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Poor Folk Bows. How Sammy makes a bow stringer. Strait stave bow stiles and limb cross sections Build A bow Public Message Board. The first bow stile i will cover is the flatbow.

strait stave bow stiles and limb cross sections Build A bow Public Message Board

It's limbs are wide and thin adn have a crossection that ranges from a rectangle with the corners rounded to a very flat oval. These are made from boards, staves or laminations and have low set and fast crisp sendoff. the width generally varies from 1 5/8 for osage to white wood bows 1 7/8-2 inches wide. this desighn has a narrow stiff handle that fades smoothly into the working limbs. the tiller should ahve the neer andle wood bending jsut enugh to take no visible set, the midlimbs bend enugh to take low to medium set and the last 4-5 inches are stiff. next is the "D" shaped flatbow, also known as a eastern woodlands bow. the limbs are also flat with rounded corners and sometimes slighly ovaled. it bends thruought the handle and is generally 1 1/4 to 1 1/2 inches wide. tilelr is similar to the flatbow with ahndle and neer ahndle wood barely bending most bend in midlimb and last 4 inches of the limbs are stiff.