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YAY MATH! Algebra Geometry Math Videos Online | Homework Help. Videos By Topic. Math Videos & More. Calculate Velocity as a function of Acceleration and Time. Equation for this Calculation: v = v0 + at Where: v0 = initial velocity v = final velocity a = acceleration t = time Standard gravity a = 9.80665 m/s2 The velocity calculator uses the equation that the final velocity of an object is equal to its initial velocity added to its acceleration multiplied by time of travel.

Formula for velocity as a function of initial velocity, acceleration and time. v = v0 + at v0 = initial velocity v = velocity a = acceleration t = time Example: Find time (t) given velocity (v), initial velocity (v0) and acceleration (a) A car approaching a school zone slows down from 27 m/s to 9 m/s with constant acceleration -2 m/s2. How much time is required to slow down? Answer: We know initial velocity (v0 = 27), velocity (v = 9) and acceleration (a = -2) We first need to solve the velocity equation for time (t): v = v0 + at v - v0 = at (v - v0)/a = t Plugging in the known values we get, t = (v - v0)/a t = (9 m/s - 27 m/s) / -2 m/s2 t = -18 m/s / -2 m/s2 t = 9 s. Wolfram MathWorld: The Web's Most Extensive Mathematics Resource.