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Getting Started. Welcome! This guide is intended as a brief introduction to using Remember The Milk. For more information, please see the Help pages. With the Remember The Milk web app, you can manage your tasks in any web browser. Once you sign up for a Remember The Milk account, you can login to the web app to get started. Working with tasks Tip You can use the keyboard shortcuts to manage tasks quickly.

The Tasks screen The tasks screen is the first screen that you'll see when you login. Task actions When a task is checked, it's selected so that you can perform actions on it. Adding and editing tasks To add a new task, click on the Add Task field, type in the name for your task, add any other properties you want, and then press enter. You can also add other task properties while adding the task, e.g. the due date, priority, or any tags. Your new task will automatically be added.

Working with lists Introduction to lists Your default list is the first list displayed when you sign in. Customizing your lists. Beezik - téléchargement de musique gratuit et légal. Research FUSE Labs - Project Montage. : The Digital You. Souvenez-vous de tout. Wozaik. Hipmunk: Better Flight Search and Hotel Booking.

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