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Benefytt keeps an aging population covered with Adobe Sign. Benefytt helps people find the right Medicare and life insurance plans for them and makes it easy to enroll. Its customers are among the fastest-growing demographic in the U.S. – and a moving target in terms of technology. “People who are 65 today didn’t grow up with the internet, so their digital skills vary. In 10 years, however, 65-year-olds will have spent most of their adult lives around digital technology,” says Travis Conley, CTO at Benefytt. Benefytt streamlines health insurance customer enrollment. Trust and engagement through e-signatures Security is a top priority for Benefytt, and Adobe Sign’s security and authentication capabilities help the company protect the privacy of its customers.

Benefytt streamlines health insurance customer enrollment

“Security and technology are the core focus for the whole company. We handle a lot of personal data and private health records – and our customers rely on us to help protect that data,” says Conley. “The only way we can continue to earn their trust is to show we do everything we can to safeguard their data. Adobe Sign helps us achieve that.” With that level of trust and security, Conley feels comfortable persuading other areas of the business to adopt Adobe Sign.

Artificial Intelligence in Insurance. The insurance industry is seeing a welcome disruption via artificial intelligence (AI), but only a few companies might benefit from this breakthrough.

Artificial Intelligence in Insurance

Most organizations lack cognitive technologies to process insight, and this makes the data almost useless. But insurtech companies can connect the potential of the AI data streams available. In this complete introduction to artificial intelligence, you’ll be learning: Characteristics of artificial intelligence (AI)How AI worksRecent AI trendsAI applications in the insurance and insurtech industryFuture of AI in the insurance industry.

Big Data in the Insurance Industry. The digital technology revolution has transformed the professional world in significant ways.

Big Data in the Insurance Industry

And it’s no surprise that big data technology has gained popularity, especially with the amount of insightful data that’s available to organizations. In this article, we’ll cover: Definition: What is big data anyway? Healthcare Technology and Coronavirus [Survey] - Benefytt Technologies. Certain U.S. cities are allowing residents to head back to work, dine at their favorite restaurants, and somewhat return to a sense of normalcy.

Healthcare Technology and Coronavirus [Survey] - Benefytt Technologies

But we aren’t out of the (coronavirus) woods yet. In fact, more than 1,000 Americans expressed how the pandemic is still a big concern in a recent survey by, Benefytt’s direct-to-consumer e-commerce platform for Medicare and private health insurance products. 84% of respondents feel that there will be a second wave of COVID-19 in the U.S., a sentiment that matches the data showing an unfortunate spike in coronavirus cases nationwide. Good news though: 88% of survey respondents said they’re still practicing social distancing regardless of their state/county guidelines.

The survey asked respondents about their use of medical technology as well as their feelings about work, vacation, financials, and self-care topics in light of COVID-19. Here’s a recap of some of the top findings and trends. Benefytt Technologies Inc. What is InsurTech?

Benefytt Technologies Inc.

InsurTech is the combination of insurance and technology solutions for enrollment, insurance claims processing, underwriting, policy administration, data insights, fraud detection and more. InsurTech is disrupting the insurance industry by providing cost saving solutions and better customer experience for insurance companies. Let’s dive deeper. 6 Medical Technology Trends During the Coronavirus Pandemic. Extensive COVID-19 Survey Reveals Interesting Findings., Benefytt’s direct-to-consumer private insurance and Medicare website, is getting a solid pulse on the reactions and concerns of Americans throughout the coronavirus pandemic.

Extensive COVID-19 Survey Reveals Interesting Findings

The brand recently launched a series of COVID-19 surveys, which gathered insights from 1,000+ respondents of all ages. The most recent survey was the most comprehensive one yet, covering COVID-19 topics such as testing and vaccines, social distancing and mental health, economic impacts, and more. Coronavirus Updates Feed. Novel Coronavirus has undoubtedly changed the world.

Coronavirus Updates Feed

And the economic impacts from the virus are highly visible on a global scale: The stock market has declined, small businesses have shut down, millions of people have lost their jobs, and unfortunately, many of those who were diagnosed with Coronavirus disease have lost their battle. To track the developments of this global pandemic, our direct-to-consumer website, launched a news feed to consolidate and recap global news pieces and highlights about Coronavirus.

The topics covered range from day to day, focusing on both positive and negative impacts. Topics have included: Coronavirus statistics: Updates on number of reported and confirmed cases, COVID-19 deaths, mortality rates, and patient recovery data. HIIQ Changes Its Name to Benefytt Technologies Inc.

Company acquires major direct-to-consumer website as part of growth strategy On March 6, 2020, Health Insurance Innovations, Inc., announced that its corporate name changed to Benefytt Technologies, Inc.

HIIQ Changes Its Name to Benefytt Technologies Inc.

The name change signifies the company’s go-forward strategy to be a premier health insurance technology company that offers self-guided plan comparison tools and technology solutions surrounding a range of Medicare, private health insurance, and life insurance products to meet the evolving needs of its customers. A convenient resource for consumers. Stock Price to Surpass $60: Citron Research Predicts.

Citron Research, one of the longest-running stock commentary websites, recently noted that the Coronavirus pandemic is the moment that will make telemedicine mainstream.

