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PR & Content Marketing: It’s a collaboration, not a competition. Written by: Elise Anthony We’re often asked, “What’s the difference between PR and content marketing?”

PR & Content Marketing: It’s a collaboration, not a competition

With more channels and analytics at our fingertips than ever before, the lines are becoming blurred. So we turned to Cooper Smith Koch, principal of Cooper Smith Agency, to get a view from the “other side of the fence” on the “new” press release, how content marketing and public relations enhance the marketing plan, and the one thing every marketer must avoid. D Custom: How are emerging communication channels changing the press release as we know it? Cooper Smith Koch: People say the press release is dead.

Written as web content for corporate sitesEmbedded with YouTube videos and Flickr albumsLoaded with words people actually type during google or bing searchesDistributed internally to sales teams and employees, externally to customers, prospects, and even franchisees to send to their customersMinus the boilerplate of static company background Koch: Keep the sales jargon out of content. Infographic: State of Content Marketing 2013PR News. Don’t fight it.

Infographic: State of Content Marketing 2013PR News

Resistance is futile. For PR pros, content marketing now resides at the core of marketing communications. If you don’t educate yourself on content-marketing trends, your clients may leave you in the dust and your brand will face an uphill battle to stay relevant. Indeed, $118.4 billion will be spent on content marketing, video marketing and social media this year. That’s according to the State of Content Marketing 2013, which was released by Wishpond. The report, attributed to, features of potpourri of statistics on the explosive growth of content marketing. Content Marketing: 11 things Hispanic Brand Marketers need to know. Is there a Content Marketing craze?

Content Marketing: 11 things Hispanic Brand Marketers need to know

Yes. Is content marketing going to be a fad? Very unlikely. Most marketers recognize that in the digital age content, more than ever, is the connecting thread that brings them together with their customers and prospects. Portada's editorial team asked several experts about 11 key questions brand marketers need to know about. 1.

Michael Fasciano, Associate Director, Content Strategy at Digitas, has an interesting definition. Good content should create demand. 2.Isn't Content Marketing much more about PR than about Advertising? While PR is not the whole story, it is a discipline that is very much related to content marketing because it promotes the earned media component (as opposed to paid media - advertising). 3. That is a very good question. Why PR and Content Marketing Are the Same Thing. Content marketing and PR often seem to be pitted against each other, for one reason or another, but the truth is that they’re becoming the same thing.

Why PR and Content Marketing Are the Same Thing

For example, take the press release. Press releases help showcase your latest product or service or show some cutting-edge research into the industry. More importantly, of course, journalists and analysts will cover the announcement. 25 Content Marketing Facts That Will Make You Consider Mobile. In most areas around the world, mobile is ubiquitous.

25 Content Marketing Facts That Will Make You Consider Mobile

Its adoption and use as the first screen is happening at a faster rate every day. That is why you, marketers, bloggers, and publishers, must make sure that you are not only adding emphasis on mobile, but making it one of your primary focuses. Hopefully this list of facts will convince you that you need to begin placing a strong emphasis on mobile. And you can start with adding Zemanta! Not only are our related posts optimized for mobile, but they are customizable and look stunning on any mobile device. What is Content Marketing?

Useful content should be at the core of your marketing Consumers have shut off the traditional world of marketing.

What is Content Marketing?

They own a DVR to skip television advertising, often ignore magazine advertising, and now have become so adept at online “surfing” that they can take in online information without a care for banners or buttons (making them irrelevant). Smart marketers understand that traditional marketing is becoming less and less effective by the minute, and that there has to be a better way. Social Media Content's Role in Marketing: Your Top Questions Answered.

Content Marketinv VS PR. I recently spoke with an analyst who had asked me how content marketing is different from traditional PR (public relations).

Content Marketinv VS PR

I think this is a question that all marketers and SEOs are having to grapple with as SEO evolves. On the one hand, it’s getting harder and harder to rank in the SERPs with low-quality content and spammy links, making real content marketing much more important; on the other hand, the value of the link as we know it is slowly being devalued relative to social currency and co-citation, which owe a lot to word of mouth and good PR. So what’s the difference between PR and content marketing? Is there any? The short answer is yes. Content Marketing & PR Evolved from Different Tactics I see content marketing as an extension of an SEO more than an extension of PR.

(More: 50 Things Every Content Marketer Needs to Know) Of course, Google maintains that nothing has changed – links were always supposed to be earned, not bought or faked. A Note on Consolidation What do you think?