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15+ Memorable jQuery Timeline Plugins. With one of the jQuery timeline plugins listed here, you can add cool and interactive timelines to your web pages.

15+ Memorable jQuery Timeline Plugins

The timeline format is not new, but really, it got popular when Facebook decided to add it to their wall design. It is a great way to show events in time – this can be anything from social media updates to historical events. We also see the timeline design used in creative portfolios. It is a great way for agencies to present their history; their development in number of employees, key client wins etc. Check out these jQuery plugins I found for adding timelines to your website, and let me know in a comment if I missed a great script!

Disclosure: Please note that some of the links below are affiliate links and I will earn a commission if you purchase through those links (at no extra cost to you). Advertisement Timeline with Configurator – MORE INFO / DEMO. 33 Mega jQuery Image Plugins Collection. 10 jQuery History/Back Button Plugins. Check out our collection of 10 jQuery History/Back Button plugins.

10 jQuery History/Back Button Plugins

These are really nice plugins. Dead simple to implement, most of the plugins work with bookmarking, refreshing, and back/forward buttons. 1. jQuery History Simple History Handler/Remote for Hash, State, Bookmarking, and Forward Back Buttons. Source + Demo. 20 Essential jQuery Plugins for Every Developer's Toolkit. In the six years since its January 2006 launch, jQuery has managed to become the most popular JavaScript plugin library in the world, deployed in nearly 56% of the top 10,000 websites in the world.

20 Essential jQuery Plugins for Every Developer's Toolkit

As free, fast open-source code, jQuery enables developers to add technically challenging functions and features with a few lines of code. Much of jQuery’s success is owed to its extensive library of plugins. With thousands of plugins in existence, and many more in development, there exists – for all practical purposes – a plugin to satisfy every developer’s need. The following 20 jQuery plugins make for especially useful additions to any developer’s virtual toolkit. Essential jQuery Plugins FitText When the Boston Globe launched its brand new ‘responsive design’ in September 2011, the internet gasped in collective awe. Sausage As infinite-scrolling pages become more common across the web, the Sausage.js plugin will become all the more relevant.

Demo Demo Demo Demo Demo/a> Just another WordPress site. 20 jQuery Plugins to Create Amazing Photo Galleries. Inspiring and creative webpage visual effects further enhance the charm of website, especially when we are talking about photo galleries and portfolio presentations.

20 jQuery Plugins to Create Amazing Photo Galleries

And when viewing is made more convenient with additional options and information with no loss of quality of presentation and performance of the website, it is one plus point previously considered a trick to achieve not many could accomplish. jQuery is fast and has a lightweight JavaScript Library. With its streamlined HTML document traversing, Ajax and Java script interactions along with event handling and animation; it goes for speedy web development.

Highlighting interaction between JavaScript and HTML makes construction convenient with lesser writing which does more. Fresh and Hot: 12 jQuery Image Gallery Tutorials. You can be a great photographer, or you can put some definitely wonderful illustrations on your website, but there is one remark.

Fresh and Hot: 12 jQuery Image Gallery Tutorials

All this stuff would mean nothing, if it’s not framed suitably. The presentation of the pics is not less important than the content itself, moreover the perception of the illustration strongly depends on the way it’s showed. Maybe, that’s why web design still exists and prospers. How to make your image gallery look attractive? Well, it’s quite easy to do with the help of modern web technology. Horizontal Portfolio Layout with CSS3 Animations & jQuery The gallery is simply navigated by scrolling.

Photoset Grid This tut will teach you to how to create wonderful photos grid.I must mention it’s most probably created to represent hipster photos. MediaSlide This is a complex slider, which can be customized to look in different styles. S Gallery If you need the gallery that consorts with the requirement of mobile web, this one is mandatory to be checked. Least.js Shuffle. 30+ Must Have jQuery Plugins & Responsive Tools for Web Developers. jQuery, ‘the missing UI library for the web’ as they describe it, is an essential tool for designing modern web applications and interfaces.

30+ Must Have jQuery Plugins & Responsive Tools for Web Developers

It provides a wide range of UI components and development tools that you can use to build rich web applications. Today we are featuring 30+ jQuery plugins, libraries and tools that we have found useful. Hopefully, you will find them valuable for your upcoming projects. If you know of any useful jQuery plugin that you have used or authored, do share in the comments section below. CSS3 and jQuery Filtering and Sorting Plugin – MixItUp MixItUp is a light-weight but powerful jQuery plugin that provides beautiful animated filtering and sorting of categorized and ordered content. Retina-ready Touch Supported jQuery Lightbox Swipebox is a jQuery “lightbox” plugin for desktop, mobile and tablet. Block Slide – A CSS3 Animated Modal Window Image Gallery jQuery Plugin You can set the animation you wish to use for the modal boxes as they slide in.