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Pain & Levain

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Brioche Hamburger Buns. This past weekend I had the wonderful opportunity to attend a workshop by the one and only Sandor Ellix Katz, author of The Art of Fermentation (essential reading!).

Brioche Hamburger Buns

I walked away from the workshop infused with inspiration and a head full of fermentation ideas. Of course it wouldn’t be a hands on workshop if I didn’t leave with a jar of bubbling veggies — a relish of sorts. The fermenting relish we created by hand during the workshop had numerous spicy New Mexico chiles1, onion, corn, tomato, sweet potato (cooked) and garlic added to the mix. After getting my hands dirty with mixing, mashing, and packing I began to ponder what I’d first like to use this spicy concoction on, and then it came to me: hamburgers!

Coincidentally, the upcoming weekend of July 4th has always been a big grilling weekend out here and what better way to celebrate our Nation’s independence than to fire up the grill and throw on some burgers and veggies. What I like most about this recipe is its versatility. Vitals. Floured : Faire son pain maison au levain. Premier recette de cake sur le blog et pas n’importe quel cake, un classique!

Floured : Faire son pain maison au levain

Je raffole des cakes et gâteaux au citron mais je suis également une fan des graines de pavot, dans le pain certes mais aussi dans les cakes! Surtout quand le cake est moelleux, parfumé et qu’il fond dans la bouche quand on le savoure avec un bon thé! Mais pourquoi est-ce que je vous parle de cake? Tout simplement, parce que préparer un cake est aussi une excellente façon d’utiliser un surplus de levain, notamment quand on souhaite en éliminer une partie pour le rafraichir ou quand on se retrouve avec beaucoup de levain qu’on ne souhaite pas forcément utiliser!

Home-Made - Foodisterie - Lifestyle - Home-Made. How to Make Tartine Style Country Bread [Video] - Breadwerx. Comment créer son propre levain liquide? Sourdough Pizza Dough and Recipes. Notice Notice.

Sourdough Pizza Dough and Recipes

My Top 3 Leftover Sourdough Starter Recipes. Should we take a break from baking bread for a bit?

My Top 3 Leftover Sourdough Starter Recipes

How about just one entry… Trust me it will be worth it when you try even just one of my top 3 leftover sourdough starter recipes. Plus, it’s still considered baking if we’re using a starter, in a roundabout kind of way, isn’t it? This post presents a few ways we can utilize our excess sourdough starter discarded at each feeding (refreshment), and since my sourdough starter is fed twice daily, I usually have excess starter in the morning and evening. Many see this excess as “waste” but it’s something that can be used for many things besides going into your compost bin. After all, this waste can be seen as food for our culture and is essentially a levain we would use to give life to otherwise inert flour. Beginner's Sourdough Bread. My very first sourdough loaf surprisingly turned out to be pretty decent, but oh boy was it sour.

Beginner's Sourdough Bread

Sour like those candies you really only eat at the movie theater because they destroy your tongue, sour. Ok, maybe that’s an exaggeration but I remember my wife choking down a slice commenting that it was “pretty good, yeah, pretty good bread” and only later did she fess up that it was “actually not really that good to be honest.” But all-in-all the bread baked fully, rose nicely and had a pretty decent crust. And you know what, we ate the entire thing because despite its sourness it still was tasty, and one has to start somewhere, right? Weekend Baking Schedule. The primary goal in this post is to help you get into a schedule for baking fresh, healthy bread every weekend without having to worry about refreshing your sourdough starter during the week.

Weekend Baking Schedule

Ok, I know it’s hard to bake every weekend, but I do believe this post outlines a manageable schedule for fresh bread most weekends. It can be challenging to carve out time from our busy work schedule day after day to devote to sourdough starter maintenance — with two kids at home believe me, I get it. Cake à la mozarrella et tomates au levain/Savory mozzarella and tomato cake - ... au levain! L’hiver approche et le chaudron à soupe est sortie de son placard… bon, d’accord, il fait 26°C en ce moment, mais on a envie de SOUPE !!!

Cake à la mozarrella et tomates au levain/Savory mozzarella and tomato cake - ... au levain!

Mais personne dans ma grande famille accepte un repas où il n'y a que de la soupe. Il faut qu’il y ait du pain, du fromage, du jambon. The Perfect Loaf. Comment créer son propre levain liquide? How To Make Sourdough Starter from Scratch. Not all of us are so lucky to have a sourdough starter passed down to us from our bread-baking forefathers and foremothers. Thankfully, making a fresh batch of starter is as easy as stirring together some flour and water and letting it sit. That’s right! No expensive heirloom starters, mashed-up grapes, or mysterious rituals required — just flour, water, and a little bit of patience. Here is how to make your own sourdough starter from scratch. News & Information for Amateur Bakers and Artisan Bread Enthusiasts.

How to Make Tartine Style Country Bread [Video] - Breadwerx.