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Chat comands Skype. If you are the creator or host of a chat (usually if you set up the chat, you will be assigned this role) you can use various commands to control members in the chat, secure the chat with a password and do other administrative tasks.

Chat comands Skype

To see a list of the available commands simply type /help into the chat. If you are just in a chat with one other person, only the relevant chat options will be shown. If you are in a chat with two or more people, /help will reveal a more comprehensive list of chat commands. Mac Keyboard Shortcuts. OS X keyboard shortcuts. To use a keyboard shortcut you press a modifier key with a character key.

OS X keyboard shortcuts

For example, pressing the Command key (it has a symbol) and then the "c" key copies whatever is currently selected (text, graphics, and so forth) into the Clipboard. This is also known as the Command-C keyboard shortcut. A modifier key is a part of many keyboard shortcuts. A modifier key alters the way other keystrokes or mouse/trackpad clicks are interpreted by OS X. Wallpapers.