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Unbeatable JavaScript Tools - The Dojo Toolkit. A suite of Javascript libraries and tools designed for working with HTML5. Recent Updates Follow @CreateJS November 2014 Added Unit Tests to EaselJSUpdates in preparation for new releases (coming soon).

A suite of Javascript libraries and tools designed for working with HTML5

New class model, with big performance increases October 2014. Classes.Big Number. Les librairies JavaScript vraiment utiles. Php.js. Modernizr. What is Modernizr?


Modernizr is a small JavaScript library that detects the availability of native implementations for next-generation web technologies, i.e. features that stem from the HTML5 and CSS3 specifications. Many of these features are already implemented in at least one major browser (most of them in two or more), and what Modernizr does is, very simply, tell you whether the current browser has this feature natively implemented or not. Unlike with the traditional—but highly unreliable—method of doing “UA sniffing,” which is detecting a browser by its (user-configurable) navigator.userAgent property, Modernizr does actual feature detection to reliably discern what the various browsers can and cannot do. After all, the same rendering engine may not necessarily support the same things, and some users change their userAgent string to get around poorly developed websites that don’t let them through otherwise.

Modernizr aims to bring an end to the UA sniffing practice.