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Courses | OERu. Our Project. The Open Educational Resources Research Hub (OER Research Hub) provides a focus for research, designed to give answers to the overall question ‘What is the impact of OER on learning and teaching practices?’ And identify the particular influence of openness. We do this by working in collaboration with projects across four education sectors (K12, college, higher education and informal) extending a network of research with shared methods and shared results. By the end of this research we will have evidence for what works and when, but also established methods and instruments for broader engagement in researching the impact of openness on learning. OER are not just another educational innovation. They influence policy and change practices. In previous research (OpenLearn, Bridge to Success and OLnet) we have seen changes in institutions, teacher practice and in the effectiveness of learning.

The project combines: Like this: Like Loading... MOOCs: An Evolving Model of Curriculum Delivery and Assessment. Please join the Community College Consortium at Open Courseware on Tuesday, November 13, 1:00 pm Eastern for a webinar on Massively Online Open Courses (MOOCs). MOOCs have been a hot topic in the higher education blogosphere for the last year but how do you separate the fact from the fiction and should your college be participating in the latest trend for online content delivery and credentialing of student learning.

You will hear from both an instructor who is currently teaching a MOOC at University of Central Florida to one who analyzes emerging business models at British Columbia Institute of Technology. In addition, we will have the president of Open Study, an educational technology start-up, who will share how their peer mentoring model can support the students who enroll in MOOCs. Carol Edwards, Business Professor at British Columbia Institute of Technology and Business Analyst. Dr. Dr. No pre-registration necessary. . *6 – Mute/unmute your individual line. What We Learn When We Learn by Doing. Schank, Roger C. (1995) What We Learn When We Learn by Doing. (Technical Report No. 60). Northwestern University, Institute for Learning Sciences. Roger C. Schank Institute for the Learning SciencesNorthwestern University Technical Report No. 60 (1995) There has always been a great deal of lip service given to the idea of learning by doing, but not much has been done about it.

"Why is it that, in spite of the fact that teaching by pouring in, learning by passive absorption, are universally condemned, that they are still so entrenched in practice? There are two important reasons why learning by doing isn't our normal form of education. To consider learning by doing from a psychological point of view, we must think more about learning in real life, which is, of course, the natural venue of learning by doing. One of the places where real life learning takes place is in the workplace, "on the job. " Most employees are interested in learning to their jobs better. How do we enhance learning? Roger Schank Homepage.

Sep05_article03. Editor’s Note: Instructional design provides many techniques to assist learning. Brain-Based Learning looks at research on neural mechanisms that facilitate the learning process. as a way to optimize performance. Some approaches are already used under other names; others provide leverage to optimize learning. Stephanie A. Clemons Abstract As higher education institutions push for more online courses instructors are faced with issues and challenges related to teaching in the online learning environment. Issues concerning student learning involve how they accept, retain and process information delivered in a course. The brain is “not only the control center of the entire human body, organizing our behaviors and biological functions, but it also is the seat of our humanity.

KeyWords: Learning models, learners, modalities, online learning and instruction, brain-based learning, higher education. Introduction Review of Literature The Brain: A Synopsis The brain has two hemispheres. Figure 1. Untitled. Coursera. – Free Online Courses Built by Professors. Udacity | Free Online Courses. Advance your College Education & Career.