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Yellowstone Eruption In 2016? Shocking New Video Shows What Is Really Going On At Yellowstone. This stunning footage was posted by a YouTube user known as Kat Martin 2016, and the following is what she had to say about the video that you just saw… There are places s(t)eaming I have never seen steam before….and also note that the bright ground is back.

Yellowstone Eruption In 2016? Shocking New Video Shows What Is Really Going On At Yellowstone

There are no shadows, so it is not from above! As you know the cameras were froze up last night, so we could not see what was going ….or so we thought LOL…I found a way. Somehow (don’t ask me how), the Geyser Observation Study site was able to capture the ENTIRE night with NO freeze ups and cutting in and out….how is THAT? Anyway, I got it and slowed it down so you can see better. But it wasn’t just that one night. So what does this mean? I don’t know, but watching that footage definitely got my attention. And it is interesting to note that just a few weeks ago the Shoshone River changed color and started boiling without any warning whatsoever… But it didn’t. Gene switch may repair DNA and prevent cancer. A team of scientists in Japan has found that a DNA modification called 5hmC - thought to be involved in turning genes on and off - localizes at sites of DNA damage and repair.

Gene switch may repair DNA and prevent cancer

They also found that a family of recently discovered enzymes, called TETs for short, is important in maintaining 5hmC's reparative role. To turn genes on or off, a methyl group can be added to or removed from DNA. Scientist Produces First Completely Recyclable Biopolymer! All Plastic Products Could Be Recyclable And Renewable In The Future. Eugene Chen, a chemist at the Colorado State University, experimented on the monomer Gamma-butyrolactone to produce a biopolymer that can be fully recycled back to its original monomer state for re-use.

Scientist Produces First Completely Recyclable Biopolymer! All Plastic Products Could Be Recyclable And Renewable In The Future

The statistics show that on average more than 200 pounds of synthetic polymers (most of these not biorenewable/biodegradable) are utilised per person each year and plastics are taking the number one spot in years production and waste. Each year, around 10-20 million tons of plastic finds its way in to the Earth’s oceans, in total an estimated 5.25 trillion plastic fragments, weighing 268,940 tons.

This plastic remains results in an estimated loss of $13 billion each year from damage that is done to the oceans ecosystem. Until the discovery, currently available bioplastics like the PLA could only undergo partial thermal recycling. In contrast, the biopolymer developed by Chen called poly(GBL) can be recycled to its base monomer form using a heat reaction. Amazing Pop-Up Solar Power Station Delivers Energy Anywhere it's Needed.

Ecosphere Technologies’ latest product combines several of our very favorite things in one easy-to-transport package: shipping containers, off-the-grid solar power, and clean drinking water generation.

Amazing Pop-Up Solar Power Station Delivers Energy Anywhere it's Needed

With their new Ecos PowerCube, the company can deliver a shipping-container-sized, self-sustaining solar power station by air, sea, rail or road to anywhere in the world it is needed. According to the Ecosphere Technologies‘ website, the “Ecos PowerCube® is the world’s largest, mobile, solar-powered generator. It runs on high power photovoltaic panels that extend from its container combined with an easy to set up wind turbine. Energy is stored in onboard batteries.” The unit is designed to fit inside shipping containers for easy transportation, and it’s available in 10-foot, 20-foot and 40-foot ISO shipping container footprints.

Related: Community Solar Gardens Bring Affordable Green Energy to the Masses + Ecosphere Techologies Via Fast Company.


MAP: 25 Million Americans Live Within The 'Blast Zone' Of An Oil Train Explosion. By Katie Valentine "MAP: 25 Million Americans Live Within The ‘Blast Zone’ Of An Oil Train Explosion" In this image made available by the City of Lynchburg, shows several CSX tanker cars carrying crude oil in flames after derailing in downtown Lynchburg, Va., Wednesday, April 30, 2014.

MAP: 25 Million Americans Live Within The 'Blast Zone' Of An Oil Train Explosion

CREDIT: AP Photo/City of Lynchburg, LuAnn Hunt Millions of Americans live within the “blast zone” of an oil train accident, according to a new map put together by environmental group ForestEthics. The map, created using industry data and on-the-ground reports of people living close to oil train routes, outlines the routes of oil trains across the U.S. and into Canada. Obama Just Did What No Other President Before Him Has Done. It's about time.

Obama Just Did What No Other President Before Him Has Done

It was fun to pretend climate change wasn't a problem, wasn't it? Now it's time to face the elephant in the room. On Monday, President Barack Obama did just that. In a new, major policy decision, Obama will bypass Congress with a plan forcing power plants to cut their emissions by 30% (from 2005 levels) over 15 years. Coal produced an estimated 74% of total CO2 emissions in the U.S. in 2012, compared to other forms of electricity generation like natural gas and petroleum.

In two lines, here's what you need to know: "Nationwide, by 2030, this rule would achieve CO2 emission reductions from the power sector of approximately 30% from CO2 emission levels in 2005," the proposed regulation says.

Govt and food safety and research

New Earth Physiology – Activating the Vagus Nerve. Science and research.