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Digg View. Video Bomb. 5 Free Windows Web Design Apps You Can't Live Without! [Software Tutorials] Ok, so you shelled out $US400 for DreamWeaver. Your latest PhotoShop upgrade was another US$170, and Illustrator cost about the same. Your pockets are a lot lighter than they ought to be, but all you have is the bare essentials. Never fear! We’ve got 5 powerful tools that will smooth your development without costing you a single penny (unless you choose otherwise). ColorPic by Iconico There certainly is no shortage of specialized eyedropper utilities, but few have pulled all the right functionality together as usefully and elegantly as Nico Westerdale’s ColorPic. If you’re starting off a project without much more than a logo or a photo, ColorPic is an absolute gem. Each set of chips is savable as a "palette" so you can easily recall archived project color sets in seconds. The app is offered free of charge from Nico’s site at, but he offers other, equally great, inexpensive software for you to test-drive.

Download Colorpic here. MWSnap by Screen capture? No matter.