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Makerspace-Playbook-Feb-2013.pdf. MADE Makerspace Barcelona. Made Makerspace Barcelona - Barcelone - Organisation. Torno - Photos du journal. Michael Rakowitz. Bill S.’s paraSITE shelter.

Michael Rakowitz

He requested as many windows as possible, because “homeless people don’t have privacy issues, but they do have security issues. We want to see potential attackers, we want to be visible to the public.” Six windows are placed at eye level for when Bill is seated and six smaller windows for when Bill is reclining. George L.’s paraSITE shelter. Made on a budget of $5.00 from trash bags, ZipLoc bags, and clear waterproof packing tape. The windows are made of Ziploc sandwich bags and serve as pockets to display personal items and signage for the public. Bill S., Freddie F., and George L. with Freddie’s paraSITE shelter. Joe H. using his paraSITE shelter in February 2000. Michael M. using his paraSITE shelter on 26th Street and 9th Avenue in New York. We designed his shelter to be closer to the ground, more like a sleeping bag or some kind of body extension.

Halfway through construction, I received a call from Artie ordering me to stop building. Rebel Architecture - Guerrilla architect. First Fab Lab in Ecuador. Hector Rodriguez, General Manager YACHAY EP (left), Carlos Sarmiento, GeoMarket Manager - Ecuador (middle), Simone Amber, SEED Founder and FabLab Connect Co-founder (right) By Simone Amber, SEED Founder & Co-Founder of Fab Lab Connect On December 4, 2014, we signed the memorandum of understanding to create a Fab Lab with Yachay (the newly formed “City of Knowledge” of Ecuador, about 88 miles North of Quito) and Schlumberger, the world’s leading supplier of technology, integrated project management and information solutions to the oil and gas industry.

First Fab Lab in Ecuador

I made a presentation about the new Fab Lab and how it will change the paradigm. The event took place near Yachay, in a Schlumberger Excellence in Education Development (SEED) school with hundreds of students plus their teachers, government officials and local authorities. I managed to engage these teenagers! Openfab. Laboratorio de fabricación digital. Vídeo-tutorial: Cómo construir una impresora 3D MakerBot [+info] Openfab surge a raíz de un trabajo previo de investigación y producción a partir de actividades y grupos de trabajo que han desarrollado un corpus de documentación y experiencia de cara a la creación del futuro Openfab en Medialab-Prado.

Openfab. Laboratorio de fabricación digital

En este fablab, ubicado en los bajos de la Serrería Belga, Medialab-Prado ofrecerá un espacio equipado con maquinaria de fabricación digital (cortadoras láser, cortadora de vinilos, impresoras 3D, fresadoras...), así como cursos y talleres de formación destinados a la producción de proyectos y el prototipado con tecnologías abiertas. Antecedentes: Taller de construcción de una impresora 3D MakerBot (26.01.2010 - 29.01.2010) [+info]Curso de OpenFramework (02.02.2012 - 05.02.2012) [+info]Taller de escaneado 3D con Kinect (23.02.2012 - 26.02.2012) [+info]#Redada 18 Madrid: Los retos de la impresión 3D (16.11.2012) [+info] Grupo de trabajo Openfab [+info] Knippers Helbig Advanced Engineering. IO.


Colaboraciones - Diferencial EC. Slicing & Waffles. Fab Lab Berlin. Was ist Fab Lab Berlin?

Fab Lab Berlin

Wir sind eine offene Digital Fabrication Werkstatt, in der man den Umgang mit 3D-Drucker, Lasercutter, CNC Fräse, Software und Elektronik lernen und eigene Ideen verwirklichen kann. Wir sind Teil des internationalen Fab Lab Netzwerks und bieten Zugang zu einer großartigen Werkstatt zum Selbermachen. Was sind unsere Ziele? Wir wollen ein zentraler Knotenpunkt im Berliner Maker- Netzwerk werden. Für persönlichen Austausch, Workshops und kooperatives Arbeiten bieten wir eine offene Hightech-Werkstatt in zentraler Lage in Berlin Mitte.

Was bietet unsere Werkstatt? Eine sichere Arbeitsumgebung mit professionellen Maschinen, die technisch auf dem neuesten Stand sind. Was bietet unsere Onlineplattform? Wir veröffentlichen auf über Blog, Eventkalender und Newsletter unsere eigenen Angebote sowie die unserer Partner. Was ist unser Angebot an Maker? Was ist unser Angebot an Unternehmen? Wie bleibe ich auf dem Laufenden?