Stock Price to Surpass $60: Citron Research Predicts

And Benefytt Technologies (BFYT) is at “the forefront of this megatrend,” according to Citron. As a result, Citron predicts that Benefytt’s stock will surpass $60 by the end of this year. Citron’s full report came on the heels of a recent White House briefing to the country in which the need for more telemedicine offerings for seniors emerged as a key theme. HHS Secretary of Healthcare, Alex Azar, especially noted telemedicine to be “the future of healthcare.” The first half of the Citron report addresses Benefytt’s role in Medicare Advantage and Telemedicine.

According to Citron: “There are 10,000 people turning 65 everyday. Over the past decade, enrollment in Medicare Advantage has nearly doubled to 22 million enrollees. Secretary Azar recognized the value in these types of ads: Stock Price to Surpass $60: Citron Research Predicts. Telemedicine During Coronavirus Pandemic [ Survey]

The cost of healthcare still remains a factor for many Americans during the Coronavirus pandemic, according to a recent survey by, our direct-to-consumer website.

Telemedicine During Coronavirus Pandemic [ Survey]

The survey found that 39% of respondents would think twice about seeking Coronavirus medical care due to cost. But more Americans may turn to virtual healthcare options like telemedicine to avoid the waiting room and potentially cut their healthcare expenses. COVID-19 Economic Impact [ Survey] The Coronavirus pandemic is impacting our economy and unemployment rate in unprecedented ways, with 17 million unemployment claims filed over the past two weeks alone. That’s why our direct-to-consumer website,, recently launched a survey to gauge the concerns and feelings of more than 1,000 respondents about COVID-19 and its economic impact. focused on topics like medical costs, unemployment, health insurance options and the use of telemedicine during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Joins Coronavirus Feed the Frontlines Movement. Insurtech company, Benefytt Technologies, Inc., has teamed up with Feeding Tampa Bay to feed 4,000 Tampa healthcare workers on the frontlines during the Coronavirus pandemic. Benefytt’s community involvement stems from a grassroots #FeedTheER effort in the Tampa Bay area, where Benefytt is headquartered. Benefytt saw an opportunity to help expand the effort’s reach to local healthcare heroes, so the company joined the movement. Health Insurance Innovations Summer Food Drive - Metropolitan Ministries. HIIQ is joining Metropolitan Ministries this Summer to help feed those in need and make a positive impact in the Hillsborough, Pinellas, Polk and Pasco county communities.

Health Insurance Innovations is collecting non-perishable food items including canned foods and dried goods to donate to Metropolitan Ministries’ food pantry as they stock up for back to school and this year’s approaching holiday season. Metropolitan Ministries is a non-profit organization that partners with donors and volunteers to lend a helping hand and bring hope to the homeless and families at risk of becoming homeless.

Since 1972, they have been supplying food, providing shelter and offering services like education and life skills programs to nearly 32,000 families every year. Last year, HIIQ was able to assist Metropolitan Ministries with a Thanksgiving Food Drive and the company is always looking to give back to the community by supporting local charities. Metropolitan Ministries Thrift Store 2101 N. Health Insurance Innovations acquires TogetherHealth. Health Insurance Innovations Inc Class A (HIIQ) Quote. 4 Reasons Healthcare Consumers Use to Choose Their Provider - Insurance Reviews Guide.

Glosario de Términos de Seguro Médico - Aseguranza Medica Barata. 4 Innovaciones Tecnológicas de Salud en el 2019 y el Consumerismo. En los últimos años hemos alcanzado increíbles avances tecnológicos, entre ellos están, los robots que realizan funciones humanas en el hogar como el iRobot Roomba que es un robot de limpieza avanzado, las neveras inteligentes que detectan la caducidad de los alimentos y se pueden manejar desde el celular, los autos que se manejan solos, las impresoras 3D, con las que se pueden imprimir casas, carros y hasta alimentos y el internet de las cosas, que es lo que permite que los aparatos tecnológicos puedan conectarse unos a los otros y sean accesibles con facilidad y plenitud.

Estos son simplemente algunos de los avances tecnológicos recientes, existe un gran número de tecnologías nuevas que cada día se van explorando y descubriendo. Opciones de Atención y Seguro Médico para Indocumentados - Get Affordable Health Insurance Quotes for Individuals and Families in Texas. Get Affordable Health Insurance Quotes for Individuals and Families in Florida. Ahorre en Gastos de Salud con Estas Alternativas al Seguro COBRA.

Agile Health Insurance Review - Insurance Reviews Guide. Consumidores Pagan Demasiado por Aseguranza Médica Obama Care. Los pros y los contras de los diferentes tipos de seguro de salud. ¿Cómo obtener Aseguranza Médica Barata? Las Normativas Gubernamentales Revolucionando el Mundo de la Salud. 8 Mitos sobre el Seguro de Salud a Corto Plazo. Seguro Médico para Trabajador Independiente. 5 Riesgos de no Tener Seguro Médico. ¿Qué Considerar al Comprar un Seguro Médico? El Futuro de la Atención Médica: La Revolución Robótica en Medicina [6 Beneficios]

Salud del Hombre: Cómo Ayudar a Papá a que Viva una Vida Más Sana. Opciones de Atención y Seguro Médico para Indocumentados - Centro de Información sobre Seguros de Salud. Seguro Médico en Texas. Seguro Médico en Florida. Preguntas Frecuentes [FAQ] Contáctenos. Centro de Información sobre Seguros de Salud. Quiénes Somos [Servicios & Misión] Aseguranza Medica Barata - Compare Planes con Cotización Gratis.

Seguro Médico [Guía Informativa]