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Eudoxia0/cmacro. The Descent to C. By Simon Tatham 1. Introduction This article attempts to give a sort of ‘orientation tour’ for people whose previous programming background is in high (ish) level languages such as Java or Python, and who now find that they need or want to learn C. C is quite different, at a fundamental level, from languages like Java and Python. However, well-known books on C (such as the venerable Kernighan & Ritchie) tend to have been written before Java and Python changed everyone's expectations of a programming language, so they might well not stop to explain the fundamental differences in outlook before getting into the nitty-gritty language details. This article will not actually teach C: I'll show the occasional code snippet for illustration and explain as much as I need to make my points, but I won't explain the language syntax or semantics in any complete or organised way.

I'm mostly aiming this article at people who are learning C in order to work with existing C programs. 2. 3. 3.1. 3.2. 3.3. Alex Darby - low level C/C++ C++ Quiz. C++11 regex cheatsheet.