Vous étiez donc en circulation et avez donc commis, au sens du code de la route, une infraction. Sociétés : Areva essuie une perte de 2,4 milliards d'euros. Le site des professionnels de l'Immobilier.


Illustrations de bleu, particules, explosion - bleu, atome, nanoparticles... csp5417245 - Recherchez des Cliparts, des Dessins, des Illustrations et des Images Graphiques EPS Vecteur. Photographie. Imagining the Tenth Dimension part 1 of 2. Démarrer. Dedalis Website.