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Aux Etats-Unis, les jeunes amateurs d’art préfèrent Instagram aux musées - - 21 avril 2016. Abonnements sans engagement de durée (Abonnement à durée libre au

Aux Etats-Unis, les jeunes amateurs d’art préfèrent Instagram aux musées - - 21 avril 2016

The first steps of museums on Periscope « We Are Museums – Europe's digital network for museums. What did you do this morning?

The first steps of museums on Periscope « We Are Museums – Europe's digital network for museums

I watched the sun rise in Finland, had lunch in Seoul, and wandered for a while in Minneapolis. I would have gone on to a boat somewhere in Iceland, but my phone ran out of battery and Periscope switched off. Periscope is a kind of giant, free, worldwide Skype – except it’s more surprising, more beautiful, and you don’t have to tell you mum about your week-end when using it. The app connects people from all over the world and gives them a glimpse of what others are seeing. Best Social Media Metrics: Conversation, Amplification, Applause, Economic Value. Why I don’t use the most popular hashtags — ART + marketing. 10 outils indispensables et gratuits pour gérer Instagram.

Pas la peine de vous présenter l’outil Instagram, ce dernier jouit d’une réputation qui n’est plus à faire.

10 outils indispensables et gratuits pour gérer Instagram

En effet, il est indéniable que l’outil est un succès qui apporte de nombreux avantages aux annonceurs qui se positionnent sur la plateforme. How to Tell a Great Story. Forget Facebook, Dark Social Is What Rules The Internet. The title might seem a little harsh but it is nonetheless a big truth that you will have to accept as a marketer.

Forget Facebook, Dark Social Is What Rules The Internet

Most brands invest most of their digital marketing budget on the more traditional platforms like Facebook or Twitter, but consumers are sharing most of their content elsewhere: on email, on messaging apps, on forums, etc… Welcome to the dark side of social media. Also Read: 5 Reasons Why You’re Not Making It Big on Facebook The term Dark Social was first used by Alexis C.

Madrigal, a tech editor at, in one of his articles back in 2012. You?re not Judged by Klout Score. Your Digital Presence is. You’ve probably heard about Klout score.

You?re not Judged by Klout Score. Your Digital Presence is.

A Cheat Sheet To Increase Brand Engagement On Twitter. Why Nordstrom’s Digital Strategy Works (and Yours Probably Doesn’t) In a recent MIT CISR poll, 42% of our respondents said they expected to gain competitive advantage from social, mobile, analytics, cloud, and internet of things (SMACIT) technologies.

Why Nordstrom’s Digital Strategy Works (and Yours Probably Doesn’t)

But guess what? That’s not going to happen. The most notable characteristic of those technologies is their accessibility — to customers, employees, partners, and competitors. Because they are so accessible, it is very difficult to generate competitive advantage from any of them. 6 Ways to Make Your Story Go Viral. How To Respond To Negative Comments On Social... Pourquoi les gens quittent Twitter ? Twitter introduces group messaging and video features - BBC Newsbeat. 6 Ways to Use Pinterest to Promote Your Brand. Is Pinterest part of your marketing strategy?

6 Ways to Use Pinterest to Promote Your Brand

Have you ignored Pinterest because you think your brand isn’t a fit? Tout ce que Facebook a changé dans notre vie. Lancé en 2004 Facebook s’est très vite démocratisé.

Tout ce que Facebook a changé dans notre vie

Du 5 au 19 janvier 2015. Afin de couvrir l’ensemble des dernières fonctionnalités apportées sur les principaux réseaux sociaux du marché, je publierai sur ce blog un article récapitulatif chaque lundi.

du 5 au 19 janvier 2015

14 Ways to Make Your Twitter Updates More Creative. Are you looking for creative ways to improve your Twitter updates?

14 Ways to Make Your Twitter Updates More Creative

Do you want to spark better conversations with your followers? Coming up with interesting content ideas for tweets can be challenging for social media marketers. In this article I share 14 ways you can achieve more engagement with your Twitter audience. Find 14 ways to publish more creative Twitter updates. #1: Questions. The Social Media Frequency Guide: How Often to Post.

Subway has this sandwich with Fritos on it. I know this because their commercials play constantly on my TV and computer such that I nearly have the ads memorized. Every time their commercial airs, Subway is flirting with the fine art of frequency. BUZZEUM. Museum geek. Metrics, Metrics Everywhere! Which Are The Right Ones For Museums? Museum Transformation Strategies in the Digital Age. Computer chess. Source: Wiley Wiggins In response to the digital challenges that museums and galleries have to grapple with, organisations and their staff need to adjust to the new ways of thinking and working in a digital-physical world. This blog post provides invaluable insight into some of the practical strategies that institutions can implement or learn from in order to boost the effectiveness and success of their change initiatives. Digital technologies have become an everyday fixture in museums, and they are here to stay. They are altering the paradigm of the world of museums, which, like any other organisation, must shake up their business models and organisational structures and fully embrace the digital landscape if they are to remain relevant in today’s society.

In the pre-digital era, when information was scarce and precious, museums, libraries and archives were the spearhead and the driving force of the accumulation of knowledge. Arts Digital — 10 Social Media Trends for Museums in 2015. 20 Ways to Make People Fall in Love With Your Instagram: A Guide for Libraries and Other Cultural Institutions. Pinterest. 8 Incredible Museums Sharing on Pinterest. Pinterest has a reputation as the social media channel for food and fashion, but there’s much more to the visual network. It’s a combination of eye candy and information, with businesses, educators and magazines now using Pinterest to complement their other online material. One surprising industry that has jumped on the bandwagon is that of museums. Réseaux sociaux & musées - Blog de L'ŒIl au Carré. Parfois perçus comme vieillots ou élitistes, les musées sont bien décidés à sortir de leur passivité pour surfer sur la vague des réseaux sociaux.

Comment les musées investissent les réseaux sociaux ? – MuseumWeek. A l’occasion de la Museum Week, comme en 2014, La Factory NPA s’est penchée sur les stratégies digitales des musées en étudiant les dispositifs de 10 des musées français les plus fréquentés et les a analysés en fonction de leurs performances sur le web, les réseaux sociaux et le mobile.