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Matt Cutts on Nofollow, Links-Per-Page and the Value of Directories. Matt Cutts and I have a beautiful relationship - I relentlessly pester him and he gives me answers to questions that are pestering webmasters. It's a cross between symbiotic and vampirical (vampiristic?). Thankfully, Matt has once again let me suck away some of his precious time to address some big issues. After this, I think I'll let him have a rest and probably go after poor Tim (his website is so lonely). I've posted a list of six questions I asked Matt, 3 of which he answered (answers, or lack of answers, are in bold). This is followed by some discussion on these and other topics that warrant a mention, and may be serious news to many folks (they certainly were to me). Why was John Chow's website ( penalized in the Google search results? BTW - For the remaining unaswered questions, Matt responded: So, I guess I need to work on my question-posing abilities.

Here are the big takeaway points from my perspective: Yikes, looks like something went wrong. blog » Blog Archive » Content on Google somehere, somehow? Anti-Competitive Behaviour by Google | David tires of Goliath. SiteScan By EpikOne - A Google Analytics Help, Setup, and Configuration Tool. Webmaster Help Center - What's an SEO? Does Google recommend working with companies that offer to make my site Google-friendly? SEO는 '검색엔진 최적화(search engine optimization)' 또는 '검색엔진 최적화도구(Search Engine Optimizer)'의 약어입니다. 검색엔진 최적화 업체를 이용하는 것은 사이트를 개선하고 시간을 절감하는 데 도움이 될 수 있지만 때로는 사이트와 회사의 명성에 누가 될 위험도 있는 중대한 사안입니다. 검색엔진 최적화 업체를 이용할 때의 효과와 함께 책임감 없는 검색엔진 최적화 업체로 인해 사이트에 발생하게 되는 문제도 고려하여 신중하게 결정해야 합니다. 대부분의 검색엔진 최적화 업체와 기타 대행사 및 컨설턴트는 웹사이트 소유자에게 다음과 같은 유용한 서비스를 제공합니다.

사이트의 콘텐츠와 구조에 대한 검토 호스팅, 리디렉션, 오류 페이지, 자바스크립트의 사용 등 웹사이트 개발에 대한 기술적 조언 콘텐츠 개발 온라인 비즈니스 개발 캠페인 관리 키워드조사 SEO 교육 특정 시장과 지역에 대한 전문적인 지식 제공 Google 검색결과 페이지에는 무료 기본 검색결과와 함께 '광고' 또는 '스폰서'로 표시되는 유료 광고가 포함되는 경우가 많습니다. 검색엔진 최적화 업체를 알아보기 전에 검색엔진 작동 방식을 이해하고 필요한 지식을 갖추는 것이 중요합니다. 검색엔진 최적화 업체를 이용할 경우 초기 단계에서부터 시작하는 것이 유리합니다. 훌륭한 업체인지 파악하기 위해 검색엔진 최적화 업체에 다음과 같은 질문을 해보시기 바랍니다. 이전에 작업했던 예나 성공 사례를 보여주세요. 유용한 서비스를 제공하는 SEO 업체도 많지만, 일부 부도덕한 검색엔진 최적화 업체는 과도하게 경쟁적인 마케팅 전략으로 검색엔진 결과의 불공정한 조작을 시도함으로써 업계에 부정적인 영향을 끼치고 있습니다. 가장 많이 발생하는 사기는 허위 리디렉션을 사용하여 사용자를 특정 사이트로 안내하는 '쉐도우(Shadow)' 도메인 생성을 들 수 있습니다. 또 다른 불법 행위로, 키워드를 통해 로드되는 '도어웨이' 페이지를 고객의 사이트 어딘가에 배치하는 경우를 들 수 있습니다. Black hat and White hat SEO (or "Is SEO B.S. or not?") Someone asked me about my thoughts on SEO (search engine optimization) at an search engine event two years ago and I responded that I thought SEO was B.S.

Yesterday Danny asked me again about that statement and I tried to make it clear. It seems that folks are spinning the comments–again. Let me be *try* and be super clear here. I don’t hate SEO folks, and I don’t think it’s all B.S. –just most of it. My belief has always been that: a) if you do a great site and you take your time you will rise in the Google rankings b) I have faith in Google’s ability to sort the good from the bad c) all the SEO folks I’ve ever talked to–and I’ve talked to many over the past decade or so–have pitched me on expensive contracts that you can’t cancel for two years with them to do all kinds of shady things to move up in the rankings d) the best way to do SEO is make better content, more consistently The SEO industry has a reputation issue. So, when I say I think SEO is B.S. It’s just a fact. Is it fair? Plentyoffish - Marketing 101 When All Else Fails Just Lie - ShoeMoney™ The following is my opinion- Well… I can not believe so many people have bought into this whole plentyoffish scam.

Actually I can. Social engineering totally amazes me. Check out the list of people that have bought into this guys bullsh*t Andrew Johnson Robert Scoble I remember when this guy was posting he was making 30$ a day from AdSense on webmasterworld. Then he puts out some fake press releases with bullsh*t statistics like 5th largest dating site. Now he makes up some crap that he is making 10k/day from AdSense He hires people to blog about his bull crap and sends email to every blogger (including me) offering a “exclusive interview”.

I have to give it up to him. Its kind of funny he makes 10k a day yet is not a premium publisher ?! Full disclosure. Coding Horror: SEOs: the New Pornographers of the Web. Early adopter pilotfish: pornographers vs. SEOs. Pornographers are apocryphally given credit for leading tech early adoption. I wondered if this was actually true. We know about Beta vs. VHS and all that. But it turns out it goes all the way back to the daguerreotypes and early photography. Crazy: In 1841, William Fox Talbot patented the calotype process, the first negative-positive process, making possible multiple copies [of photographs]. This invention permitted an almost limitless number of prints to be produced from a glass negative. But in search and traffic I think it's not pornographers, but the SEO industry that deserves the credit.

On one hand, the relevance issues introduced by spam sort of define the entire environment that both search and social media exist within. Beyond that, however, SEO's often pay more detailed and critical attention to the web industry than most of the industry analysts, who simply eat press releases and comment on them. Some SEOs I follow: I find this stuff hilarious but also insightful. Tropical SEO » Andy Hagans’ Ultimate Guide to Linkbaiting and Social Media Marketing.