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How to Create Your Brand Digital Dashboard. Today's blog entry is by Patrick Tedjamulia, Senior Account Manager, Food & Beverage at Google. How can I keep track of my Brand online? That seems to be the question I hear all the time these days. In our insta-share culture, Brands are realizing that they can either hear about the conversation after the fact, or they can participate in the conversation in real-time.Here are a few of the triggers that cause Brands to ask "How can I keep track of my Brand online? "- Search Trends- Blogs/PR- Social comments- Product recalls- User Generated Content (Videos)- Reviews- Voluntary Product Placement- Competitive activity Last year, I worked with Google's iGoogle team to develop a framework for Brands to create their own Brand Digital Dashboard. Add Gadgets- Search the iGoogle Gadget Directory for gadgets to add to your Tab. Here is a list of gadgets I recommendGoogle Insights for Search - customize this gadget's settings with the search terms and locations you want to see.

Tumblr Takes a Fall in Google Search Rankings. Blogs. Almost everyone has one (or in my case, three or four), follows one, or wants to create one. With the exception of a select few people who might live under rocks, everyone at least knows what a blog is. It’s like the journal you kept in the fourth grade under your bed, except know it’s on your computer and out there for the world to read. Sites like Tumblr have revolutionized the blogging experience by making building your site and maintaining it almost effortless. Tumblelogs have two key features that help users create an enormous backlog of posts in a very short time – “notes” and “reblog”. Search engines like Google use two key factors when creating rankings for searched sites: content and backlinks.

Now if you are the everyday user, like me, this doesn’t really matter to you. As Soshable points out, Tumblr’s popularity is all based on how you plan on using the site : naturally in the Tumblr-sphere … or as an avenue to try and rank. Quality guidelines : Google Places Policies - Google Places Help. Google Places brings users and their local businesses together, both online and in the real world. To best serve our end users (and your potential customers), we've come up with a list of guidelines for your Google Places account and listings.

Your Google Places Account Ownership: Only business owners or authorized representatives may verify their business listings on Google Places. Account Email Address: Use a shared business email account, if multiple users will be updating your business listing. Your Business Listing Business Name: Your title should reflect your business’s real-world title. Business Location: Use a precise, accurate address to describe your business location. Do not create a listing or place your pin marker at a location where the business does not physically exist. Website & Phone: Provide a phone number that connects to your individual business location as directly as possible, and provide one website that represents your individual business location. Other Items of Note. Webmaster Tools Help. Webmaster Tools.