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Jupiter - Notre sélection DVD. DVD du documentaire "A propos de Milarépa"15,00 € « A propos de Milarépa » présente 9 intervenants en discussion avec le public, lors de projections du film "Milarépa, La Voie du Bonheur" dans les cinémas.

Jupiter - Notre sélection DVD

Ce film éclaire de nombreux thèmes liés au parcours initiatique de Milarépa : la persévérance, le karma, l'éveil, la mort, la quête du bonheur, la non-violence, la compassion, la notion de maître dans le bouddhisme. Subtil mélange entre les approches spirituelle et historique, ce documentaire nous permet de mieux comprendre le bouddhisme et nous éclaire sur le cheminement individuel et collectif à emprunter pour améliorer notre quotidien et parvenir, dans les pas de Milarépa, à la voie du bonheur. Documentaire de 1h46 Inclus : le CD de la musique originale du film "Milarépa, La Voie du Bonheur" Vous pouvez régler votre commande par carte bancaire ou par chèque (si vous résidez en France). Yoga Pilates accessories gear wrist support mats socks gloves. Copycat Yoga Instructional and Educational Yoga Mat (Best Yoga Mat for Beginners Extra Thick Extra Long Phthalate Free Learn Yoga or Better Your Alignment Works As a Kids Yoga Mat As Well As an Adult Yoga Mat): Sports & Outdoors. Yoga Pilates Accessories Socks Gloves Gear Wrist Supports Mats. Breakfast of Yogis. If agni is healthy, you have tremendous energy throughout the day. By Nora Isaacs It's early morning, and the nutty aroma of hot cereal wafts through Ayurvedic doctor David Frawley's kitchen in Santa Fe, New Mexico, where he's director of the American Institute of Vedic Studies.

He drinks a cup of soothing chai, then enjoys a traditional Indian breakfast of upper, or toasted farina. Cooked with vibrant orange carrots and bright green peas, the cereal is flavored with ghee (clarified butter) and spices like cumin, ginger, and turmeric. "This kind of breakfast keeps my mind clear and gives me an even release of energy," he says.

At the start of the day, sometime between 6:00 and 10:00 a.m., agni is quite low, and it's not easy for most bodies to digest a big breakfast. "If you eat breakfast according to Ayurvedic principles, you will have more energy throughout the day," says Marc Halpern, founder and director of the California College of Ayurveda, located in Grass Valley, California. Ayurveda for Day and Night. Ayurveda for Day and Night. Le jala neti, une aide efficace contre les rhumes et la sinusite. Nous voici entrés dans la saison des rhumes et autres sinusites...

Le jala neti, une aide efficace contre les rhumes et la sinusite

Je veux donc vous parler d'une méthode très simple et qui ne coûte quasiment rien pour éviter ces petits désagréments saisonniers. Il s'agit du Jala neti, une technique de nettoyage du nez avec de l'eau salée qui est utilisée par les yogis depuis des millénaires. Neti Pot « Himalayan Institute. Mix a 1/4 teaspoon of finely ground non-iodized Neti Pot™ Salt in 8oz of warm sterile water.

Neti Pot « Himalayan Institute

Use the purest salt available because impurities in the salt can be irritating. Neti Wash Plus™ should also be added to maximize the effect of your sinus rinse.Lean forward and turn your head to one side over the sink, keeping the forehead at the same height as the chin, or slightly higher.Gently insert the spout in the upper nostril so it forms a comfortable seal.Raise the Neti Pot™ gradually so the saline solution flows in through your upper nostril and out of the lower nostril. Breathe through your mouth.When the Neti Pot™ is empty, face the sink and exhale vigorously without pinching the nostrils.Refill the Neti Pot™ and repeat on the other side.

Again, exhale vigorously to clear the nasal passages.Do one or more of the recommended exercises to drain any remaining saline solution. 1. 2. 3. 4. TQM - Rhino Horn USA - Home Page. TQM - Rhino Horn USA - Instructions & Testimonials. User Guide to Rhino Horn Instructions for Nasal Cleansing Check out Abstracts of Medical Studies and Testimonials on the Benefits of Nasal Cleansing, scroll down.

TQM - Rhino Horn USA - Instructions & Testimonials

The Water Cold water and fresh water irritate the mucus membranes. Therefore the water you use for nasal cleansing should be somewhat salty and it should be at about body temperature. The body fluids contain 0.9% salt. Nasal irrigation. Neti Pots for Sinus Problems - WebMD: Do They Work? If you're one of the millions of Americans dealing with sinus problems, you know how miserable facial pain and clogged nasal passages can be.

Neti Pots for Sinus Problems - WebMD: Do They Work?

In their search for relief, many sinus sufferers have turned to nasal saline irrigation, a therapy that uses a salt and water solution to flush out the nasal passages. Although several methods of nasal irrigation exist, one of the most popular is the Neti pot -- a ceramic or plastic pot that looks like a cross between a small teapot and Aladdin's magic lamp. Although nasal irrigation using the Neti pot has been around for centuries, its use is on the rise in the U.S. The Neti pot originally comes from the Ayurvedic/yoga medical tradition. Does the Neti Pot Really Work? Himalayan Institute. Association Française de Yoga IYENGAR®

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